1,293 research outputs found

    Fracture-décollement de l’épiphyse médiale de la clavicule: à propos de 6 cas et revue de la littérature

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    Le but de ce travail est de décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et les différentes entités anatomo-cliniques de la fracture-séparation del’épiphyse claviculaire médiale mais également de rapporter les résultats morphologiques et fonctionnelsde de la réduction sanglante suivie del’ostéo-suture au fil non résorbable. Cinq garçons et 1 fille âgés en moyenne de 14 ans ont présenté un traumatisme fermé et isolé de la ceinturescapulaire. L’examen clinique et l’imagerie médicale surtout la TDM ont permis de poser le diagnostic de décollement épiphysaire, de classer ledegré d’ossification de l’épiphyse claviculaire médiale en précisant le sens du déplacement, ainsi que la nature du décollement selon Salter-Harris.Une réduction sanglante suivie d’une ostéo-suture au fil non résorbable décimale n°1 a été réalisées chez 3 patients. Un patient a bénéficié d’unembrochage croisé. Les deux plus jeunes ont été traités orthopédiquement. Le déplacement du moignon claviculaire était antérieur chez 3 patientset rétro-sternal chez les 3 autres. Les formes postérieures ont été compliquées d’une odynophagie (n=2) et d’une compression asymptomatique dela veine sous Clavière (n=1). L’une des formes postérieuresétait associée a une fracture ipsilatérale du 1 / 3 médial de la clavicule. La consolidationa été obtenue chez tous les malades avec une mobilité de l’épaule conservée. La fracture-décollement de l’extrémité médiale de la clavicule mimeau plan clinico-radiologique la luxation sterno-claviculaire. Elle peut être grave en raison du risque de compression viscérale et vasculaire dans saforme postérieure. La tomodensitométrie reste irremplaçable pour un diagnostic précis. Notre préférence va à la réduction sanglante suivie d’uneostéo-suture au fil non métallique. This study aims to describe the epidemiological characteristics and the different anatomo-clinical entities of the fracture-separation of the medialclavicular epiphysis but also to relate the morphological and functional results of bloody reduction followed by osteosuture using non absorbablethread. Five boys and one girl (mean age 14 years) showed a closed and isolated shoulder girdle trauma. Clinical examination and medicalimaging, especially CT scan, allowed the diagnosis of epiphyseal separation and to classify the degree of medial clavicular epiphysiseal ossificationindicating the direction of displacement as well as the nature of displacement according to the Salter-Harris classification. Bloody reductionfollowed by osteosuture using non absorbable thread (No. 1 decimal) was performed in 3 patients. One patient underwent cross-pinning the twoyounger patients were treated orthopedically. The displacement of the clavicle stump was anterior in 3 patients and retro-sternal in 3 patients.Posterior forms were complicated by odynophagia (n = 2) and asymptomatic compression of the subclavian vein (n = 1). One of the posteriorforms was associated with an ipsilateral fracture of the medial one third of the clavicle. Consolidation was achieved in all patients with preservationof shoulder mobility. The fracture-separation of the medial end of the clavicle mimes clinically and radiologically the sternoclavicular dislocation. Itcan be serious because of the risk of visceral and vascular compression in its posterior form. Tomdensitometry is irreplaceable for an accuratediagnosis. Our preference is for bloody reduction followed by osteosuture using non metallic thread

    Simulating Hydrodynamics in Cosmology with CRK-HACC

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    We introduce CRK-HACC, an extension of the Hardware/Hybrid Accelerated Cosmology Code (HACC), to resolve gas hydrodynamics in large-scale structure formation simulations of the universe. The new framework couples the HACC gravitational N-body solver with a modern smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) approach called CRKSPH. C\underline{\text{C}}onservative R\underline{\text{R}}eproducing K\underline{\text{K}}ernel SPH\underline{\text{SPH}} utilizes smoothing functions that exactly interpolate linear fields while manifestly preserving conservation laws (momentum, mass, and energy). The CRKSPH method has been incorporated to accurately model baryonic effects in cosmology simulations - an important addition targeting the generation of precise synthetic sky predictions for upcoming observational surveys. CRK-HACC inherits the codesign strategies of the HACC solver and is built to run on modern GPU-accelerated supercomputers. In this work, we summarize the primary solver components and present a number of standard validation tests to demonstrate code accuracy, including idealized hydrodynamic and cosmological setups, as well as self-similarity measurements

    Tri-μ-oxido-bis­[(5,10,15,20-tetra­phenyl­porphyrinato-κ4 N)niobium(V)]

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    In the title dinuclear NbV compound, [Nb2(C44H28N4)2O3], each Nb atom is seven-coordinated with three bridging O atoms and four N atoms from a chelating tetra­phenyl­porphyrinate anion. The Nb—O bond lengths range from 1.757 (6) to 2.331 (6) Å, and the average (niobium–pyrrole N atom) distance is 2.239 Å. In the dinuclear mol­ecule, the Nb⋯Nb separation is 2.8200 (8) Å, and the dihedral angle between the two porphyrinate mean planes is 5.4 (1)°. Weak inter­molecular C—H⋯π inter­actions are present in the crystal structure

    Chlorido{5,10,15,20-tetra­kis­[2-(2,2-dimethyl­propanamido)­phen­yl]porphyrinato-κ4 N,N′,N′′,N′′′}iron(III) chloro­benzene hemisolvate monohydrate

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    In the title complex, [Fe(C64H64N8O4)Cl]·0.5C6H5Cl·H2O, the equatorial iron–pyrrole N atom distance (Fe—Np) is 2.065 (2) Å and the axial Fe—Cl distance is 2.207 (2) Å. The iron cation is displaced by 0.420 (4) Å from the 24-atom mean plane of the porphyrin core. The asymmetric unit contains a quarter of an [FeIII(C64H64N8O4)Cl] complex mol­ecule, with a fourfold rotation axis passing through the central metal cation and the Cl ligand, along with disordered mol­ecules of chloro­benzene and water of solvation; the solvent mol­ecules were excluded from the refinement

    Application of the Maximum entropy on the mean method to the hyperfixation point sources reconstruction in Positon Emission Tomography

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    This work deals with the reconstruction of Positron Emission Tomographic (PET) three-dimensional (3D) images for the detection of small tumors and metastases in oncology. In PET, tumors appear as areas of hyperfixation of the injected tracer compared to regions with normal uptake. We model the 3D distribution of activity by a mixture of laws, which describes the fact that each point in the 3D volume contains either a normal or a high activity concentration. We solve this model using a Maximum Entropy on the Mean (MEM) approach. MEM allows us to introduce prior information using mixtures of laws appropriate to our problem. In addition, it yields a unique solution using an optimization algorithm for which the complexity is independent of the prior law. Results obtained with our approach are compared with those obtained using two methods that are conventionally used for 3D PET reconstruction. Using simulated data, results obtained with the MEM approach are significantly better than those obtained using the two other methods, when considering an evaluation criterion which characterizes the quality of reconstructed images in terms of lesion detectability. The feasibility of the method is also illustrated on clinical data.Ce travail concerne les techniques de reconstruction d'images tridimensionnelles pour la détection de petits foyers tumoraux et de métastases, à partir de données acquises en Tomographie d'Emission de Positons (TEP). En TEP, la présence d'un foyer tumoral se traduit par une hyperfixation du traceur injecté, localisée au niveau de la tumeur. Ceci nous conduit à modéliser la distribution volumique du radiotraceur à l'aide d'un mélange de lois, qui traduit le fait que chaque point de l'objet a une activité soit normale, soit surélevée. Nous proposons de résoudre ce problème par une méthode de Maximum d'Entropie sur la Moyenne. Cette approche permet d'introduire de l'information a priori sous forme d'un mélange de lois et conduit à une solution unique, au moyen d'un algorithme d'optimisation simple à mettre en oeuvre, quelque soit la loi a priori utilisée. Les résultats obtenus avec l'approche proposée sont comparés à ceux fournis par deux méthodes de référence en milieu hospitalier. Sur données simulées, les résultats obtenus avec MEM sont significativement meilleurs que ceux obtenus par les autres méthodes, au sens d'un critère d'évaluation développé afin de quantifier la qualité des images en terme de détectabilité d'hyperfixations. La faisabilité clinique de la méthode est également illustrée

    (5,10,15,20-Tetra­phenyl­porphyrinato-κ4 N)cobalt(II)–18-crown-6 (1/1)

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    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [Co(C44H28N4)]·C12H24O6, contains one half of a CoII(TPP) (TPP is tetra­phenyl­porphyrin) complex and one half of an 18-crown-6 mol­ecule of crystallization, both lying on inversion centers. The CoII(TPP) complex exhibits a nearly planar conformation of the porphyrinate core [maximum deviation = 0.069 (2) Å] with an average Co—N distance of 1.971 (4) Å. The distance between the Co atom and the closest O atom of the 18-crown-6 mol­ecule is 2.533 (2) Å, indicating a short non-bonded contact between the Co atom and the crown ether mol­ecule. An ethyl­ene group of the 18-crown-6 mol­ecule is disordered over two sites with occupancies of 0.565 (7) and 0.435 (7)

    The QSL platform at LORIA

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    Colloque sans acte à diffusion restreinte. internationale.International audienceThe QSL project aims at the development of concepts, methods, techniques, and tools to increase the reliability and the quality of software intensive systems. Within this project, we are anticipating a platform of tools for validation and verification that ensures their availability, includes documentation and case studies, and eventually intends to foster the cooperation of different teams using different tools on common development projects

    High spatially sensitive quantitative phase imaging assisted with deep neural network for classification of human spermatozoa under stressed condition

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    Sperm cell motility and morphology observed under the bright field microscopy are the only criteria for selecting a particular sperm cell during Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) procedure of Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART). Several factors such as oxidative stress, cryopreservation, heat, smoking and alcohol consumption, are negatively associated with the quality of sperm cell and fertilization potential due to the changing of subcellular structures and functions which are overlooked. However, bright field imaging contrast is insufficient to distinguish tiniest morphological cell features that might influence the fertilizing ability of sperm cell. We developed a partially spatially coherent digital holographic microscope (PSC-DHM) for quantitative phase imaging (QPI) in order to distinguish normal sperm cells from sperm cells under different stress conditions such as cryopreservation, exposure to hydrogen peroxide and ethanol. Phase maps of total 10,163 sperm cells (2,400 control cells, 2,750 spermatozoa after cryopreservation, 2,515 and 2,498 cells under hydrogen peroxide and ethanol respectively) are reconstructed using the data acquired from the PSC-DHM system. Total of seven feedforward deep neural networks (DNN) are employed for the classification of the phase maps for normal and stress affected sperm cells. When validated against the test dataset, the DNN provided an average sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of 85.5%, 94.7% and 85.6%, respectively. The current QPI + DNN framework is applicable for further improving ICSI procedure and the diagnostic efficiency for the classification of semen quality in regard to their fertilization potential and other biomedical applications in general