346 research outputs found

    A köznyugalom elleni bűncselekmények

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    The Elaboration of Power and the Minority Question in the Policy of the YCP in the Last Year of the War with Special Respect to the Hungarians in the Vojvodina 1944-1945

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    This paper elaborates the political reorganization of the northern territories of Yugoslavia in the last years of WWI with special regards to the (re)construction of the ethnic structure of Vojvodina. It puts into centre of interest the minority question in the policy of the YCP in the last year of the war with special respect to the Hungarians in the Vojvodina.The (re)construction of the ethnic structure and gaining the political and economic power happened in various ways: by colonization of Vojvodina with Slavic people (mostly Serbs), ethnic cleansing and the total expulsion of the Germans, and partly the Hungarians, and with confiscation their property. The goal of the Yugoslav Government is quite evident: to turn this ethnically mixed area, which is therefore very uncertain in the terms of state unity, ethnically as homogeneous as possible and to establish the socialist/communist order.The sources of my research beside the literature are the state archives of Serbia and Croatia, the regional Archives of Vojvodina, the published Serbian, Croatian and Yugoslav documentary sourcebooks, newspapers of the period and memoires of the leading politicians and communist functionaries.En aquest article s'analitza la reorganització política dels territoris del nord de Iugoslàvia els últims anys de la Segona Guerra Mundial, amb atenció preferent a la reconstrucció de l'estructura ètnica de Voivodina. El centre d'interès rau en la qüestió de les minories en la política del PCI l'últim any de la guerra, amb un respecte especial als hongaresos de la Vojvodina.La reconstrucció de l'estructura ètnica i l'obtenció del poder polític i econòmic es van aconseguir de diverses maneres: per la colonització de la Voivodina amb pobles eslaus (en la seva majoria serbis), la neteja ètnica i l'expulsió total dels alemanys, i en part els hongaresos, i la confiscació dels seus béns. L'objectiu del Govern iugoslau era prou clara: convertir aquesta zona ètnicament mixta, i per tant molt insegura per a la unitat de l'Estat, en una el més homogènia possible ètnicament, al mateix temps que s'establia l'ordre socialista-comunista.Les fonts de la meva recerca, a més de la bibliografia, són els arxius estatals de Sèrbia i Croàcia, l'Arxiu Regional de Voivodina, els anuaris documentals serbis, croats i iugoslaus publicats, periòdics de l'època i memòries dels principals polítics i funcionaris comunistes.En este artículo se analiza la reorganización política de los territorios del norte de Yugoslavia en los últimos años de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, sobre todo en lo tocante a la reconstrucción de la estructura étnica de Voivodina.El centro de interés está en la cuestión de las minorías en la política del PCY el último año de la guerra, con un respeto especial a los húngaros en la Vojvodina. La reconstrucción de la estructura étnica y la obtención del poder político y económico se lograron de varios modos: por la colonización de la Voivodina con pueblos eslavos (en su mayoría serbios), la limpieza étnica y la expulsión total de los alemanes, y en parte los húngaros, y la confiscación de sus bienes. El objetivo del Gobierno yugoslavo era bastante evidente: convertir esta zona étnicamente mixta, y por lo tanto muy insegura para la unidad del Estado, en una étnicamente más homogénea posible, al tiempo que se establecíar el orden socialista-comunista. Las fuentes de mi investigación, además de la bibliografía, son los archivos estatales de Serbia y Croacia, el Archivo Regional de Voivodina, los anuarios documentales serbios, croatas y yugoslavos publicados, periódicos de la época y memorias de los principales políticos y funcionarios comunistas

    Two-body Coulomb scattering and complex scaling

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    Délszláv levéltári források Magyarországról 1918-1941 = Yugoslav Documents on Hungary 1918-1941

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    A projekt során fontos kiegészítő kutatásokat végeztem Belgrádban és Zágrábban, további dokumentumokat tárva fel. Számos tanulmányt készítettem, illetve tucatnyi konferencián mutattam be az elért eredményeket. A legfontosabb eredmény azonban az, hogy a projekt magvalósulásának határidő módosításával végül sikerült a kitűzött időre elkészítenem a „Délszláv levéltári források Magyarországról 1918-1941” című dokumentumkötet kéziratát. Az előszóval, bevezető tanulmánnyal, bőséges jegyzetapparátussal és névmutatóval ellátott közel 300 oldalas kézirat megjelenése 2010 októbere. | I made important and necessary supplementary researches in the archives in Belgrade and Zagreb revealing many important documents. The achievements and results of the project were introduced to the wider profession in several published articles and studies and also at more than a dozen conferences. However, the main achievement is that by the modification of the project's deadline I managed to finish the manuscript of a nearly 300 page documentary sourcebook ""The Yugoslavian archival sources on Hungary 1918-1941"". The volume will be published in October 2010

    Changes in the energy production to reduce the environmental impact

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    One of the most debated topics of our time is climate change. For this reason, the European Union and the countries of the world are taking several steps to reduce and reverse the effect. When we talk about climate change or sustainable development, it is very important to also talk about the energy sector. The European Union aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050, which will require significant changes in our lives, it will be a major challenge for mankind. In 2019, fossil fuels accounted for 80% of the world’s energy production. The production of energy from fossil fuels has several negative effects aside from climate change. When fossil fuels are burned, gases and particles harmful to human health are released into the air and some of the fossil fuels are raw materials to produce plastics, for example. If we use it for energy production, we waste our raw materials. What are the options for reducing the environmental impact? How can coal-based energy production be replaced? What are other ways to reduce the environmental impact? These topics are discussed in the article

    Recovery of aroma compounds from model solution by pervaporation membrane

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    The aim of our study was to examine applicability of pervaporation in reference to the apple aroma recovery and the effects of the operating parameters on the process. Based on performed experiments the pervaporation, as membrane process, may be capable to reduce the loss of aroma compounds in the beverages production, due to its low operating temperature and high aroma recovery efficiency so organoleptic characteristics of the products would satisfy the growing consumer expectations as well. The studied main aroma compounds were i-amyl-alcohol, ethanol, butanol, i-butanol, ethyl-acetate, which could be separated with high selectivity. The values of activation energy of investigated compounds follow their order of polarity that requires further investigation. The data were analysed statistically, which showed negligible effects of flow-rate and initial concentration on the process

    Two-body Coulomb scattering and complex scaling

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