203 research outputs found

    Genetic and Pharmacological Modifications of Thrombin Formation in Apolipoprotein E-deficient Mice Determine Atherosclerosis Severity and Atherothrombosis Onset in a Neutrophil-Dependent Manner

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    Background: Variations in the blood coagulation activity, determined genetically or by medication, may alter atherosclerotic plaque progression, by influencing pleiotropic effects of coagulation proteases. Published experimental studies have yielded contradictory findings on the role of hypercoagulability in atherogenesis. We therefore sought to address this matter by extensively investigating the in vivo significance of genetic alterations and pharmacologic inhibition of thrombin formation for the onset and progression of atherosclerosis, and plaque phenotype determination. Methodology/principal findings: We generated transgenic atherosclerosis-prone mice with diminished coagulant or hypercoagulable phenotype and employed two distinct models of atherosclerosis. Gene-targeted 50% reduction in prothrombin (FII/WT:ApoE/)(FII^{−/WT}:ApoE^{−/−}) was remarkably effective in limiting disease compared to control ApoE/ApoE^{−/−} mice, associated with significant qualitative benefits, including diminished leukocyte infiltration, altered collagen and vascular smooth muscle cell content. Genetically-imposed hypercoagulability in TMPro/Pro:ApoE/TM^{Pro/Pro}:ApoE^{−/−} mice resulted in severe atherosclerosis, plaque vulnerability and spontaneous atherothrombosis. Hypercoagulability was associated with a pronounced neutrophilia, neutrophil hyper-reactivity, markedly increased oxidative stress, neutrophil intraplaque infiltration and apoptosis. Administration of either the synthetic specific thrombin inhibitor Dabigatran etexilate, or recombinant activated protein C (APC), counteracted the pro-inflammatory and pro-atherogenic phenotype of pro-thrombotic TMPro/Pro:ApoE/TM^{Pro/Pro}:ApoE^{−/−} mice. Conclusions/significance: We provide new evidence highlighting the importance of neutrophils in the coagulation-inflammation interplay during atherogenesis. Our findings reveal that thrombin-mediated proteolysis is an unexpectedly powerful determinant of atherosclerosis in multiple distinct settings. These studies suggest that selective anticoagulants employed to prevent thrombotic events may also be remarkably effective in clinically impeding the onset and progression of cardiovascular disease

    Structure-function of anticoagulant TIX-5, the inhibitor of factor Xa-mediated FV activation

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    Background The prothrombinase complex consists of factors Xa (FXa) and Va (FVa) on an anionic phospholipid surface and converts prothrombin into thrombin. Both coagulation factors require activation before complex assembly. We recently identified TIX-5, a unique anticoagulant tick protein that specifically inhibits FXa-mediated activation of FV. Because TIX-5 inhibited thrombin generation in blood plasma, it was concluded that FV activation by FXa contributes importantly to coagulation.Objective We aimed to unravel the structure-function relationships of TIX-5.Method We used a structure model generated based on homology with the allergen Der F7.Results Tick inhibitor of factor Xa toward FV was predicted to consist of a single rod formed by several beta sheets wrapped around a central C-terminal alpha helix. By mutagenesis we could show that two hydrophobic loops at one end of the rod mediate the phospholipid binding of TIX-5. On the other end of the rod an FV interaction region was identified on one side, whereas on the other side an EGK sequence was identified that could potentially form a pseudosubstrate of FXa. All three interaction sites were important for the anticoagulant properties of TIX-5 in a tissue factor-initiated thrombin generation assay as well as in the inhibition of FV activation by FXa in a purified system.Conclusion The structure-function properties of TIX-5 are in perfect agreement with a protein that inhibits the FXa-mediated activation on a phospholipid surface. The present elucidation of the mechanism of action of TIX-5 will aid in deciphering the processes involved in the initiation phase of blood coagulation.Thrombosis and Hemostasi

    Chemokines and galectins form heterodimers to modulate inflammation

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    Chemokines and galectins are simultaneously upregulated and mediate leukocyte recruitment during inflammation. Until now, these effector molecules have been considered to function independently. Here, we tested the hypothesis that they form molecular hybrids. By systematically screening chemokines for their ability to bind galectin‐1 and galectin‐3, we identified several interacting pairs, such as CXCL12 and galectin‐3. Based on NMR and MD studies of the CXCL12/galectin‐3 heterodimer, we identified contact sites between CXCL12 β‐strand 1 and Gal‐3 F‐face residues. Mutagenesis of galectin‐3 residues involved in heterodimer formation resulted in reduced binding to CXCL12, enabling testing of functional activity comparatively. Galectin‐3, but not its mutants, inhibited CXCL12‐induced chemotaxis of leukocytes and their recruitment into the mouse peritoneum. Moreover, galectin‐3 attenuated CXCL12‐stimulated signaling via its receptor CXCR4 in a ternary complex with the chemokine and receptor, consistent with our structural model. This first report of heterodimerization between chemokines and galectins reveals a new type of interaction between inflammatory mediators that can underlie a novel immunoregulatory mechanism in inflammation. Thus, further exploration of the chemokine/galectin interactome is warranted

    Childhood predictors of adolescent behaviour: The prospective association of familial factors with meeting physical activity guidelines

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    Little is known about the longitudinal association of familial socio-demographic factors, behaviours, attitudes, or home environment with meeting physical activity guidelines. Our objective was to a) describe 4-year change in the prevalence of meeting guidelines, and characteristics of participants across categories of physical activity maintenance, and b) identify familial factors in childhood that are longitudinally associated with meeting guidelines in adolescence. Data on 17 parent- and child-reported family variables and objectively measured physical activity (ActiGraph GT1M) were available from 406 children (10.3 ± 0.3 years, 53.5% female) participating in the SPEEDY study. Average duration of week- and weekend day moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA, ≥ 2000 cpm) at baseline and follow-up (14.3 ± 0.3 years) were calculated to determine whether participants met 60 min MVPA/day guidelines at each assessment. Descriptives were calculated across four MVPA change categories. Multi-level logistic regression examined the association of baseline familial factors with meeting guidelines at follow-up, adjusting for sex, baseline physical activity, family socio-economic position, and school clustering. At follow-up, 51.5% and 36.1% of adolescents met guidelines on weekdays and weekend days, respectively (baseline: 68.0%, 67.2%). Girls were less likely than boys to remain sufficiently active, particularly on weekdays. Family social support was positively associated with adolescents meeting guidelines at weekends (OR 1.2; 95% CI 1.0-1.4). The presence of play equipment at home was negatively associated with meeting guidelines on weekdays (OR 0.5; 95% CI 0.3-0.8). Interventions that foster parent's facilitation of physical activity may help to encourage the upkeep of healthy behaviours during the transition from childhood to adolescence.The SPEEDY study is funded by the National Prevention Research Initiative (G0501294) (http://www.npri.org.uk), consisting of the following Funding Partners: British Heart Foundation; Cancer Research UK; Department of Health; Diabetes UK; Economic and Social Research Council; Medical Research Council; Health and Social Care Research and Development Office for the Northern Ireland; Chief Scientist Office, Scottish Government Health Directorates; Welsh Assembly Government and World Cancer Research Fund. The work was also undertaken under the auspices of the Centre for Diet and Activity Research (CEDAR), a UKCRC Public Health Research Centre of Excellence which is funded by the British Heart Foundation, Cancer Research UK, Economic and Social Research Council, Medical Research Council, the National Institute for Health Research, and the Wellcome Trust. Kirsten Corder reports receiving the following grants: Lead Applicant - A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the GoActive programme to increase physical activity among 13–14 year-old adolescents. Project: 13/90/18 National Institute for Health Research Public Health Research Programme Sept 2015 – Feb 2019. Co-Applicant - Opportunities within the school environment to shift the distribution of activity intensity in adolescents. Department of Health Policy Research Programme. Dec 2013 – Nov 2016. Kirsten Corder is a Director of Ridgepoint Consulting Limited, an operational improvement consultancy

    Cooperative Regulation of the Activity of Factor Xa within Prothrombinase by Discrete Amino Acid Regions from Factor Va Heavy Chain†

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    ABSTRACT: The prothrombinase complex catalyzes the activation of prothrombin to R-thrombin. We have repetitively shown that amino acid region 695DYDY698 from the COOH terminus of the heavy chain of factor Va regulates the rate of cleavage of prothrombin at Arg271 by prothrombinase. We have also recently demonstrated that amino acid region 334DY335 is required for the optimal activity of prothrombinase. To assess the effect of these six amino acid residues on cofactor activity, we created recombinant factor Va molecules combining mutations at amino acid regions 334–335 an