84 research outputs found
On the Heisenberg invariance and the Elliptic Poisson tensors
We study different algebraic and geometric properties of Heisenberg invariant
Poisson polynomial quadratic algebras. We show that these algebras are
unimodular. The elliptic Sklyanin-Odesskii-Feigin Poisson algebras
are the main important example. We classify all quadratic
invariant Poisson tensors on with and show that
for they coincide with the elliptic Sklyanin-Odesskii-Feigin Poisson
algebras or with their certain degenerations.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, minor revision, typos correcte
Extending the Prym map to toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of abelian varieties (with an appendix by Mathieu Dutour Sikiric)
The main purpose of this paper is to present a conceptual approach to understanding the extension of the Prym map from the space of admissible double covers of stable curves to different toroidal compactifications of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties. By separating the combinatorial problems from the geometric aspects we can reduce this to the computation of certain monodromy cones. In this way we not only shed new light on the extension results of Alexeev, Birkenhake, Hulek, and Vologodsky for the second Voronoi toroidal compactification, but we also apply this to other toroidal compactifications, in particular the perfect cone compactification, for which we obtain a combinatorial characterization of the indeterminacy locus, as well as a geometric description up to codimension six, and an explicit toroidal resolution of the Prym map up to codimension four. © 2017 European Mathematical Society
Non-liftable Calabi-Yau spaces
We construct many new non-liftable three-dimensional Calabi-Yau spaces in
positive characteristic. The technique relies on lifting a nodal model to a
smooth rigid Calabi-Yau space over some number field as introduced by the first
author and D. van Straten.Comment: 16 pages, 5 tables; v2: minor corrections and addition
The class of the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds
We study the locus of intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds within the
moduli space of complex principally polarized abelian fivefolds, and its
generalization to arbitrary genus - the locus of abelian varieties with a
singular odd two-torsion point on the theta divisor. Assuming that this locus
has expected codimension (which we show to be true for genus up to 5), we
compute the class of this locus, and of is closure in the perfect cone toroidal
compactification, in the Chow, homology, and the tautological ring.
We work out the cases of genus up to 5 in detail, obtaining explicit
expressions for the classes of the closures of the locus of products of an
elliptic curve and a hyperelliptic genus 3 curve, in moduli of principally
polarized abelian fourfolds, and of the locus of intermediate Jacobians in
genus 5. In the course of our computation we also deal with various
intersections of boundary divisors of a level toroidal compactification, which
is of independent interest in understanding the cohomology and Chow rings of
the moduli spaces.Comment: v2: new section 9 on the geometry of the boundary of the locus of
intermediate Jacobians of cubic threefolds. Final version to appear in
Invent. Mat
A New Thermosensitive smc-3 Allele Reveals Involvement of Cohesin in Homologous Recombination in C. elegans
The cohesin complex is required for the cohesion of sister chromatids and for correct segregation during mitosis and meiosis. Crossover recombination, together with cohesion, is essential for the disjunction of homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division. Cohesin has been implicated in facilitating recombinational repair of DNA lesions via the sister chromatid. Here, we made use of a new temperature-sensitive mutation in the Caenorhabditis elegans SMC-3 protein to study the role of cohesin in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and hence in meiotic crossing over. We report that attenuation of cohesin was associated with extensive SPO-11–dependent chromosome fragmentation, which is representative of unrepaired DSBs. We also found that attenuated cohesin likely increased the number of DSBs and eliminated the need of MRE-11 and RAD-50 for DSB formation in C. elegans, which suggests a role for the MRN complex in making cohesin-loaded chromatin susceptible to meiotic DSBs. Notably, in spite of largely intact sister chromatid cohesion, backup DSB repair via the sister chromatid was mostly impaired. We also found that weakened cohesins affected mitotic repair of DSBs by homologous recombination, whereas NHEJ repair was not affected. Our data suggest that recombinational DNA repair makes higher demands on cohesins than does chromosome segregation
Computing Linear Matrix Representations of Helton-Vinnikov Curves
Helton and Vinnikov showed that every rigidly convex curve in the real plane
bounds a spectrahedron. This leads to the computational problem of explicitly
producing a symmetric (positive definite) linear determinantal representation
for a given curve. We study three approaches to this problem: an algebraic
approach via solving polynomial equations, a geometric approach via contact
curves, and an analytic approach via theta functions. These are explained,
compared, and tested experimentally for low degree instances.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, minor revisions; Mathematical Methods in
Systems, Optimization and Control, Birkhauser, Base
From SICs and MUBs to Eddington
This is a survey of some very old knowledge about Mutually Unbiased Bases
(MUB) and Symmetric Informationally Complete POVMs (SIC). In prime dimensions
the former are closely tied to an elliptic normal curve symmetric under the
Heisenberg group, while the latter are believed to be orbits under the
Heisenberg group in all dimensions. In dimensions 3 and 4 the SICs are
understandable in terms of elliptic curves, but a general statement escapes us.
The geometry of the SICs in 3 and 4 dimensions is discussed in some detail.Comment: 12 pages; from the Festschrift for Tony Sudber
The Kodaira dimension of the moduli of K3 surfaces
The moduli space of polarised K3 surfaces of degree 2d is a quasi-projective
variety of dimension 19. For general d very little has been known about the
Kodaira dimension of these varieties. In this paper we present an almost
complete solution to this problem. Our main result says that this moduli space
is of general type for d>61 and for d=46,50,54,58,60.Comment: 47 page
Equidistribution Rates, Closed String Amplitudes, and the Riemann Hypothesis
We study asymptotic relations connecting unipotent averages of
automorphic forms to their integrals over the moduli space
of principally polarized abelian varieties. We obtain reformulations of the
Riemann hypothesis as a class of problems concerning the computation of the
equidistribution convergence rate in those asymptotic relations. We discuss
applications of our results to closed string amplitudes. Remarkably, the
Riemann hypothesis can be rephrased in terms of ultraviolet relations occurring
in perturbative closed string theory.Comment: 15 page
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