24 research outputs found

    Counting insects.

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    When counting-like abilities were first described in the honeybee in the mid-1990s, many scholars were sceptical, but such capacities have since been confirmed in a number of paradigms and also in other insect species. Counter to the intuitive notion that counting is a cognitively advanced ability, neural network analyses indicate that it can be mediated by very small neural circuits, and we should therefore perhaps not be surprised that insects and other small-brained animals such as some small fish exhibit such abilities. One outstanding question is how bees actually acquire numerical information. For perception of small numerosities, working-memory capacity may limit the number of items that can be enumerated, but within these limits, numerosity can be evaluated accurately and (at least in primates) in parallel. However, presentation of visual stimuli in parallel does not automatically ensure parallel processing. Recent work on the question of whether bees can see 'at a glance' indicates that bees must acquire spatial detail by sequential scanning rather than parallel processing. We explore how this might be tested for a numerosity task in bees and other animals. This article is part of a discussion meeting issue 'The origins of numerical abilities'

    Bumblebees Use Sequential Scanning of Countable Items in Visual Patterns to Solve Numerosity Tasks.

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    Most research in comparative cognition focuses on measuring if animals manage certain tasks; fewer studies explore how animals might solve them. We investigated bumblebees' scanning strategies in a numerosity task, distinguishing patterns with two items from four and one from three, and subsequently transferring numerical information to novel numbers, shapes, and colors. Video analyses of flight paths indicate that bees do not determine the number of items by using a rapid assessment of number (as mammals do in "subitizing"); instead, they rely on sequential enumeration even when items are presented simultaneously and in small quantities. This process, equivalent to the motor tagging ("pointing") found for large number tasks in some primates, results in longer scanning times for patterns containing larger numbers of items. Bees used a highly accurate working memory, remembering which items have already been scanned, resulting in fewer than 1% of re-inspections of items before making a decision. Our results indicate that the small brain of bees, with less parallel processing capacity than mammals, might constrain them to use sequential pattern evaluation even for low quantities

    On the Performance of the Cache Coding Protocol

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    Network coding approaches typically consider an unrestricted recoding of coded packets in the relay nodes to increase performance. However, this can expose the system to pollution attacks that cannot be detected during transmission, until the receivers attempt to recover the data. To prevent these attacks while allowing for the benefits of coding in mesh networks, the cache coding protocol was proposed. This protocol only allows recoding at the relays when the relay has received enough coded packets to decode an entire generation of packets. At that point, the relay node recodes and signs the recoded packets with its own private key, allowing the system to detect and minimize the effect of pollution attacks and making the relays accountable for changes on the data. This paper analyzes the delay performance of cache coding to understand the security-performance trade-off of this scheme. We introduce an analytical model for the case of two relays in an erasure channel relying on an absorbing Markov chain and an approximate model to estimate the performance in terms of the number of transmissions before successfully decoding at the receiver. We confirm our analysis using simulation results. We show that cache coding can overcome the security issues of unrestricted recoding with only a moderate decrease in system performance

    On the Performance of the Cache Coding Protocol

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    Network coding approaches typically consider an unrestricted recoding of coded packets in the relay nodes to increase performance. However, this can expose the system to pollution attacks that cannot be detected during transmission, until the receivers attempt to recover the data. To prevent these attacks while allowing for the benefits of coding in mesh networks, the cache coding protocol was proposed. This protocol only allows recoding at the relays when the relay has received enough coded packets to decode an entire generation of packets. At that point, the relay node recodes and signs the recoded packets with its own private key, allowing the system to detect and minimize the effect of pollution attacks and making the relays accountable for changes on the data. This paper analyzes the delay performance of cache coding to understand the security-performance trade-off of this scheme. We introduce an analytical model for the case of two relays in an erasure channel relying on an absorbing Markov chain and an approximate model to estimate the performance in terms of the number of transmissions before successfully decoding at the receiver. We confirm our analysis using simulation results. We show that cache coding can overcome the security issues of unrestricted recoding with only a moderate decrease in system performance

    How honey bees make fast and accurate decisions

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    Honey bee ecology demands they make both rapid and accurate assessments of which flowers are most likely to offer them nectar or pollen. To understand the mechanisms of honey bee decision-making, we examined their speed and accuracy of both flower acceptance and rejection decisions. We used a controlled flight arena that varied both the likelihood of a stimulus offering reward and punishment and the quality of evidence for stimuli. We found that the sophistication of honey bee decision-making rivalled that reported for primates. Their decisions were sensitive to both the quality and reliability of evidence. Acceptance responses had higher accuracy than rejection responses and were more sensitive to changes in available evidence and reward likelihood. Fast acceptances were more likely to be correct than slower acceptances; a phenomenon also seen in primates and indicative that the evidence threshold for a decision changes dynamically with sampling time. To investigate the minimally sufficient circuitry required for these decision-making capacities, we developed a novel model of decision-making. Our model can be mapped to known pathways in the insect brain and is neurobiologically plausible. Our model proposes a system for robust autonomous decision-making with potential application in robotics

    Example of pattern activity of dorsal glomeruli output (response of olfactory projection neurons).

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    <p>A) Different odorants cause different activation patterns in the dorsal region of the antennal lobes (AL). Each row of matrices exhibits the antennal lobe activity through the non-associative learning for three different odours (A, B and the odour mixture AB). Matrices show the odour representation of PNs in the dorsal region of AL containing 36 projection neurons (PNs). They are arranged in a square with 6 Ă— 6 pixels. The colour of elements (i, j) shows a firing rate of <i>PN</i><sub><i>i</i>*<i>j</i></sub>. B) Angular distance between PN responses for odour A, odour B, or odour AB are plotted for 50 different simulated bees (mean+- SE). The structured inhibitory connectivity from antennal lobe local neurons to PNs enhances separation between activity patterns for stimuli in the antennal lobe. C) Average activity sparseness for odour representations in the antennal lobes during the training. The low sparseness index corresponds to high sparseness population activity.</p

    Olfactory generalization.

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    <p>A) The lateral horn neuron (LHN) responds to rewarded stimuli (CS) and two novel odorants with different level of the similarity to the CS (A’ is more similar to A than A”) after training to CS. LHN’s response to the A’ exhibits more perceptually similar to the CS for bees than to A”. B) The colour matrix shows the olfactory generalization matrix which represents the LHN response to six odours in the tests performed by bees trained with different CSs. Colour pixels (<i>i</i>,<i>j</i>) indicate the firing rate of LHN for the <i>j</i>th odour when the model was trained by the <i>i</i>th odours. The results show asymmetric generalization between odours.</p

    Non-elemental learning performance.

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    <p>A) Mean and SE of responses of LHN to unrewarded single odorants (A- or B-) and to a rewarded mixture odours (AB+) during the pre-training (left) and the test (right) of the conditioned PER. Simulated bees learned to discriminate mixture odorant AB from the single odorants A or B (n = 50, t-test; p-value < 0.003). B) Responses of LHN to rewarded mixture odorants (AB+) versus unrewarded components of the CS+ (n = 50, t-test; p-value = 0.23). The model was unable to learn the negative patterning tasks.</p

    Firing rate properties of the stimulated olfactory receptor neurons.

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    <p>A) Simulated spontaneous and evoked spiking activity of a group of 36 olfactory receptor neuron (ORN) types for 1000 ms. The raster plot exhibits high spontaneous activity before and after the evoked activity of a stimulus (shown below with two active ligands) at times 250 ms and 750 ms. Multiple ORN types are activated by a single ligand. B) Firing rates of 3 different ORNs evoked by the odorant. These exemplary firing rates show a same odour stimulus excites (red) or inhibits (blue) olfactory receptor neurons, and some receptors are insensitive to the odour (green). ORN responses are dynamic and those sensitive ORNs fire most strongly at the stimuli onset. C) Mean and standard error (SE) of the firing rates of three different ORNs across 50 trials are plotted as a function of the ligand concentration which. Blue and red curves show how ligands of an odour suppress and activate the receptor's spike rate below and above the spontaneous activity. Error bars = SE.</p