81 research outputs found

    Hepatic abnormalities in patients with chronic granulomatous disease

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    Chronic granulomatous disease (CGD) is a rare congenital disorder characterized by repeated bacterial and fungal infections. Aside from a high incidence of liver abscess, little is known about hepatic involvement in CGD. The aim of this study was to describe the spectrum of liver abnormalities seen in CGD. The charts of 194 patients with CGD followed at the NIH were reviewed, with a focus on liver abnormalities. Liver enzyme elevations occurred on at least one occasion in 73% of patients during a mean of 8.9 years of follow-up. ALT elevations were generally transient. Although transient alkaline phosphatase (ALP) elevations were also common, persistent ALP elevations lasting up to 17.6 years were seen in 25% of patients. Liver abscess occurred in 35% of patients. Drug-induced hepatotoxicity was documented in 15% of patients but likely occurred more frequently. Hepatomegaly was found in 34% and splenomegaly in 56% of patients. Liver histology showed granulomata in 75% and lobular hepatitis in 90% of specimens. Venopathy of the portal vein was common (80%) and associated with splenomegaly. Venopathy of the central vein was also common (63%) and was associated with the number of abscess episodes. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) was seen in 9 patients, including 6 of 12 autopsy specimens. CONCLUSION: Liver enzyme abnormalities occur frequently in patients with CGD. In addition to liver abscesses and granulomata, drug hepatotoxicity is likely underappreciated. Vascular lesions such as venopathy and--to a lesser extent--NRH are common. The cause and clinical consequences of venopathy await prospective evaluation

    An Assessment of the Use of Chimpanzees in Hepatitis C Research Past, Present and Future: 1. Validity of the Chimpanzee Model

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    The USA is the only significant user of chimpanzees in biomedical research in the world, since many countries have banned or limited the practice due to substantial ethical, economic and scientific concerns. Advocates of chimpanzee use cite hepatitis C research as a major reason for its necessity and continuation, in spite of supporting evidence that is scant and often anecdotal. This paper examines the scientific and ethical issues surrounding chimpanzee hepatitis C research, and concludes that claims of the necessity of chimpanzees in historical and future hepatitis C research are exaggerated and unjustifiable, respectively. The chimpanzee model has several major scientific, ethical, economic and practical caveats. It has made a relatively negligible contribution to knowledge of, and tangible progress against, the hepatitis C virus compared to non-chimpanzee research, and must be considered scientifically redundant, given the array of alternative methods of inquiry now available. The continuation of chimpanzee use in hepatitis C research adversely affects scientific progress, as well as chimpanzees and humans in need of treatment. Unfounded claims of its necessity should not discourage changes in public policy regarding the use of chimpanzees in US laboratories

    Fulminant hepatitis: a clinical review of 11 years

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    24 cases of fulminant hepatitis (FH) hospitalized in the Clínica de Doenças Infecciosas e Parasitárias do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo during the period from January 1976 to December 1986 were reviewed from their clinical, epidemiological and laboratorial aspects. 88% of the patients died; 20 patients (83%) presented hemorrhages and, of these, 19 died. Bacterial infections occurred in 14 patients (58%) all of whom died. Ascitis was noted in 3 cases; cerebral edema was present in 16 cases. Maximal ALT levels for each patient during hospitalization ranged widely from 81 to 4,460 UI/l. Thirteen patients presented high creatinine levels (54%). Prothrombin time activity ranged from 2.1% to 67%. Fever was present in 20 cases (83%). Encephalopathy occurred within the first 2 weeks of illness in 72% of the cases. In 7 cases other illnesses were present. The etiology could not be determined in 13 cases. In 3 cases it was due to yellow fever and 6 cases were caused by viruses other than yellow fever. In one case the cause was drug usage and in another case, possibly alcohol. The authors believe that the clinical definition of FH requires further discussion before it is established. In this study FH is a young person's disease. The mortality found was similar to that by other authors. Factors that contributed to death were: hemorrhages and bacterial infection. Factors that worsened the prognosis of hepatitis were: associated illnesses and surgical procedure. The levels of ALT during hospitalization did not correlate well with the severity of the hepatitis. The authors believe that yellow fever should be considered a cause of FH where the clinical picture meets the criteria for such, although its mechanisms of encephalopathy remain obscure. The clinical details of the 3 cases of yellow fever are presented

    Type B Hepatitis in Iran

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    Hepatitis B surface antigen CHBsAg) was found in 1% of controls, 2.1% of professional blood donors, 2.0% of leprosy patients and 76.1% of acute hepatitis in Tehran and Mashhad, Iran. All HBsAg positive samples also possessed antibody to the hepatitis B core antigen and all were subtype ayw. Type B hepatitis and the HBsAg state aloe frequent in Iran, but most must be accounted for by u nonparenter- al" or "rnapparent'' parenteral exposure