2,110 research outputs found

    Self-Organized Ni Nanocrystal Embedded in BaTiO3 Epitaxial Film

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    Ni nanocrystals (NCs) were embedded in BaTiO3 epitaxial films using the laser molecular beam epitaxy. The processes involving the self-organization of Ni NCs and the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3 were discussed. With the in situ monitoring of reflection high-energy electron diffraction, the nanocomposite films were engineered controllably by the fine alternation of the self-organization of Ni NCs and the epitaxial growth of BaTiO3. The transmission electron microscopy and the X-ray diffraction characterization confirmed that the composite film consists of the Ni NCs layers alternating with the (001)/(100)-oriented epitaxial BaTiO3 separation layers

    Singlet-doublet Higgs mixing and its implications on the Higgs mass in the PQ-NMSSM

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    We examine the implications of singlet-doublet Higgs mixing on the properties of a Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs boson within the Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the NMSSM (PQ-NMSSM). The SM singlet added to the Higgs sector connects the PQ and visible sectors through a PQ-invariant non-renormalizable K\"ahler potential term, making the model free from the tadpole and domain-wall problems. For the case that the lightest Higgs boson is dominated by the singlet scalar, the Higgs mixing increases the mass of a SM-like Higgs boson while reducing its signal rate at collider experiments compared to the SM case. The Higgs mixing is important also in the region of parameter space where the NMSSM contribution to the Higgs mass is small, but its size is limited by the experimental constraints on the singlet-like Higgs boson and on the lightest neutralino constituted mainly by the singlino whose Majorana mass term is forbidden by the PQ symmetry. Nonetheless the Higgs mixing can increase the SM-like Higgs boson mass by a few GeV or more even when the Higgs signal rate is close to the SM prediction, and thus may be crucial for achieving a 125 GeV Higgs mass, as hinted by the recent ATLAS and CMS data. Such an effect can reduce the role of stop mixing.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figures; published in JHE

    A 125 GeV SM-like Higgs in the MSSM and the γγ\gamma \gamma rate

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    We consider the possibility of a Standard Model (SM)-like Higgs in the context of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), with a mass of about 125 GeV and with a production times decay rate into two photons which is similar or somewhat larger than the SM one. The relatively large value of the SM-like Higgs mass demands stops in the several hundred GeV mass range with somewhat large mixing, or a large hierarchy between the two stop masses in the case that one of the two stops is light. We find that, in general, if the heaviest stop mass is smaller than a few TeV, the rate of gluon fusion production of Higgs bosons decaying into two photons tends to be somewhat suppressed with respect to the SM one in this region of parameters. However, we show that an enhancement of the photon decay rate may be obtained for light third generation sleptons with large mixing, which can be naturally obtained for large values of tanβ\tan\beta and sizable values of the Higgsino mass parameter.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Corrected small typos and added reference

    Integrative analyses of transcriptome sequencing identify novel functional lncRNAs in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) have a critical role in cancer initiation and progression, and thus may mediate oncogenic or tumor suppressing effects, as well as be a new class of cancer therapeutic targets. We performed high-throughput sequencing of RNA (RNA-seq) to investigate the expression level of lncRNAs and protein-coding genes in 30 esophageal samples, comprised of 15 esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) samples and their 15 paired non-tumor tissues. We further developed an integrative bioinformatics method, denoted URW-LPE, to identify key functional lncRNAs that regulate expression of downstream protein-coding genes in ESCC. A number of known onco-lncRNA and many putative novel ones were effectively identified by URW-LPE. Importantly, we identified lncRNA625 as a novel regulator of ESCC cell proliferation, invasion and migration. ESCC patients with high lncRNA625 expression had significantly shorter survival time than those with low expression. LncRNA625 also showed specific prognostic value for patients with metastatic ESCC. Finally, we identified E1A-binding protein p300 (EP300) as a downstream executor of lncRNA625-induced transcriptional responses. These findings establish a catalog of novel cancer-associated functional lncRNAs, which will promote our understanding of lncRNA-mediated regulation in this malignancy

    Comparison of contact patterns relevant for transmission of respiratory pathogens in Thailand and the Netherlands using respondent-driven sampling

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    Understanding infection dynamics of respiratory diseases requires the identification and quantification of behavioural, social and environmental factors that permit the transmission of these infections between humans. Little empirical information is available about contact patterns within real-world social networks, let alone on differences in these contact networks between populations that differ considerably on a socio-cultural level. Here we compared contact network data that were collected in the Netherlands and Thailand using a similar online respondent-driven method. By asking participants to recruit contact persons we studied network links relevant for the transmission of respiratory infections. We studied correlations between recruiter and recruited contacts to investigate mixing patterns in the observed social network components. In both countries, mixing patterns were assortative by demographic variables and random by total numbers of contacts. However, in Thailand participants reported overall more contacts which resulted in higher effective contact rates. Our findings provide new insights on numbers of contacts and mixing patterns in two different populations. These data could be used to improve parameterisation of mathematical models used to design control strategies. Although the spread of infections through populations depends on more factors, found similarities suggest that spread may be similar in the Netherlands and Thailand

    Lipid-soluble smoke particles damage endothelial cells and reduce endothelium-dependent dilatation in rat and man

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    BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking is a strong risk factor for vascular disease and known to cause dysfunction of the endothelium. However, the molecular mechanisms involved are still not fully understood. METHODS: In order to reveal the direct effects of lipid-soluble smoke particles on the endothelium, ring segments isolated from rat mesenteric arteries and human middle cerebral arteries (MCA) obtained at autopsy were incubated for 6 to 48 hrs in the presence of dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO)-soluble particles from cigarette smoke (DSP), i.e. lipid-soluble smoke particles. The endothelial microstructure was examined by transmission electron microscopy. The endothelial function was evaluated by acetylcholine (ACh)-induced endothelium-dependent vasodilatation, using a sensitive myograph. RESULTS: After DSP treatment, the arterial endothelium was swollen and loosing its attachment. In functional tests, the total ACh-induced dilatation, the nitric oxide (NO)-mediated and the endothelium-derived hyperpolarization factor (EDHF)-mediated dilatations were significantly decreased by DSP in a time- and concentration-dependent manner (p < 0.05). Nicotine, an important compound in cigarette smoke had, in an equivalent concentration as in DSP, no such effects (p > 0.05). Similar results were obtained in the human MCA. CONCLUSION: Thus, we demonstrate that the lipid-soluble smoke particles, but not nicotine, caused damage to arterial endothelium and reduced the endothelium-dependent dilatation in man and rat

    Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the NMSSM

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    We study a Peccei-Quinn invariant extension of the next-to-minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (NMSSM), which turns out to be free from the tadpole and domain wall problems. Having a non-renormalizable coupling to the axion superfield, the SM singlet added to the Higgs sector can naturally generate an effective Higgs mu term around the weak scale. In the model, the lightest neutralino is dominated by the singlino, which gets a mass only through mixing with the neutral Higgsinos. We explore the phenomenological consequences resulting from the existence of such a relatively light neutralino. The coupling of the SM singlet to the Higgs doublets is constrained by the experimental bound on the invisible Z-boson decay width. Under this constraint, we examine the properties of the SM-like Higgs boson paying attention to its mass and decays. We also demonstrate a UV completion of the model in SU(5) grand unified theory with a missing-partner mechanism.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figures; published versio

    Tetraspanin (TSP-17) Protects Dopaminergic Neurons against 6-OHDA-Induced Neurodegeneration in <i>C. elegans</i>

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    Parkinson's disease (PD), the second most prevalent neurodegenerative disease after Alzheimer's disease, is linked to the gradual loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra. Disease loci causing hereditary forms of PD are known, but most cases are attributable to a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. Increased incidence of PD is associated with rural living and pesticide exposure, and dopaminergic neurodegeneration can be triggered by neurotoxins such as 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). In C. elegans, this drug is taken up by the presynaptic dopamine reuptake transporter (DAT-1) and causes selective death of the eight dopaminergic neurons of the adult hermaphrodite. Using a forward genetic approach to find genes that protect against 6-OHDA-mediated neurodegeneration, we identified tsp-17, which encodes a member of the tetraspanin family of membrane proteins. We show that TSP-17 is expressed in dopaminergic neurons and provide genetic, pharmacological and biochemical evidence that it inhibits DAT-1, thus leading to increased 6-OHDA uptake in tsp-17 loss-of-function mutants. TSP-17 also protects against toxicity conferred by excessive intracellular dopamine. We provide genetic and biochemical evidence that TSP-17 acts partly via the DOP-2 dopamine receptor to negatively regulate DAT-1. tsp-17 mutants also have subtle behavioral phenotypes, some of which are conferred by aberrant dopamine signaling. Incubating mutant worms in liquid medium leads to swimming-induced paralysis. In the L1 larval stage, this phenotype is linked to lethality and cannot be rescued by a dop-3 null mutant. In contrast, mild paralysis occurring in the L4 larval stage is suppressed by dop-3, suggesting defects in dopaminergic signaling. In summary, we show that TSP-17 protects against neurodegeneration and has a role in modulating behaviors linked to dopamine signaling