58 research outputs found

    Thurston obstructions and Ahlfors regular conformal dimension

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    Let f:S2S2f: S^2 \to S^2 be an expanding branched covering map of the sphere to itself with finite postcritical set PfP_f. Associated to ff is a canonical quasisymmetry class \GGG(f) of Ahlfors regular metrics on the sphere in which the dynamics is (non-classically) conformal. We show \inf_{X \in \GGG(f)} \hdim(X) \geq Q(f)=\inf_\Gamma \{Q \geq 2: \lambda(f_{\Gamma,Q}) \geq 1\}. The infimum is over all multicurves ΓS2Pf\Gamma \subset S^2-P_f. The map fΓ,Q:RΓRΓf_{\Gamma,Q}: \R^\Gamma \to \R^\Gamma is defined by fΓ,Q(γ)=[γ]Γδγdeg(f:δγ)1Q[γ], f_{\Gamma, Q}(\gamma) =\sum_{[\gamma']\in\Gamma} \sum_{\delta \sim \gamma'} \deg(f:\delta \to \gamma)^{1-Q}[\gamma'], where the second sum is over all preimages δ\delta of γ\gamma freely homotopic to γ\gamma' in S2PfS^2-P_f, and λ(fΓ,Q) \lambda(f_{\Gamma,Q}) is its Perron-Frobenius leading eigenvalue. This generalizes Thurston's observation that if Q(f)>2Q(f)>2, then there is no ff-invariant classical conformal structure.Comment: Minor revisions are mad

    Rigidity and Expansion for Rational Maps

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    A general approach is proposed to prove that the combination of expansion with bounded distortion yields strong rigidity of conjugacie

    Finite type coarse expanding conformal dynamics

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    We continue the study of non-invertible topological dynamical systems with expanding behavior. We introduce the class of {\em finite type} systems which are characterized by the condition that, up to rescaling and uniformly bounded distortion, there are only finitely many iterates. We show that subhyperbolic rational maps and finite subdivision rules (in the sense of Cannon, Floyd, Kenyon, and Parry) with bounded valence and mesh going to zero are of finite type. In addition, we show that the limit dynamical system associated to a selfsimilar, contracting, recurrent, level-transitive group action (in the sense of V. Nekrashevych) is of finite type. The proof makes essential use of an analog of the finiteness of cone types property enjoyed by hyperbolic groups.Comment: Updated versio

    Hyperbolic groups with planar boundaries

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    This new version contains a proof of the quasi-isometric rigidity of the class of convex-cocompact Kleinian groups. The structure of the text has been reorganized.We prove that the class of convex-cocompact Kleinian groups is quasi-isometrically rigid. We also establish that a word hyperbolic group with a planar boundary different from the sphere is virtually a convex-cocompact Kleinian group provided that its boundary has Ahlfors regular conformal dimension strictly less than 22 or if it acts geometrically on a CAT(0) cube complex

    Asymptotic entropy and green speed for random walks on countable groups

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    We study asymptotic properties of the Green metric associated with transient random walks on countable groups. We prove that the rate of escape of the random walk computed in the Green metric equals its asymptotic entropy. The proof relies on integral representations of both quantities with the extended Martin kernel. In the case of finitely generated groups, where this result is known (Benjamini and Peres [Probab. Theory Related Fields 98 (1994) 91--112]), we give an alternative proof relying on a version of the so-called fundamental inequality (relating the rate of escape, the entropy and the logarithmic volume growth) extended to random walks with unbounded support.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/07-AOP356 the Annals of Probability (http://www.imstat.org/aop/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Empilements de cercles et modules combinatoires

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    Version revisée et corrigée.International audienceThe purpose of this paper is to try and explain the relationships between circle-packings and combinatorial moduli, and to compare the different approaches to J.W. Cannon's conjecture which follow.Le but cette note est de tenter d'expliquer les liens étroits qui unissent la théorie des empilements de cercles et des modules combinatoires, et de comparer les approches à la conjecture de J.W. Cannon qui en découlent

    Invariant Jordan curves of Sierpiski carpet rational maps

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    In this paper, we prove that if R ⁣:C^C^R\colon\widehat{\mathbb{C}}\to\widehat{\mathbb{C}} is a postcritically finite rational map with Julia set homeomorphic to the Sierpi\'nski carpet, then there is an integer n0n_0, such that, for any nn0n\ge n_0, there exists an RnR^n-invariant Jordan curve Γ\Gamma containing the postcritical set of RR.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figu

    An algebraic characterization of expanding Thurston maps

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    Let f:S2S2f: S^2 \to S^2 be a postcritically finite branched covering map without periodic branch points. We give necessary and sufficient algebraic conditions for ff to be homotopic, relative to its postcritical set, to an expanding map gg

    Examples of coarse expanding conformal maps

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    In previous work, a class of noninvertible topological dynamical systems f:XXf: X \to X was introduced and studied; we called these {\em topologically coarse expanding conformal} systems. To such a system is naturally associated a preferred quasisymmetry (indeed, snowflake) class of metrics in which arbitrary iterates distort roundness and ratios of diameters by controlled amounts; we called this {\em metrically coarse expanding conformal}. In this note we extend the class of examples to several more familiar settings, give applications of our general methods, and discuss implications for the computation of conformal dimension