441 research outputs found

    Helicobacter pylori and cancer among adults in Uganda

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    Data from Africa on infection with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are sparse. Therefore, as part of an epidemiological study of cancer in Uganda, we investigated the prevalence and determinants of antibodies against H. pylori among 854 people with different cancer types and benign tumours. Patients were recruited from hospitals in Kampala, Uganda, interviewed about various demographic and lifestyle factors and tested for antibodies against H. pylori. In all patients combined, excluding those with stomach cancer (which has been associated with H. pylori infection), the prevalence of antibodies was 87% (723/833) overall, but declined with increasing age (p = 0.02) and was lower among people who were HIV seropositive compared to seronegative (p <0.001). Otherwise, there were few consistent epidemiological associations. Among those with stomach cancer, 18/21 (86%) had anti-H. pylori antibodies (odds ratio 0.8, 95% confidence intervals 0.2–2.9, p = 0.7; estimated using all other patients as controls, with adjustment for age, sex and HIV serostatus). No other cancer site or type was significantly associated with anti-H. pylori antibodies. The prevalence of H. pylori reported here is broadly in accord with results from other developing countries, although the determinants of infection and its' role in the aetiology of gastric cancer in Uganda remain unclear

    Matrix metalloproteinases in lung biology

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    Despite much information on their catalytic properties and gene regulation, we actually know very little of what matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) do in tissues. The catalytic activity of these enzymes has been implicated to function in normal lung biology by participating in branching morphogenesis, homeostasis, and repair, among other events. Overexpression of MMPs, however, has also been blamed for much of the tissue destruction associated with lung inflammation and disease. Beyond their role in the turnover and degradation of extracellular matrix proteins, MMPs also process, activate, and deactivate a variety of soluble factors, and seldom is it readily apparent by presence alone if a specific proteinase in an inflammatory setting is contributing to a reparative or disease process. An important goal of MMP research will be to identify the actual substrates upon which specific enzymes act. This information, in turn, will lead to a clearer understanding of how these extracellular proteinases function in lung development, repair, and disease

    Arsenic-related DNA copy-number alterations in lung squamous cell carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: Lung squamous cell carcinomas (SqCCs) occur at higher rates following arsenic exposure. Somatic DNA copy-number alterations (CNAs) are understood to be critical drivers in several tumour types. We have assembled a rare panel of lung tumours from a population with chronic arsenic exposure, including SqCC tumours from patients with no smoking history. METHODS: Fifty-two lung SqCCs were analysed by whole-genome tiling-set array comparative genomic hybridisation. Twenty-two were derived from arsenic-exposed patients from Northern Chile (10 never smokers and 12 smokers). Thirty additional cases were obtained for comparison from North American smokers without arsenic exposure. Twenty-two blood samples from healthy individuals from Northern Chile were examined to identify germline DNA copy-number variations (CNVs) that could be excluded from analysis. RESULTS: We identified multiple CNAs associated with arsenic exposure. These alterations were not attributable to either smoking status or CNVs. DNA losses at chromosomes 1q21.1, 7p22.3, 9q12, and 19q13.31 represented the most recurrent events. An arsenic-associated gain at 19q13.33 contains genes previously identified as oncogene candidates. CONCLUSIONS: Our results provide a comprehensive approach to molecular characteristics of the arsenic-exposed lung cancer genome and the non-smoking lung SqCC genome. The distinct and recurrent arsenic-related alterations suggest that this group of tumours may be considered as a separate disease subclass

    Moxibustion for cancer care: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese method that uses the heat generated by burning herbal preparations containing <it>Artemisia vulgaris </it>to stimulate acupuncture points. Considering moxibustion is closely related to acupuncture, it seems pertinent to evaluate the effectiveness of moxibustion as a treatment of symptoms of cancer. The objective of this review was to systematically assess the effectiveness of moxibustion for supportive cancer care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We searched the literature using 11 databases from their inceptions to February 2010, without language restrictions. We included randomised clinical trials (RCTs) in which moxibustion was employed as an adjuvant treatment for conventional medicine in patients with any type of cancer. The selection of studies, data extraction, and validations were performed independently by two reviewers.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Five RCTs compared the effects of moxibustion with conventional therapy. Four RCTs failed to show favourable effects of moxibustion for response rate compared with chemotherapy (n = 229, RR, 1.04, 95% CI 0.94 to 1.15, P = 0.43). Two RCTs assessed the occurrence of side effects of chemotherapy and showed favourable effects of moxibustion. A meta-analysis showed significant less frequency of nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy for moxibustion group (n = 80, RR, 0.38, 95% CIs 0.22 to 0.65, P = 0.0005, heterogeneity: χ<sup>2 </sup>= 0.18, P = 0.67, I<sup>2 </sup>= 0%).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The evidence is limited to suggest moxibustion is an effective supportive cancer care in nausea and vomiting. However, all studies have a high risk of bias so effectively there is not enough evidence to draw any conclusion. Further research is required to investigate whether there are specific benefits of moxibustion for supportive cancer care.</p

    Trophic Shifts of a Generalist Consumer in Response to Resource Pulses

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    Trophic shifts of generalist consumers can have broad food-web and biodiversity consequences through altered trophic flows and vertical diversity. Previous studies have used trophic shifts as indicators of food-web responses to perturbations, such as species invasion, and spatial or temporal subsidies. Resource pulses, as a form of temporal subsidies, have been found to be quite common among various ecosystems, affecting organisms at multiple trophic levels. Although diet switching of generalist consumers in response to resource pulses is well documented, few studies have examined if the switch involves trophic shifts, and if so, the directions and magnitudes of the shifts. In this study, we used stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes with a Bayesian multi-source mixing model to estimate proportional contributions of three trophic groups (i.e. producer, consumer, and fungus-detritivore) to the diets of the White-footed mouse (Peromyscus leucopus) receiving an artificial seed pulse or a naturally-occurring cicadas pulse. Our results demonstrated that resource pulses can drive trophic shifts in the mice. Specifically, the producer contribution to the mouse diets was increased by 32% with the seed pulse at both sites examined. The consumer contribution to the mouse diets was also increased by 29% with the cicadas pulse in one of the two grids examined. However, the pattern was reversed in the second grid, with a 13% decrease in the consumer contribution with the cicadas pulse. These findings suggest that generalist consumers may play different functional roles in food webs under perturbations of resource pulses. This study provides one of the few highly quantitative descriptions on dietary and trophic shifts of a key consumer in forest food webs, which may help future studies to form specific predictions on changes in trophic interactions following resource pulses

    Composition change-driven texturing and doping in solution-processed SnSe thermoelectric thin films

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    The discovery of SnSe single crystals with record high thermoelectric efficiency along the b-axis has led to the search for ways to synthesize polycrystalline SnSe with similar efficiencies. However, due to weak texturing and difficulties in doping, such high thermoelectric efficiencies have not been realized in polycrystals or thin films. Here, we show that highly textured and hole doped SnSe thin films with thermoelectric power factors at the single crystal level can be prepared by solution process. Purification step in the synthetic process produced a SnSe-based chalcogenidometallate precursor, which decomposes to form the SnSe2 phase. We show that the strong textures of the thin films in the b???c plane originate from the transition of two dimensional SnSe2 to SnSe. This composition change-driven transition offers wide control over composition and doping of the thin films. Our optimum SnSe thin films exhibit a thermoelectric power factor of 4.27 ??W cm???1 K???2

    Seasonal Changes in Mood and Behavior Are Linked to Metabolic Syndrome

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    BACKGROUND: Obesity is a major public health problem worldwide. Metabolic syndrome is a risk factor to the cardiovascular diseases. It has been reported that disruptions of the circadian clockwork are associated with and may predispose to metabolic syndrome. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: 8028 individuals attended a nationwide health examination survey in Finland. Data were collected with a face-to-face interview at home and during an individual health status examination. The waist circumference, height, weight and blood pressure were measured and samples were taken for laboratory tests. Participants were assessed using the ATP-III criteria for metabolic syndrome and with the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire for their seasonal changes in mood and behavior. Seasonal changes in weight in particular were a risk factor of metabolic syndrome, after controlling for a number of known risk and potential confounding factors. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: Metabolic syndrome is associated with high global scores on the seasonal changes in mood and behavior, and with those in weight in particular. Assessment of these changes may serve as a useful indicator of metabolic syndrome, because of easy assessment. Abnormalities in the circadian clockwork which links seasonal fluctuations to metabolic cycles may predispose to seasonal changes in weight and to metabolic syndrome

    The Molecular Signature Underlying the Thymic Migration and Maturation of TCRαβ+CD4+CD8- Thymocytes

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    BACKGROUND: After positive selection, the newly generated single positive (SP) thymocytes migrate to the thymic medulla, where they undergo negative selection to eliminate autoreactive T cells and functional maturation to acquire immune competence and egress capability. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To elucidate the genetic program underlying this process, we analyzed changes in gene expression in four subsets of mouse TCRαβ(+)CD4(+)CD8(-) thymocytes (SP1 to SP4) representative of sequential stages in a previously defined differentiation program. A genetic signature of the migration of thymocytes was thus revealed. CCR7 and PlexinD1 are believed to be important for the medullary positioning of SP thymocytes. Intriguingly, their expression remains at low levels in the newly generated thymocytes, suggesting that the cortex-medulla migration may not occur until the SP2 stage. SP2 and SP3 cells gradually up-regulate transcripts involved in T cell functions and the Foxo1-KLF2-S1P(1) axis, but a number of immune function-associated genes are not highly expressed until cells reach the SP4 stage. Consistent with their critical role in thymic emigration, the expression of S1P(1) and CD62L are much enhanced in SP4 cells. CONCLUSIONS: These results support at the molecular level that single positive thymocytes undergo a differentiation program and further demonstrate that SP4 is the stage at which thymocytes acquire the immunocompetence and the capability of emigration from the thymus