11 research outputs found

    The Contact Allergen NiSO4 Triggers a Distinct Molecular Response in Primary Human Dendritic Cells Compared to Bacterial LPS

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    Dendritic cells (DC) play a central role in the pathogenesis of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), the most prevalent form of immunotoxicity in humans. However, knowledge on allergy-induced DC maturation is still limited and proteomic studies, allowing to unravel molecular effects of allergens, remain scarce. Therefore, we conducted a global proteomic analysis of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MoDC) treated with NiSO4, the most prominent cause of ACD and compared proteomic alterations induced by NiSO4 to the bacterial trigger lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Both substances possess a similar toll-like receptor (TLR) 4 binding capacity, allowing to identify allergy-specific effects compared to bacterial activation. MoDCs treated for 24 h with 2.5 mu g/ml LPS displayed a robust immunological response, characterized by upregulation of DC activation markers, secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and stimulation of T cell proliferation. Similar immunological reactions were observed after treatment with 400 mu M NiSO4 but less pronounced. Both substances triggered TLR4 and triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells (TREM) 1 signaling. However, NiSO4 also activated hypoxic and apoptotic pathways, which might have overshadowed initial signaling. Moreover, our proteomic data support the importance of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) as a key player in sensitization since many Nrf2 targets genes were strongly upregulated on protein and gene level selectively after treatment with NiSO4. Strikingly, NiSO4 stimulation induced cellular cholesterol depletion which was counteracted by the induction of genes and proteins relevant for cholesterol biosynthesis. Our proteomic study allowed for the first time to better characterize some of the fundamental differences between NiSO4 and LPS-triggered activation of MoDCs, providing an essential contribution to the molecular understanding of contact allergy

    Program FFlexCom — High frequency flexible bendable electronics for wireless communication systems

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    Today, electronics are implemented on rigid substrates. However, many objects in daily-life are not rigid — they are bendable, stretchable and even foldable. Examples are paper, tapes, our body, our skin and textiles. Until today there is a big gap between electronics and bendable daily-life items. Concerning this matter, the DFG Priority Program FFlexCom aims at paving the way for a novel research area: Wireless communication systems fully integrated on an ultra-thin, bendable and flexible piece of plastic or paper. The Program encompasses 13 projects led by 25 professors. By flexibility we refer to mechanical flexibility, which can come in flavors of bendability, foldability and, stretchability. In the last years the speed of flexible devices has massively been improved. However, to enable functional flexible systems and operation frequencies up to the sub-GHz range, the speed of flexible devices must still be increased by several orders of magnitude requiring novel system and circuit architectures, component concepts, technologies and materials

    Exploring the Use of Solution Shearing for the Fabrication of High Performance Organic Transistors

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    Organic field-effect transistors (OFETs) are essential devices for the realization of novel electronic applications based on organic materials. Recent years have brought tremendous improvements regarding the organic semiconductor (OSC) with charge carrier mobilities around 10 cmÂČ/Vs. Yet, several challenges are needed to be addressed in order to enable technologies of the future that are based on high-performance organic transistors. In this work, C8-BTBT, a high-mobility material that has gained increasing interest in the last few years, is used to prepare films with state-of-the art charge-carrier mobility and above. For this purpose, the solution-shearing method—a meniscus-guided technique that is capable to produce highly aligned, crystalline films—is applied. Based on these charge-transport layers with an estimated intrinsic mobility of up to 12 cmÂČ/Vs, several strategies towards their exploitation for high-performance organic transistors are investigated. Among the relevant parameter, channel length, contact resistance and gate dielectric capacitance are the three aspects that are addressed. The solution-shearing method is further applied to the realization of solution-deposited polymer dielectrics. High-capacitance films with maximum values of about 280 nF/cmÂČ are fabricated and used to produce low-voltage OFETs that can operate at -1V. In order to increase the devices’ transconductance, a novel patterning methodology to achieve sub-micrometre channel lengths is investigated. Using this technique, working devices with a channel length of 500 nm are shown. The compatibility of this process with the solution-shearing method for the fabrication of high-performance semiconducting and gate dielectric films is one of its major advantages. One of the limiting device parameters is the contact resistance as is clearly observable by the restricted current scaling that is observed for lower channel length. Hence, the interface of OSC and source/drain contacts is investigated. Even though an ultimate solution for very low contact resistance remains to be developed, important aspects for its further enhancement are deduced in this work. As an important first experimental result, this thesis describes a short-channel device architecture that is compatible with solution-shearing of high-performance films with its full potential yet to be explored in future work.Organische Feld-Effekt Transistoren (OFETs) sind grundlegende Bestandteile fĂŒr die Entwicklung neuerartiger Technologien auf der Basis von organischen Halbleitermaterialien. Insbesondere wĂ€hrend der letzten Jahre haben diese Materialien einschlĂ€gige Verbesserungen erfahren und erreichen heute LadungstrĂ€germobilitĂ€ten um die 10 cmÂČ/Vs. Um dies fĂŒr die Umsetzung neuartiger Technologien zu nutzen, mĂŒssen jedoch noch einige Herausforderungen ĂŒberwunden werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag in diese Richtung. Unter Anwendung eines der wohl populĂ€rsten Halbleitermaterialien der letzen Jahre mit der chemischen Bezeichnung C8-BTBT, wird die Herstellung von hochqualitativen Halbleiterfilmen mittels FlĂŒssigprozessierung gezeigt. Mit der sogenannten „Solution-Shearing“ Methode – eine Abscheidetechnik, die ĂŒber die Kontrolle eines trocknenden Meniskus hochkristalline und ausgerichtete Schichten erzeugen kann – ist es möglich DĂŒnnschichtbauelemente mit abgeschĂ€tzten, intrinsischen LadungstrĂ€germobilitĂ€ten von bis zu 12 cmÂČ/Vs zu erzeugen. Um diese hoch-qualitativen Filme fĂŒr die Herstellung von leistungsfĂ€higen Transistoren zu nutzen, werden mehrere relevante Parameter betrachtet, darunter die KanallĂ€nge, der Kontaktwiderstand und das Gate-Dielektrikum. Im Speziellen wird die Abscheidung des Dielektrikums mittels der „Solution-Shearing“ Methode untersucht. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass dies fĂŒr die Herstellung von qualitativ hochwertigen Filmen mit KapazitĂ€ten bis zu 280 nF/cmÂČ genutzt werden kann. Angewendet in OFETs erlauben diese Schichten den Betrieb bei sehr geringen Spannungen von -1V. Um die Transkonduktanz der Transistoren zu erhöhen wird zudem eine mit der „Solution-Shearing“ Methode kompatible Source/Drain-Strukturierungsmethode untersucht. Diese ermöglicht KanallĂ€ngen unter einem Mikrometer und konnte hier fĂŒr die Herstellung von funktionierenden Transistoren mit einer KanallĂ€nge bis zu nur 500 nm angewendet werden. Eine der limitierenden TransistorkenngrĂ¶ĂŸen ist der Kontaktwiderstand, wie durch die abweichende Skalierung des Stromes mit verringerter KanallĂ€nge deutlich wird. Aus diesem Grund wurde auch die GrenzflĂ€che zwischen Halbleiter und Source/Drain-Kontakten nĂ€her untersucht. Allerdings verbleibt die Entwicklung einer effektiven Methode zur Reduzierung des Kontaktwiderstandes ein Projekt fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Untersuchungen, auch wenn die vorliegende Arbeit einige wichtige Anhaltpunkte fĂŒr mögliche Strategien liefert. Als wichtiges erstes Resultat liefert die vorliegende Arbeit eine Beschreibung zur Herstellung funktionsfĂ€higer Kurzkanal-OFETs mittels „Solution-Shearing“, deren volles Potential aber in der Zukunft weiter untersucht werden muss

    Impact of Fabrication Processes of Small-Molecule-Doped Polymer Thin-Films on Room-Temperature Phosphorescence

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    The development of organic materials displaying room-temperature phosphorescence is a research field that has attracted more and more attention in the last years. Most studies focus on designing or optimizing emitter molecules to increase the phosphorescent performance in host:emitter systems. Rarely, the overall thin-film preparation routines are compared with respect to their triplet-state luminescence yield. Herein, different film preparation techniques are investigated using the very same emitter molecule. A variation of host polymer, post-annealing temperature, and fabrication procedure is evaluated with respect to the obtained phosphorescent lifetime, photoluminescent quantum yield, and phosphorescence-to-luminescence ratio. This study elaborates the importance of different film preparation techniques and gathers a concise set of data which is helpful to anyone optimizing the phosphorescence of a particular system

    Potential Application of Organic Electronics in Electrical Sensing of Insects and Integrated Pest Management towards Developing Ecofriendly Replacements for Chemical Insecticides

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    Abstract Synthetic insecticides are widely used against plant pest insects to protect the crops. However, many insecticides have poor selectivity and are toxic also to beneficial insects, animals, and humans. In addition, insecticide residues can remain on fruits for many days, jeopardizing food safety. For these reasons, a reusable, low‐cost electronic trap that can attract, detect, and identify, but attack only the pest while leaving beneficial insects unharmed could provide a sustainable, nature‐friendly replacement. Here, for the first time, research results are presented suggesting the great potential and compatibility of organic electronic devices and technologies with pest management. Electrical characterizations confirm that an insect's body has relatively high dielectric permittivity. Adaptive memcapacitor circuits can track the impedance change for insect detection. Other experiments show that printed polymer piezoelectric transducers on a plastic substrate can collect information about the weight and activity of insects for identification. The breakdown voltage of most insects® integument is measured to be <200 V. Long channel organic transistors easily work at such high voltages while being safe to touch for humans thanks to their inherent low current. This feasibility study paves the way for the future development of organic electronics for physical pest control and biodiversity protection

    Analysis of the Annealing Budget of Metal Oxide Thin-Film Transistors Prepared by an Aqueous Blade-Coating Process

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    Metal oxide (MO) semiconductors are widely used in electronic devices due to their high optical transmittance and promising electrical performance. This work describes the advancement toward an eco-friendly, streamlined method for preparing thin-film transistors (TFTs) via a pure water-solution blade-coating process with focus on a low thermal budget. Low temperature and rapid annealing of triple-coated indium oxide thin-film transistors (3C-TFTs) and indium oxide/zinc oxide/indium oxide thin-film transistors (IZI-TFTs) on a 300 nm SiO2 gate dielectric at 300 °C for only 60 s yields devices with an average field effect mobility of 10.7 and 13.8 cm2 V−1 s−1, respectively. The devices show an excellent on/off ratio (>106), and a threshold voltage close to 0 V when measured in air. Flexible MO-TFTs on polyimide substrates with AlOx dielectrics fabricated by rapid annealing treatment can achieve a remarkable mobility of over 10 cm2 V−1 s−1 at low operating voltage. When using a longer post-coating annealing period of 20 min, high-performance 3C-TFTs (over 18 cm2 V−1 s−1) and IZI-TFTs (over 38 cm2 V−1 s−1) using MO semiconductor layers annealed at 300 °C are achieved