618 research outputs found

    Novel Cardiolipins from Uncultured Methane-Metabolizing Archaea

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    Novel cardiolipins from Archaea were detected by screening the intact polar lipid (IPL) composition of microbial communities associated with methane seepage in deep-sea sediments from the Pakistan margin by high-performance liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. A series of tentatively identified cardiolipin analogues (dimeric phospholipids or bisphosphatidylglycerol, BPG) represented 0.5% to 5% of total archaeal IPLs. These molecules are similar to the recently described cardiolipin analogues with four phytanyl chains from extreme halophilic archaea. It is worth noting that cardiolipin analogues from the seep archaeal communities are composed of four isoprenoidal chains, which may contain differences in chain length (20 and 25 carbon atoms) and degrees of unsaturation and the presence of a hydroxyl group. Two novel diether lipids, structurally related to the BPGs, are described and interpreted as degradation products of archaeal cardiolipin analogues. Since archaeal communities in seep sediments are dominated by anaerobic methanotrophs, our observations have implications for characterizing structural components of archaeal membranes, in which BPGs are presumed to contribute to modulation of cell permeability properties. Whether BPGs facilitate interspecies interaction in syntrophic methanotrophic consortia remains to be tested

    Activity of Ancillary Heterotrophic Community Members in Anaerobic Methane-Oxidizing Cultures

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    Consortia of anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME) and sulfate-reducing bacteria mediate the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) in marine sediments. However, even sediment-free cultures contain a substantial number of additional microorganisms not directly related to AOM. To track the heterotrophic activity of these community members and their possible relationship with AOM, we amended meso- (37 degrees C) and thermophilic (50 degrees C) AOM cultures (dominated by ANME-1 archaea and their partner bacteria of the Seep-SRB2 clade or Candidatus Desulfofervidus auxilii) with L-leucine-3-C-13 (C-13-leu). Various microbial lipids incorporated the labeled carbon from this amino acid, independent of the presence of methane as an energy source, specifically bacterial fatty acids, such as iso and anteiso-branched C-15:0 and C-17:0, as well as unsaturated C-18:1 omega 9 and C-18:1 omega 7. In natural methane-rich environments, these bacterial fatty acids are strongly C-13-depleted. We, therefore, suggest that those fatty acids are produced by ancillary bacteria that grow on C-13-depleted necromass or cell exudates/lysates of the AOM core communities. Candidates that likely benefit from AOM biomass are heterotrophic bacterial members of the Spirochetes and Anaerolineae-known to produce abundant branched fatty acids and present in all the AOM enrichment cultures. For archaeal lipids, we observed minor C-13-incorporation, but still suggesting some C-13-leu anabolism. Based on their relatively high abundance in the culture, the most probable archaeal candidates are Bathyarchaeota, Thermoplasmatales, and Lokiarchaeota. The identified heterotrophic bacterial and archaeal ancillary members are likely key players in organic carbon recycling in anoxic marine sediments

    IODP Advances in the Understanding of Subseafloor Life

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    The most recent decadal phase of scientific ocean drilling through the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) has resulted in paradigm-shifting understanding of life below the seafloor. Enabled by new drilling and coring approaches, cutting-edge methodologies, and novel observatory science, IODP expeditions have significantly advanced understanding of the amount and diversity of subseafloor life, the metabolic strategies that this life uses to survive under extreme energy limitation, and consequences of this life for the Earth system. Here, we summarize highlights from recent IODP expeditions focused on life beneath the seafloor and emphasize remaining major science challenges in investigating the form and function of life in this environment

    The novel extremely acidophilic, cell-wall-deficient archaeon Cuniculiplasma divulgatum gen. nov., sp. nov. represents a new family, Cuniculiplasmataceae fam. nov., of the order Thermoplasmatales

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    Two novel cell-wall-less, acidophilic, mesophilic, organotrophic and facultatively anaerobic archaeal strains were isolated from acidic streamers formed on the surfaces of copper-ore-containing sulfidic deposits in south-west Spain and North Wales, UK. Cells of the strains varied from 0.1 to 2 μm in size and were pleomorphic, with a tendency to form filamentous structures. The optimal pH and temperature for growth for both strains were 1.0-1.2 and 37-40 °C, with the optimal substrates for growth being beef extract (3 g l- 1) for strain S5T and beef extract with tryptone (3 and 1 g l- 1, respectively) for strain PM4. The lipid composition was dominated by intact polar lipids consisting of a glycerol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (GDGT) core attached to predominantly glycosidic polar headgroups. In addition, free GDGT and small relative amounts of intact and core diether lipids were present. Strains S5T and PM4 possessed mainly menaquinones with minor fractions of thermoplasmaquinones. The DNA G+C content was 37.3 mol% in strain S5T and 37.16 mol% for strain PM4. A similarity matrix of 16S rRNA gene sequences (identical for both strains) showed their affiliation to the order Thermoplasmatales, with 73.9-86.3 % identity with sequences from members of the order with validly published names. The average nucleotide identity between genomes of the strains determined in silico was 98.75 %, suggesting, together with the 16S rRNA gene-based phylogenetic analysis, that the strains belong to the same species. A novel family, Cuniculiplasmataceae fam. nov., genus Cuniculiplasma gen. nov. and species Cuniculiplasma divulgatum sp. nov. are proposed based on the phylogenetic, chemotaxonomic analyses and physiological properties of the two isolates, S5T and PM4 ( = JCM 30641 = VKM B-2940). The type strain of Cuniculiplasma divulgatum is S5T ( = JCM 30642T = VKM B-2941T)

    Genomic reconstruction of a novel, deeply branched sediment archaeal phylum with pathways for acetogenesis and sulfur reduction

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    Marine and estuary sediments contain a variety of uncultured archaea whose metabolic and ecological roles are unknown. De novo assembly and binning of high-throughput metagenomic sequences from the sulfate–methane transition zone in estuary sediments resulted in the reconstruction of three partial to near-complete (2.4–3.9 Mb) genomes belonging to a previously unrecognized archaeal group. Phylogenetic analyses of ribosomal RNA genes and ribosomal proteins revealed that this group is distinct from any previously characterized archaea. For this group, found in the White Oak River estuary, and previously registered in sedimentary samples, we propose the name ‘Thorarchaeota'. The Thorarchaeota appear to be capable of acetate production from the degradation of proteins. Interestingly, they also have elemental sulfur and thiosulfate reduction genes suggesting they have an important role in intermediate sulfur cycling. The reconstruction of these genomes from a deeply branched, widespread group expands our understanding of sediment biogeochemistry and the evolutionary history of Archaea

    Microbial Sulfate Reduction Potential in Coal-Bearing Sediments Down to ~2.5 km below the Seafloor off Shimokita Peninsula, Japan

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    Sulfate reduction is the predominant anaerobic microbial process of organic matter mineralization in marine sediments, with recent studies revealing that sulfate reduction not only occurs in sulfate-rich sediments, but even extends to deeper, methanogenic sediments at very low background concentrations of sulfate. Using samples retrieved off the Shimokita Peninsula, Japan, during the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 337, we measured potential sulfate reduction rates by slurry incubations with 35S-labeled sulfate in deep methanogenic sediments between 1276.75 and 2456.75 meters below the seafloor. Potential sulfate reduction rates were generally extremely low (mostly below 0.1 pmol cm−3 d−1) but showed elevated values (up to 1.8 pmol cm−3 d−1) in a coal-bearing interval (Unit III). A measured increase in hydrogenase activity in the coal-bearing horizons coincided with this local increase in potential sulfate reduction rates. This paired enzymatic response suggests that hydrogen is a potentially important electron donor for sulfate reduction in the deep coalbed biosphere. By contrast, no stimulation of sulfate reduction rates was observed in treatments where methane was added as an electron donor. In the deep coalbeds, small amounts of sulfate might be provided by a cryptic sulfur cycle. The isotopically very heavy pyrites (δ34S = +43‰) found in this horizon is consistent with its formation via microbial sulfate reduction that has been continuously utilizing a small, increasingly 34S-enriched sulfate reservoir over geologic time scales. Although our results do not represent in-situ activity, and the sulfate reducers might only have persisted in a dormant, spore-like state, our findings show that organisms capable of sulfate reduction have survived in deep methanogenic sediments over more than 20 Ma. This highlights the ability of sulfate-reducers to persist over geological timespans even in sulfate-depleted environments. Our study moreover represents the deepest evidence of a potential for sulfate reduction in marine sediments to date

    Unusual butane- and pentanetriol-based tetraether lipids in Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, a representative of the seventh order of methanogens

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of American Society for Microbiology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Applied and Environmental Microbiology 82 (2016): 4505-4516, doi:10.1128/AEM.00772-16.A new clade of archaea has recently been proposed to constitute the seventh methanogenic order, the Methanomassiliicoccales, which is related to the Thermoplasmatales and the uncultivated archaeal clades deep-sea hydrothermal vent Euryarchaeota group 2 and marine group II Euryarchaeota but only distantly related to other methanogens. In this study, we investigated the membrane lipid composition of Methanomassiliicoccus luminyensis, the sole cultured representative of this seventh order. The lipid inventory of M. luminyensis comprises a unique assemblage of novel lipids as well as lipids otherwise typical for thermophilic, methanogenic, or halophilic archaea. For instance, glycerol sesterpanyl-phytanyl diether core lipids found mainly in halophilic archaea were detected, and so were compounds bearing either heptose or methoxylated glycosidic head groups, neither of which have been reported so far for other archaea. The absence of quinones or methanophenazines is consistent with a biochemistry of methanogenesis different from that of the methanophenazine-containing methylotrophic methanogens. The most distinctive characteristic of the membrane lipid composition of M. luminyensis, however, is the presence of tetraether lipids in which one glycerol backbone is replaced by either butane- or pentanetriol, i.e., lipids recently discovered in marine sediments. Butanetriol dibiphytanyl glycerol tetraether (BDGT) constitutes the most abundant core lipid type (>50% relative abundance) in M. luminyensis. We have thus identified a source for these unusual orphan lipids. The complementary analysis of diverse marine sediment samples showed that BDGTs are widespread in anoxic layers, suggesting an environmental significance of Methanomassiliicoccales and/or related BDGT producers beyond gastrointestinal tracts.This study was funded by the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme “Ideas” Specific Programme, ERC grant agreement no. 247153 (Advanced Grant DARCLIFE; principal investigator, K.-U.H.), and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize awarded to K.-U.H. (Hi 616-14-1) and instrument grant Inst 144/300-1 (LC-qToF system). A.S. and T.U. were financially supported by a UNI:DOCS fellowship and a short-term travel grant (KWA) from the University of Vienna (Austria).2016-11-1

    Sedimentary membrane lipids recycled by deep-sea benthic archaea

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    Zonation of the active methane-cycling community in deep subsurface sediments of the Peru trench

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    The production and anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) by microorganisms is widespread in organic-rich deep subseafloor sediments. Yet, the organisms that carry out these processes remain largely unknown. Here we identify members of the methane-cycling microbial community in deep subsurface, hydrate-containing sediments of the Peru Trench by targeting functional genes of the alpha subunit of methyl coenzyme M reductase (mcrA). The mcrA profile reveals a distinct community zonation that partially matches the zonation of methane oxidizing and –producing activity inferred from sulfate and methane concentrations and carbon-isotopic compositions of methane and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). McrA appears absent from sulfate-rich sediments that are devoid of methane, but mcrA sequences belonging to putatively methane-oxidizing ANME-1a-b occur from the zone of methane oxidation to several meters into the methanogenesis zone. A sister group of ANME-1a-b, referred to as ANME-1d, and members of putatively aceticlastic Methanothrix (formerly Methanosaeta) occur throughout the remaining methanogenesis zone. Analyses of 16S rRNA and mcrA-mRNA indicate that the methane-cycling community is alive throughout (rRNA to 230 mbsf) and active in at least parts of the sediment column (mRNA at 44 mbsf). Carbon-isotopic depletions of methane relative to DIC (−80 to −86‰) suggest mostly methane production by CO2 reduction and thus seem at odds with the widespread detection of ANME-1 and Methanothrix. We explain this apparent contradiction based on recent insights into the metabolisms of both ANME-1 and Methanothricaceae, which indicate the potential for methanogenetic growth by CO2 reduction in both groups