10 research outputs found

    Autoconceito, educação física e alunos de 6 a 10 anos: uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Objetivo: Revisar a relação do Autoconceito com a Educação Física em alunos de 6 a 10 anos. Método: A busca dos descritores foi realizada em quatro base de dados (Redalyc, BVS, Scielo e Science Direct). O período de buscas da publicação dos manuscritos compreendeu de janeiro de 2013 a maio 2018. A avaliação da qualidade dos estudos foi realizara através dos checklist STROBE e DOWNS e BLACK. Resultados: foram encontrados na busca de títulos 257 estudos, foram lidos 197 resumos e selecionados 5 artigos para leitura na integra (seguindo os fatores de inclusão e exclusão), estes foram incluídos na revisão com os desfechos necessários para a análise. Conclusão: A Educação Física escolar mostrou-se um fator positivo perante o construto do autoconceito em crianças de 6 a 10 anos, porem em relação a está faixa etária a literatura ainda se mostra limitada, necessitando de mais investigações na área. ABSTRACT. Self-concern, physical education and students from 6 to 10 years: a systematic review of the literature.Objective: This study aimed to systematically review the relationship between self-concept and physical education in students aged 6 to 10 years. Method: The search for descriptors was carried out in four databases (Redalyc, BVS, Scielo and Science Direct). The period of search of the manuscript publication comprised from January 2013 to May 2018. The quality evaluation of the studies was performed through the checklists STROBE and DOWNS and BLACK. Results: 257 studies were found in the search for titles, 197 abstracts were read and 5 articles were selected for reading comprehensively (following the inclusion factors and exclusion), these were included in the review with the necessary outcomes for the analysis. Conclusion: School Physical Education was a positive factor in the construction of self-concept in children from 6 to 10 years of age, but in relation to this age group, literature is still limited, requiring more research in the area

    Comparação entre as idades óssea, dentária e cronológica por meio de método radiográfico simplificado

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    The aim of this study is a comparison between bone age, chronologic age and dental age, with the purpose of to obtain a guideline for the choice of the treatment time more convenient. Were analyzed 140 patients both genre, in the age group from 7 to 13 year. For the determination of the bone age those same patients were submitted to radiographic exam of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the first finger of the left hand using radiographic oclusal film, for the technique of the long cone (40 cm), with time of exhibition of 0,9 seconds, for the evaluation of the development of the sesamoid adutor bone. The conclusions of this study were that the radiographic method used is a easy application, mainly in cities that do not have radiological centers. The ossification of sesamoid adutor bone can be utilized as an indicator of the beginning of Pubertal Growth Spurt (PGS), being more precocious in the individuals of feminine gender; the dental pattern is variable than for bone age than for chronologic age in both genres.O objetivo deste estudo é a comparação entre a idade óssea, idade cronológica e o padrão de desenvolvimento dentário, com a finalidade de obter uma diretriz para a escolha da época de tratamento ortodôntico mais conveniente. Foram analisados clinicamente 140 pacientes, na faixa etária de 7 a 13 anos, de ambos os gêneros. Para a determinação da idade óssea esses mesmos pacientes foram submetidos a exame radiográfico da região da articulação metacarpofalangeana do primeiro dedo da mão esquerda, utilizando película radiográfica oclusal, pela técnica de cone longo (40 cm), com tempo de exposição de 0,9 segundo, para avaliação do desenvolvimento do osso sesamóide adutor. Conclui-se que o método radiológico empregado é de fácil aplicação, principalmente em cidades que não possuem centros radiológicos. A ossificação do osso sesamóide adutor pode ser utilizado como indicador do início do Surto de Crescimento Puberal (SCP) sendo mais precoce nos indivíduos de gênero feminino; o padrão dentário é variável tanto para a idade óssea como para a cronológica em ambos os gêneros

    Remoción quimica-mecánica del tejido cariado em dientes permanentes: reporte de caso clínico

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    En odontopediatría, una de las principales difi cultades que se presentaen la remoción del tejido dental cariado, es el manejo del paciente niño debido al miedo y a la ansiedad por el uso de anestesia e instrumentos rotatorios. A fi n de resolver este problema, el método químico-mecánico para la eliminación del tejido cariado, es una alternativa conservadora y efi caz ya que evita el uso de anestésicos e instrumental rotatorio. Según estudios, este método es más aceptado por los pacientes comparado con el método tradicional. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar un caso clínico del uso del gel a base de papaína (Papacárie ®) para la eliminación químicomecánica del tejido cariado en dientes permanentes

    Physical-chemical characteristics of whitening toothpaste and evaluation of its effects on enamel roughness

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    This in vitro study evaluated the physical-chemical characteristics of whitening toothpastes and their effect on bovine enamel after application of a bleaching agent (16% carbamide peroxide). Physical-chemical analysis was made considering mass loss by desiccation, ash content and pH of the toothpastes. Thirty bovine dental enamel fragments were prepared for roughness measurements. The samples were subjected to bleaching treatments and simulated brushing: G1. Sorriso Dentes Brancos (Conventional toothpaste), G2. Close-UP Whitening (Whitening toothpaste), and G3. Sensodyne Branqueador (Whitening toothpaste). The average roughness (Ra) was evaluated prior to the bleaching treatment and after brushing. The results revealed differences in the physical-chemical characteristics of the toothpastes (p < 0.0001). The final Ra had higher values (p < 0.05) following the procedures. The mean of the Ra did not show significant differences, considering toothpaste groups and bleaching treatment. Interaction (toothpaste and bleaching treatment) showed significant difference (p < 0.0001). The whitening toothpastes showed differences in their physical-chemical properties. All toothpastes promoted changes to the enamel surface, probably by the use of a bleaching agent

    Rebonding of unused brackets with different orthodontic adhesives

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare in vitro shear bond strength (SBS) of different orthodontic adhesives in bonding and repeatedly rebonding metal brackets, and to evaluate the bond failure site with the adhesive remnant index (ARI). METHODS: Specimens consisted of 90 extracted human first premolars, randomly divided into three groups (n=30). The adhesives Alpha Plast (AP), ConciseTM (CO) and TransbondTM XT (TB) were used in each group. Three SBS tests were performed, i.e., one at T0 (initial) and the other two at T1 and T2 (first and second rebondings, respectively), observing a 24-hour interval. The tests were performed in a Shimadzu AG-I (10kN) SBS testing machine, at a speed of 0.5 mm/min. RESULTS: SBS data were subjected to ANOVA, Tukey's test and Bonferroni test (p<0.05). For the ARI, the Kruskal Wallis test was performed, followed by the Dunn test. The results revealed that at T0 groups AP and CO showed SBS values that were near, but above TB values; and at T1 and T2, the highest SBS values were observed for the AP group, followed by the CO and TB groups. CONCLUSION: Statistically significant differences were found in SBS between groups AP, CO and TB during bonding and repeated rebondings of unused metal brackets, with group AP achieving the highest SBS value. Regarding ARI, adhesive AP exhibited bond failure at the enamel-adhesive interface, with a higher enamel fracture frequency