111 research outputs found

    Relationship Between the Feeling of Self-Efficacy and Students' Perceived University Work

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    This study verified whether there is a relationship between the feeling of self-efficacy and perceived academic work on the one hand, and between the feeling of self-efficacy and gender and age on the other hand among students at the University of Lomé in Togo. To achieve this objective, a questionnaire of socio-demographic information and Schwarzer's (1993) Self-Efficacy Scale were submitted to 527 willing and consenting students. The data collected were subjected to statistical processing using SPSS 21 software. The results show that students' feeling of self-efficacy is related to their age and perceived academic work. Despite an average score for girls on the SPSS slightly higher than for boys, the feeling of self-efficacy did not vary significantly by gender

    La Satisfaction Dans Les Études : Validation De L’échelle De Vallerand Et Bissonnette (1990) Et Son Impact Sur Le Travail Scolaire Perçu Des Lycéens

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    This study not only attempts to validate a cross-cultural measure of satisfaction in Canadian-inspired high school studies among Togolese students, but also to ascertain the effects of academic satisfaction on their perception of their school work. To achieve this double objective, 644 high school students have agreed to participate in the survey and to appreciate their school work. The results relating to the psychometric properties of the scale support those obtained by the authors during its construction. In addition, school satisfaction has been foundational in the psychogenetic understanding of school work

    A single LC tank based active voltage balancing circuit for battery management system

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    Nowadays, battery operated vehicles and machine power tools are becoming popular due to their simple and compact structure, low operating and maintenance costs, moreover renewable energy utilization facility etc. In order to obtain the necessary operating voltage and current of these devices, many electric cells are combined together in series and parallel combination. A series battery balancing circuit can be used to improve the efficiency of each cell charging and discharging process and consequently increase the lifespan of it. A battery management system (BMS) needs an efficient balancing circuit. This paper presents a high-speed single LC-tank DC to DC converter based electric cell balancing schemes. Since the supercapacitors are equivalent of rechargeable battery; in this research two supercapacitors have been used instead of rechargeable batteries. The voltage balance has been maintained by charging and discharging the supercapacitors through a single LC-tank circuit. As a result, the overall voltage balancing time has been reduced and improved the circuit performance. Experimental result shows that the proposed balancing circuit can reduce the voltage difference between the two supercapacitors from 350 mV to 0 V in 284 seconds, which is less time than the existing system. Satu pengubah resonan sesiri telah direka bagi mengimbangi aras voltan pada kenderaan beroperasikan bateri dan pada mesin jana kuasa yang menjadi semakin popular.Ini kerana strukturnya yang mudah dan kompak, kos operasi dan penyelenggaraan yang rendah, termasuk kemudahan penggunaan tenaga kitar semula dan sebagainya. Bagi mendapatkan voltan dan arus operasi yang sesuai, banyak sel elektrik telah digabungkan bersama dalam gabungan sesiri dan selari. Litar pengimbang bateri sesiri boleh digunakan bagi meningkatkan kecekapan setiap proses pengecasan dan penyahcas sel dan sekaligus meningkatkan jangka hayat sel. Sistem pengurusan bateri (BMS) memerlukan litar pengimbang yang cekap. Kertas ini membentangkan tentang satu pengubah DC-DC tangki-LC berkelajuan tinggi berdasarkan skim pengimbang sel elektrik. Oleh kerana supercapacitors bertindak seperti bateri boleh cas semula; penyelidikan ini telah mengguna pakai dua super-kapasitor dan bukan bateri boleh cas semula. Baki voltan telah dikekalkan dengan mengecas dan menyahcas super-kapasitor menggunakan satu litar tangki-LC. Dengan ini, masa pengimbang keseluruhan voltan dapat dikurangkan dan kecekapan litar dapat ditingkatkan. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan litar pengimbang yang dicadangkan dapat mengurangkan perbezaan voltan antara dua super-kapasitor dari 350 mV kepada 0 V dalam tempoh 284 saat, kurang daripada masa sistem sedia ada

    Ein Yaakov. Part two

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    Active voltage balancing circuit using single switched-capacitor and series LC resonant energy carrier

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    Single switched-capacitor and series LC resonant converter-based active voltage balancing circuit are presented in this Letter. This converter is proposed to balance the cell voltage in series-connected electrochemical energy storage devices namely battery or supercapacitor. This balancing circuit directly transfers the energy from higher capacitive energy storage cells to lower energy storage cells in the string. It realises the maximum energy recovery and zero voltage gap between the cells and overcomes the drawback of switching loss, conduction loss, balancing time duration, and the voltage difference between the cells of conventional switched-capacitor as well as single LC converter. The details of the balancing circuit operation, theoretical, and mathematical analysis are presented. The experimental result demonstrated that the balancing circuit result where the voltage difference is 451–0 mV in 124 min for two 12 V, 4.5 Ah lead-acid batteries


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    La littérature scientifique togolaise souffre d’absence d’études relatives à l’interaction entre l’estime de soi et la procrastination scolaire. C’est pour combler cette lacune que, pour une première, ce travail est conduit avec comme objectif de montrer que l’estime de soi prédit la procrastination scolaire. Pour atteindre cet objectif, une enquête auprès de 248 lycées (M = 17 ans ; Ecart-type = 1,6) à Lomé à l’aide de l’échelle d’estime de soi de Rosenberg (1965) et de la procrastination scolaire d’Osiurak et al. (2015). Les données collectées ont été soumises à des analyses de régression linéaire. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’estime de soi est négativement associée à la procrastination scolaire (β (228 ; 1) = - 0,28 ; p < 0,000). Ce résultat a été discuté en référence aux travaux antérieurs et une suggestion a été faite pour une éventuelle étude future.Togolese scientific literature suffers from a lack of studies relating to the interaction between self-esteem and school procrastination. It is to fill this gap that, for the first time, this work is carried out with the aim of showing that self-esteem predicts school procrastination. To achieve this objective, a survey of 248 high schools (M = 17 years; Standard deviation = 1.6) in Lomé using self-esteem scale of Rosenberg (1965) and school procrastination of Osiurak et al. (2015). The data collected were subjected to linear regression analyzes. The results obtained show that self-esteem is negatively associated with school procrastination (β (228; 1) = - 0.28; p <0.000). This result was discussed with reference to previous work and a suggestion was made for a possible future study.  Article visualizations