16 research outputs found

    Association of ACTN3 R577X Polymorphism with Elite Basketball Player Status and Training Responses

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    The α-actinin-3 (ACTN3) gene rs1815739 (C/T, R577X) polymorphism is a variant frequently associated with athletic performance among different populations. However, there is limited research on the impact of this variant on athlete status and physical performance in basketball players. Therefore, the aim of this study was twofold: (1) to determine the association of ACTN3 rs1815739 polymorphism with changes in physical performance in response to six weeks of training in elite basketball players using 30 m sprint and Yo-Yo Intermittent Recovery Test Level 2 (IR 2) tests, and (2) to compare ACTN3 genotype and allelic frequencies between elite basketball players and controls. The study included a total of 363 individuals, comprising 101 elite basketball players and 262 sedentary individuals. Genomic DNA was isolated from oral epithelial cells or leukocytes, and genotyping was performed by real-time PCR using KASP genotyping method or by microarray analysis. We found that the frequency of the ACTN3 rs1815739 XX genotype was significantly lower in basketball players compared to controls (10.9 vs. 21.4%, p = 0.023), suggesting that RR/RX genotypes were more favorable for playing basketball. Statistically significant (p = 0.045) changes were observed in Yo-Yo IRT 2 performance measurement tests in basketball players with the RR genotype only. In conclusion, our findings suggest that the carriage of the ACTN3 rs1815739 R allele may confer an advantage in basketball

    Detailed experimental and numerical analysis of a cylindrical cup deep drawing Pros and cons of using solid-shell elements

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    International audienceThe Swift test was originally proposed as a formability test to reproduce the conditions observed in deep drawing operations. This test consists on forming a cylindrical cup from a circular blank, using a flat bottom cylindrical punch and has been extensively studied using both analytical and numerical methods. This test can also be combined with the Demeri test, which consists in cutting a ring from the wall of a cylindrical cup, in order to open it afterwards to measure the springback. This combination allows their use as benchmark test, in order to improve the knowledge concerning the numerical simulation models, through the comparison between experimental and numerical results. The focus of this study is the experimental and numerical analyses of the Swift cup test, followed by the Demeri test, performed with an AA5754-O alloy at room temperature. In this context, a detailed analysis of the punch force evolution, the thickness evolution along the cup wall, the earing profile, the strain paths and their evolution and the ring opening is performed. The numerical simulation is performed using the finite element code ABAQUS, with solid and solid-shell elements, in order to compare the computational efficiency of these type of elements. The results show that the solid-shell element is more cost-effective than the solid, presenting global accurate predictions, excepted for the thinning zones. Both the von Mises and the Hill48 yield criteria predict the strain distributions in the final cup quite accurately. However, improved knowledge concerning the stress states is still required, because the Hill48 criterion showed difficulties in the correct prediction of the springback, whatever the type of finite element adopted

    Diagnosis and management of iron deficiency in children with or without anemia: consensus recommendations of the SPOG Pediatric Hematology Working Group

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    Poster presentations.

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