2,296 research outputs found

    Seqotron: A user-friendly sequence editor for Mac OS X

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    © 2016 Fourment and Holmes. Background: Accurate multiple sequence alignment is central to bioinformatics and molecular evolutionary analyses. Although sophisticated sequence alignment programs are available, manual adjustments are often required to improve alignment quality. Unfortunately, few programs offer a simple and intuitive way to edit sequence alignments. Results: We present Seqotron, a sequence editor that reads and writes files in a wide variety of sequence formats. Sequences can be easily aligned and manually edited using the mouse and keyboard. The program also allows the user to estimate both phylogenetic trees and distance matrices. Conclusions: Seqotron will benefit researchers who need to manipulate and align complex sequence data. Seqotron is a Mac OS X compatible open source project and is available from Github https://github.com/4ment/seqotron/

    Novel non-parametric models to estimate evolutionary rates and divergence times from heterochronous sequence data

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    Background: Early methods for estimating divergence times from gene sequence data relied on the assumption of a molecular clock. More sophisticated methods were created to model rate variation and used auto-correlation of rates, local clocks, or the so called "uncorrelated relaxed clock" where substitution rates are assumed to be drawn from a parametric distribution. In the case of Bayesian inference methods the impact of the prior on branching times is not clearly understood, and if the amount of data is limited the posterior could be strongly influenced by the prior. Results: We develop a maximum likelihood method - Physher - that uses local or discrete clocks to estimate evolutionary rates and divergence times from heterochronous sequence data. Using two empirical data sets we show that our discrete clock estimates are similar to those obtained by other methods, and that Physher outperformed some methods in the estimation of the root age of an influenza virus data set. A simulation analysis suggests that Physher can outperform a Bayesian method when the real topology contains two long branches below the root node, even when evolution is strongly clock-like. Conclusions: These results suggest it is advisable to use a variety of methods to estimate evolutionary rates and divergence times from heterochronous sequence data. Physher and the associated data sets used here are available online at. © 2014 Fourment and Holmes; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The impact of migratory flyways on the spread of avian influenza virus in North America

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Wild birds are the major reservoir hosts for influenza A viruses (AIVs) and have been implicated in the emergence of pandemic events in livestock and human populations. Understanding how AIVs spread within and across continents is therefore critical to the development of successful strategies to manage and reduce the impact of influenza outbreaks. In North America many bird species undergo seasonal migratory movements along a North-South axis, thereby providing opportunities for viruses to spread over long distances. However, the role played by such avian flyways in shaping the genetic structure of AIV populations remains uncertain. Results: To assess the relative contribution of bird migration along flyways to the genetic structure of AIV we performed a large-scale phylogeographic study of viruses sampled in the USA and Canada, involving the analysis of 3805 to 4505 sequences from 36 to 38 geographic localities depending on the gene segment data set. To assist in this we developed a maximum likelihood-based genetic algorithm to explore a wide range of complex spatial models, depicting a more complete picture of the migration network than determined previously. Conclusions: Based on phylogenies estimated from nucleotide sequence data sets, our results show that AIV migration rates are significantly higher within than between flyways, indicating that the migratory patterns of birds play a key role in viral dispersal. These findings provide valuable insights into the evolution, maintenance and transmission of AIVs, in turn allowing the development of improved programs for surveillance and risk assessment

    Revealing RNA virus diversity and evolution in unicellular algae transcriptomes

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    Abstract Remarkably little is known about the diversity and evolution of RNA viruses in unicellular eukaryotes. We screened a total of 570 transcriptomes from the Marine Microbial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequencing Project that encompasses a wide diversity of microbial eukaryotes, including most major photosynthetic lineages (i.e. the microalgae). From this, we identified thirty new and divergent RNA virus species, occupying a range of phylogenetic positions within the overall diversity of RNA viruses. Approximately one-third of the newly described viruses comprised single-stranded positive-sense RNA viruses from the order Lenarviricota associated with fungi, plants, and protists, while another third were related to the order Ghabrivirales, including members of the protist and fungi-associated Totiviridae. Other viral species showed sequence similarity to positive-sense RNA viruses from the algae-associated Marnaviridae, the double-stranded RNA (ds-RNA) Partitiviridae, as well as tentative evidence for one negative-sense RNA virus related to the Qinviridae. Importantly, we were able to identify divergent RNA viruses from distant host taxa, revealing the ancestry of these viral families and greatly extending our knowledge of the RNA viromes of microalgal cultures. Both the limited number of viruses detected per sample and the low sequence identity to known RNA viruses imply that additional microalgal viruses exist that could not be detected at the current sequencing depth or were too divergent to be identified using sequence similarity. Together, these results highlight the need for further investigation of algal-associated RNA viruses as well as the development of new tools to identify RNA viruses that exhibit very high levels of sequence divergence.</jats:p

    Virological sampling of inaccessible wildlife with drones

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    © 2018 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. There is growing interest in characterizing the viromes of diverse mammalian species, particularly in the context of disease emergence. However, little is known about virome diversity in aquatic mammals, in part due to difficulties in sampling. We characterized the virome of the exhaled breath (or blow) of the Eastern Australian humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae). To achieve an unbiased survey of virome diversity, a meta-transcriptomic analysis was performed on 19 pooled whale blow samples collected via a purpose-built Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV, or drone) approximately 3 km off the coast of Sydney, Australia during the 2017 winter annual northward migration from Antarctica to northern Australia. To our knowledge, this is the first time that UAVs have been used to sample viruses. Despite the relatively small number of animals surveyed in this initial study, we identified six novel virus species from five viral families. This work demonstrates the potential of UAVs in studies of virus disease, diversity, and evolution

    Transmission of equine influenza virus during an outbreak is characterized by frequent mixed infections and loose transmission bottlenecks.

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    The ability of influenza A viruses (IAVs) to cross species barriers and evade host immunity is a major public health concern. Studies on the phylodynamics of IAVs across different scales - from the individual to the population - are essential for devising effective measures to predict, prevent or contain influenza emergence. Understanding how IAVs spread and evolve during outbreaks is critical for the management of epidemics. Reconstructing the transmission network during a single outbreak by sampling viral genetic data in time and space can generate insights about these processes. Here, we obtained intra-host viral sequence data from horses infected with equine influenza virus (EIV) to reconstruct the spread of EIV during a large outbreak. To this end, we analyzed within-host viral populations from sequences covering 90% of the infected yards. By combining gene sequence analyses with epidemiological data, we inferred a plausible transmission network, in turn enabling the comparison of transmission patterns during the course of the outbreak and revealing important epidemiological features that were not apparent using either approach alone. The EIV populations displayed high levels of genetic diversity, and in many cases we observed distinct viral populations containing a dominant variant and a number of related minor variants that were transmitted between infectious horses. In addition, we found evidence of frequent mixed infections and loose transmission bottlenecks in these naturally occurring populations. These frequent mixed infections likely influence the size of epidemics

    From Molecular Genetics to Phylodynamics: Evolutionary Relevance of Mutation Rates Across Viruses

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    Although evolution is a multifactorial process, theory posits that the speed of molecular evolution should be directly determined by the rate at which spontaneous mutations appear. To what extent these two biochemical and population-scale processes are related in nature, however, is largely unknown. Viruses are an ideal system for addressing this question because their evolution is fast enough to be observed in real time, and experimentally-determined mutation rates are abundant. This article provides statistically supported evidence that the mutation rate determines molecular evolution across all types of viruses. Properties of the viral genome such as its size and chemical composition are identified as major determinants of these rates. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis reveals that, as expected, evolution rates increase linearly with mutation rates for slowly mutating viruses. However, this relationship plateaus for fast mutating viruses. A model is proposed in which deleterious mutations impose an evolutionary speed limit and set an extinction threshold in nature. The model is consistent with data from replication kinetics, selection strength and chemical mutagenesis studies
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