16 research outputs found

    Lockbrick Modular Beton untuk Alternatif Bahan Dinding yang Memenuhi Mutu Sni dengan Biaya Murah

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    Lockbrick modular merupakan hasil desain prapabrikasi komponen bangunan gedung.Lockbrick modular merupakan bahan dinding, yang pelaksanaannya tidakmembutuhkan spesi pengikat, melainkan cukup disusun dan dirangkai, masing-masingsaling mengunci oleh karena sisi sambungan berbentuk sambungan jantan betina. Lockbrick modular dapat untuk berbagai tinggi dan lebar dinding sesuai kelipatan dimensi modul 15 cm. Bagian dalam dinding Lockbrick modular ada lubang 7 cm x 7 cm menerus dari atas ke bawah berfungsi mengurangi bobot, penghambat panas, untuk perkuatan dinding, tempat pipa air bersih, dan kabel listrik. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui kuat tekan, daya serap air lockbrick modular yang memenuhi syarat mutu SNI, dan biaya per-m2 dinding yang menggunakan lockbrick. Metode penelitianeksperimen dengan uji kuat tekan, daya serap air dan menghitung biaya dinding menggunakan acuan Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Bahan dan Upah Pekerjaan Konstruksi Propinsi Jawa Tengah Untuk Kota Surakarta. Prosentase campuran adalah 1 pc : 4 agregat, yang terdiri dari pasir : ladu : kerikil dengan berbagai variasi komposisi. Masingmasing komposisi dicetak 3 lockbrick modular. Hasil peneli-tian adalah produk lockbrick modular memenuhi syarat mutu kuat tekan dan daya serap air SNI bata beton berlubang mutu II, III dan IV. Produk lockbrick modular dengan kuat tekan optimal 6.84 MPa,daya serap air 19.55% memenuhi syarat mutu II. Biaya dinding lockbrick modular per-m2, 24% lebih murah dari biaya dinding batak


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    Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui : 1) Peningkatan prestasibelajar siswa dalam mata pelajaran CAD 2D dengan penerapan model sinektik di kelasXI Teknik Gambar Bangunan (TGB) SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta. 2) Efektivitas penerapanmodel sinektik dalam meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran CAD 2D di kelas XI TGB SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas XITGB SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011 menggunakan model sinektik padamata pelajaran CAD 2D dengan kompetensi dasar menggambar menggunakan perangkatlunak, dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) Penerapan model sinektik dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar (nilai kompetensi) siswakelas XI TGB SMK Negeri 2 Surakarta tahun ajaran 2010/2011 pada mata pelajaranCAD 2D. 2) Kualitas proses pembelajaran mengalami perbaikan yaitu meningkatnyakreatifitas siswa selama kegiatan belajar berlangsung dengan diterapkannya modelsinektik, dibandingkan dengan keadaan pembelajaran sebelum diterapkannya tindakankelas.Kata Kunci : Model Sinektik, Prestasi Belajar


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    ABSTRACTThe goal of this research to discover: the effect of using mixed waste ash combustion to partially replace fine agregate against specific gravity, compressive strength, and modular lockbrick water absorption, discover the optimal percentage of mixed waste ash combustionutilized on partial replacement of fine agregate against specific gravity, compressive strength, and modular lockbrick water absorption. Any variable work on this research is a dependent variable: specific gravity, compressive strength, and modular lockbrick water absorption, independent variable: variation of mixed waste ash combustion added with the percentage of 0%, 15%, 20% and 25% from total weight of sand. The result of this research can be concluded as: the variation of mixed waste ash combustion as partial substitute for fine agregate affect heavily in a negative way against specific gravity and compressive strength of modular lockbrick wherein decreasing the values.At the same time, the value of moduler lockbrick water absorption effect heavily in a positive way wherein causing the values to increase. The optimal values of specific gravity, compressive strength and water absorption occurs in the variation of 15% because it belongs to small amount of specific gravity and modular lockbrick type III without ignoring the values of compressive strenght and water absorption.Keyword: lockbrick modular, mixed waste ash combustion, specific gravity, compressivestrength, water absorption


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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is ( 1 ) Designing Purwantoro Bus Station with Green Architecture concept. ( 2 ) Planing circulation passengers and bus so, comfortable and smooth so there is no mixing buses and passenger flows. ( 3 ) Designing the site so that all activities and passenger vehicles can run well for the present and future with green architecture concept. ( 4 ) Achieve the bus station environment refers to the Green Architecture .The study used a qualitative research. Primary data obtained from the observation of the research object. Secondary data is from records or documents obtained from Department of Transportation. Further data processing and analysis followed axisting condition bus station. Having completed the analysis existing then do analysis design concepts. The final step is designing new bus station.The results of this study indicate that: ( 1 ) Design of Purwantoro Bus Station using Green Architecture concept: (a ) Using solar cell roof were 112 pieces sollar cell to produce electricity for building manager 67000 watts used every day suplay of electric lighting Purwantoro Bus Station. ( b ) Use  green roof on a building rooftop lounge area adds green space in the bus station. ( 2 ) The design and arrangement of the passenger and bus circulation in Purwantoro bus station is made easy, safe and convenient. ( 3 ) Site Purwantoro Bus Station designed to accommodate all activities according to the standard passenger vehicle and type of bus station by adding some space. ( 4 ) Design layout bus station using a mixture of patterns facilitate is to grouping of each function and the type of space and maximize green space in the bus station .Keyword: redesign, green architecture, green roof, solar cell


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: (1) apa saja jenis limbah konstruksi yang dihasilkan proyek-proyek pembangunan gedung di Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta (UNS), (2) apa saja penyebab munculnya limbah-limbah konstruksi pada proyek-proyek pembangunan gedung di UNS, (3) apa saja dampak limbah konstruksi pada proyek-proyek pembangunan gedung di UNS, (4) apa saja upaya pengelolaan limbah yang dilakukan pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam proyek pembangunan gedung di UNS untuk mewujudkan green construction dan (5) seberapa efektif waste management yang dilakukan untuk mewujudkan green construction. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian pada proyek pembangunan Tempat Ibadah UNS Kentingan, gedung PTK UNS Pabelan, gedung Pascasarjana dan gedung Pusdiklat antara lain: (1) Jenis limbah konstruksi yang ditemukan pada keempat proyek sebagian besar di dominasi limbah padat. Sedangkan limbah cair dan gas relatif sedikit atau hampir tidak ada. (2) Penyebab munculnya limbah konstruksi pada keempat proyek diantaranya berasal dari perencanaan, pengadaan, penanganan, pelaksanaan dan residual. Residual menjadi penyebab yang paling banyak menghasilkan limbah konstruksi karena munculnya sisa-sisa penggunaan material konstruksi sulit untuk dihindari. (3) Dampak limbah konstruksi pada keempat proyek diantaranya mengotori lingkungan proyek, menyebabkan kebisingan, mencemari tanah, menurunkan kualitas air tanah serta mengganggu kesehatan manusia. (4) Upaya pengelolaan limbah konstruksi yang dilakukan keempat kontraktor proyek tersebut adalah menjual limbah konstruksi, menggunakan untuk urugan, memberikan kepada warga sekitar atau tukang dan mengalirkan limbah cair tidak beracun (non-B3) berupa genangan air semen ke drainase sekitar  proyek. Sedangkan  konsultan manajemen  konstruksi dan  konsultan  perencana  mengatakan bahwa yang lebih banyak berperan dalam upaya pengelolaan limbah adalah kontraktor. (5) Penilaian Waste Management Performance Evaluation Tool (WMPET) menunjukkan bahwa manajemen limbah konstruksi keempat proyek tersebut tidak efektif untuk mengurangi limbah konstruksi maupun meningkatkan kegiatan daur ulang  limbah  konstruksi.  Nilai  keefektifan  yang  didapat  sebesar  442,8  dari  1000  atau  44,28%.  Waste management yang dilakukan oleh pihak-pihak yang menangani proyek pembangunan gedung di UNS, terutama kontraktor, belum memenuhi kriteria green construction.Kata Kunci: waste management, limbah konstruksi, Sebelas Maret, green construction


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    mos of haouses in indonesia are conventionally contrusted, so that takes a along lime and expensive but have not the strength of earthquake resistant. as an alternative to overcome this, we have performed design of pre-fabrication of sloof segment, columns, beams, lockbrick modular haouses growth earthquake resistant, resulting in 3 components ( sloof beams, columns, lockbrick), consists of 12 types. this component can be used to build houses grew gradually until types 27 type contrustion time and the price is cheaper than conventional means. research approach begins with the framework approach of the program, then the method describe implementation mechanism of the machine, the production process, procees with step work machine, and prbter engine design that will be cretaed. activiy yeild (1) printing machinery segment sloof, modular bloc (2) modular block sloof product segment (3) test compressive and flexural test product can not be done due to time constranits


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    The purpose of the study was (1)Planning and designing Jungke Market becomes attractive, tradisional markets and reflects the local wisdom. (2)Planning and designing a notice Jungke Markets smooth circulation of people and goods. (3)Planning and design of traditional markets stall attention in structuring, arrangement an structuring los supporting facilities, creating traditional market regularly and properly classifiable. The Study used a type of qualitative research. The research strategy used is description analysis. Data collected in this study is primary data obtained from the observation of the research object Jungke Market of Karanganyar which is one of the largest traditional market in the district of Karanganyar. Secondary data files or documents obtained from the Market Service of Karanganyar and Business Jungke. Tech data collection used was purposive sampling. The results of this study show that: (1)Market Desaign Jungke interesting and reflects local wisdom reflected: (a)The roof canopy which adopts the verandah roof Astana Giri Bangun Matesih. (b)The form of terraces which reflect colonial architecture adopting the form of the main building Tasikmadu Karanganyar Sugar Factory. (c)Form los reflects trading in the spot market atmosphere of traditional wisdom. (2)Design circulation Jungke Market with clear directions grid pattern support, effectiveness and ease of access space between the part of spece. (3)Design and los market stall grouping Jungke using a grid pattern makes the grouping of each function, type and character of any merchandise and types trading. (4)Design utility that prioritizes health and hygiene market reflected: (a)The drainage system using closed lines more visible neat and cleane. (b)Circulation network utility to use as the vertical circulation shaft will make easier to repair. (c)Waste management system with the use of waste as vertical circulation shaft will facilitate the distribution of garbage. (d)In addition, the separation between the organic and inorganic waste will be easier to recycle


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    Research to determine: 1) Design the shape and dimensions of the component structures and wall components, 2) the connection form design of each component prapabrikasi; 3) Design and alternative forms of building houses that use results prapabrikasi component design, 4) How to use the results of implementation of housing construction prapabrikasi components. Forms and strategies used in the design are reviewing various existing resources related to building components prapabrikasi home grown and then made a sort of simulation (the drawing), and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the design is to get an optimal segment size and shape . The type of data used is, the concept of home grown manufacturing building components, data on innovation prapabrikasi kompoen existing homes, data on the use of building materials prapabrikasi home. Source data obtained from books and supporting literature, direct observation of the realization prapabrikasi home. Based on the design can be concluded: 1) The design of components prapabrikasi namely a) Two-dimensional structure of the type of column length of 30 cm, 30 cm thick and 15 cm high which can be for a variety of high-field, b) the two types of practical column dimensions of length 15 cm, thickness 15 cm and a height of 15 cm, c) three types of beams Sloof (1) length 30 cm, 15 cm thick and 15 cm high (2) length 15 cm, height 15 cm thick 15 cm (3) length of 7.5 cm thick, 12 cm high and 15 cm as locbrick filler that can be used long range beam, c) three-dimensional lockbrick type (1) length 30 cm, 12 cm thick and 15 cm high, (2) a length of 15 cm, 15 cm thick , height 15 cm, (3) length of 7.5 cm, 12 cm thick and 15 cm high as locbrick charger, the components can be used a variety of width and height of the room. 2) The connection between type segment and the other segment types using system male female for easy installation of components so that the segment is made more powerful and binding. 3) alternative design layout, look, cut using a growing residential segment beams, columns, and lockbrick modular, 4) mode of implementation of development sloof beams, ring beams, beam horses lockbrick column and use the assembly in accordance \ud with the scheme of arrangement by the work order and arrange each component and part of it was given a series of reinforcing and strengthening the concrete to strengthen the structure

    Peningkatan Kwalitas Lingkungan Pada Pemukiman Padat Di Tengah Kota studi kasus Pemukiman Di Belakang Jalan Braga Bandung

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