85 research outputs found

    Pulse shape simulations for organic scintillation detectors using Geant4

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    The accurate simulation of the temporal pulse shapes from organic scintillation detectors capable of pulse shape discrimination (PSD) presents the opportunity to assess the pulse shape discrimination of these detectors prior to fabrication. The aim of this study is the simulation of the temporal pulse shapes from EJ-276, a PSD-capable plastic scintillator developed by Eljen Technologies. PSD plastic scintillators are increasingly replacing organic liquid scintillators for the detection of neutrons in the presence of mixed radiation fields for nuclear security applications. Plastics are inexpensive, robust and can be fabricated in a variety of shapes and sizes. They offer a solid-state alternative to liquid scintillators which can be difficult to transport due to the risk of leakage. However, the PSD performance of plastic scintillators has been observed to decrease due to various factors which combine to influence the overall shape of the pulse. The Monte Carlo toolkit Geant4 has been used to simulate the temporal pulse shapes from an EJ-276 plastic scintillator coupled to a photomultiplier tube (PMT). All three decay time components of EJ-276 have been modelled, utilising new methods available in the latest version of Geant4, for two different scintillator geometries. The simulated n/γ pulse shapes reproduce the features important for PSD. Future work will involve integrating the temporal response of the PMT with existing pulse shape simulations. Simulated data will then be compared with experimental measurements

    Functional Brain Network Characterization and Adaptivity during Task Practice in Healthy Volunteers and People with Schizophrenia1

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    Cognitive remediation involves task practice and may improve deficits in people suffering from schizophrenia, but little is known about underlying neurophysiological mechanisms. In people with schizophrenia and controls, we used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to examine accuracy and practice-related changes in parameters indexing neural network structure and activity, to determine whether these might be useful assays of the efficacy of cognitive remediation. Two MEG recordings were acquired during performance of a tone discrimination task used to improve the acuity of auditory processing, before and after ∼2.5 h of task practice. Accuracy before practice was negatively correlated with beta-band cost efficiency, a graph theoretical measure of network organization. Synthetic aperture magnetometry was used to localize brain oscillations with high spatial accuracy; results demonstrated sound and sensorimotor modulations of the beta band in temporo-parietal regions and the sensorimotor cortex respectively. High-gamma activity also correlated with sensorimotor processing during the task, with activation of auditory regions following sound stimulation, and activation of the left sensorimotor cortex preceding the button press. High-gamma power in the left frontal cortex was also found to correlate with accuracy. Following practice, sound-induced broad-band power in the left angular gyri increased. Accuracy improved and was found to correlate with increased mutual information (MI) between sensors in temporal–parietal regions in the beta band but not global cost efficiency. Based on these results, we conclude that hours of task practice can induce meso-scale changes such as increased power in relevant brain regions as well as changes in MI that correlate with improved accuracy

    Prefrontal Cortex Modulation during Anticipation of Working Memory Demands as Revealed by Magnetoencephalography

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    During the anticipation of task demands frontal control is involved in the assembly of stimulus-response mappings based on current goals. It is not clear whether prefrontal modulations occur in higher-order cortical regions, likely reflecting cognitive anticipation processes. The goal of this paper was to investigate prefrontal modulation during anticipation of upcoming working memory demands as revealed by magnetoencephalography (MEG). Twenty healthy volunteers underwent MEG while they performed a variation of the Sternberg Working Memory (WM) task. Beta band (14–30 Hz) SAM (Synthetic Aperture Magnetometry) analysis was performed. During the preparatory periods there was an increase in beta power (event-related synchronization) in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) bilaterally, left inferior prefrontal gyrus, left parietal, and temporal areas. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that, during preparatory states, the prefrontal cortex is important for biasing higher order brain regions that are going to be engaged in the upcoming task

    Action Experience and Action Discovery in Medicated Individuals with Parkinson's Disease.

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that markedly affects voluntary action. While regular dopamine treatment can help restore motor function, dopamine also influences cognitive portions of the action system. Previous studies have demonstrated that dopamine medication boosts action-effect associations, which are crucial for the discovery of new voluntary actions. In the present study, we investigated whether neural processes involved in the discovery of new actions are altered in PD participants on regular dopamine treatment, compared to healthy age-matched controls. We recorded brain electroencephalography (EEG) activity while PD patients and age-matched controls performed action discovery (AD) and action control tasks. We found that the novelty P3, a component normally present when there is uncertainty about the occurrence of the sensory effect, was enhanced in PD patients. However, AD was maintained in PD patients, and the novelty P3 demonstrated normal learning-related reductions. Crucially, we found that in PD patients the causal association between an action and its resulting sensory outcome did not modulate the amplitude of the feedback correct-related positivity (fCRP), an EEG component sensitive to the association between an action and its resulting effect. Collectively, these preliminary results suggest that the formation of long-term action-outcome representations may be maintained in PD patients on regular dopamine treatment, but the initial experience of action-effect association may be affected

    Human midcingulate cortex encodes distributed representations of task progress

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    The function of midcingulate cortex (MCC) remains elusive despite decades of investigation and debate. Complicating matters, individual MCC neurons respond to highly diverse task-related events, and MCC activation is reported in most human neuroimaging studies employing a wide variety of task manipulations. Here we investigate this issue by applying a model-based cognitive neuroscience approach involving neural network simulations, functional magnetic resonance imaging, and representational similarity analysis. We demonstrate that human MCC encodes distributed, dynamically evolving representations of extended, goal-directed action sequences. These representations are uniquely sensitive to the stage and identity of each sequence, indicating that MCC sustains contextual information necessary for discriminating between task states. These results suggest that standard univariate approaches for analyzing MCC function overlook the major portion of task-related information encoded by this brain area and point to promising new avenues for investigation

    Neural underpinnings of threat bias in relation to loss-of-control eating behaviors among adolescent girls with high weight

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    IntroductionLoss-of-control (LOC) eating, a key feature of binge-eating disorder, may relate attentional bias (AB) to highly salient interpersonal stimuli. The current pilot study used magnetoencephalography (MEG) to explore neural features of AB to socially threatening cues in adolescent girls with and without LOC-eating.MethodsGirls (12–17 years old) with overweight or obesity (BMI >85th percentile) completed an AB measure on an affective dot-probe AB task during MEG and evoked neural responses to angry or happy (vs. neutral) face cues were captured. A laboratory test meal paradigm measured energy intake and macronutrient consumption patterns.ResultsGirls (N = 34; Mage = 15.5 ± 1.5 years; BMI-z = 1.7 ± 0.4) showed a blunted evoked response to the presentation of angry face compared with neutral face cues in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, a neural region implicated in executive control and regulation processes, during attention deployment (p < 0.01). Compared with those without LOC-eating (N = 21), girls with LOC-eating (N = 13) demonstrated a stronger evoked response to angry faces in the visual cortex during attention deployment (p < 0.001). Visual and cognitive control ROIs had trends suggesting interaction with test meal intake patterns among girls with LOC-eating (ps = 0.01).DiscussionThese findings suggest that girls with overweight or obesity may fail to adaptively engage neural regions implicated in higher-order executive processes. This difficulty may relate to disinhibited eating patterns that could lead to excess weight gain