158 research outputs found

    Observatorio de la accesibilidad universal en el transporte interurbano en España 2012

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    Este documento tiene como objetivo la de analizar, a través de indicadores de accesibilidad, la situación del transporte interurbano en España, definir perfiles de población, conocer el nivel de accesibilidad y contar con una comparativa. También persigue incrementar la sensibilización y formación de los técnicos y responsables (tanto gestores de las infraestructuras como prestadores de servicios de transporte) y fijar correctos criterios de accesibilidad para las futuras infraestructuras y servicios y para adaptaciones y reformas de las ya existentes

    Five Combined Strategies to Achieve Comprehensive, Effective and Innovative Training in Accessibility and Universal Design. Success Stories in Spain

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    Today, achieving quality higher education in Universal Accessibility and Design is a difficult task. There is a lack of development in this regard within higher education study programmes, so training components must be added to traditional education in order to respond to the 21st century effectively. Therefore, we name hereunder five innovative strategies that can vastly ease the success of this task when combined: 1. Flexibility: Online training in a digital world. 2. Internationalization: Allowing teaching staff and students to experience a global classroom scenario without spatial and temporal boundaries. 3. Transversality: Including individuals with multiple skills in a complex world. 4. Diversity: Sharing experiences from different professional and research areas in a plural world. 5. Connecting with reality: Businesses and Institutions working closely together to design and deliver high quality practical workshops. The strategies listed come from the evaluation of the different curricular training projects sponsored by the ONCE Foundation and the Conference of Rectors of the Spanish Universities. This framework emerged from the Accessibility White Paper (2003-2010) and the I National Accessibility Plan (2004-2012). These documents referred to a new paradigm in Design for All seeking full equality of opportunities and founded, implicitly, the foundations of how to face the formation of a new way, from the strategies previously indicated. For this purpose, we will refer to four success stories that took place in Spain: 1. Online Master’s Degree in “Accessibility for Smart City; the Global City” 2. MOOC on “Accessible design, Design for All” 3. last three editions of the annual event “MAW Madrid Accessibility Week” 4. “Multidisciplinary workshops on universal accessibility and design at the UDEM in Monterrey – Mexico”, organized by the University of Jaen in cooperation with ONCE Foundation. The success of these strategies within our organisations has encouraged the development of further initiatives to develop and adopt these training tools in an education settin

    The presence of universal accessibility in doctoral dissertations deposited in Spain between 1998-1999 and 2017-2018 academic years

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    The goal of this research is the identification and analysis of doctoral dissertations registered in Spain that address universal accessibility as a topic in order to detect trends, the scope for development and leading institutions. The TESEO database has been used as a basic tool. A significant number of dissertations on universal accessibility published in Spain between 1998-1999 and 2017-2018 academic years have been identified, although these make up a small proportion of the total number of those registered. Specifically, the database contains 108 dissertations on this subject. The most common topics are the accessibility to digital services in general, accessibility to art, culture and tourism, inclusive education, assistive products, accessibility to the urban environment, transport and buildings, and accessibility as a fundamental right.Some of the dissertations found a deal with subjects rarely studied from the point of view of universal accessibility, such as banking, communication, employment, the home and R&D&I processes. The educational institutions which have published the largest number of these dissertations on universal accessibility are the Technical University of Madrid and the University of Granada, followed by the University of Valencia and the Technical University of Valencia.Peer Reviewe

    Nota sobre la presencia de mineralizaciones de barita al sur de Llerena (Badajoz, España)

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    Barite mineralizations occur within Lower Cambrian detrital-carbonatic materials in the Zafra-Monesterio sector (Ossa-Morena zone, Iberian Massif), mainly associated to shales containing siliceous limestones layers. Four types of mineralization can be differentiated: 1) disseminate barite in carbonatic rocks, 2) centimetric concretions, 3) stratiform bodies of up 50 m long and <2 m thick, and 4) veins which are filling post-Hercynian fractures. According to the geological setting, and morphological, mineralogical and chemical characteristics a sedimentary and/or diagenetic origin may be supposed for stratiform barite deposits. Barite recrystallization took place during Hercynian deformation. Later barite was remobilized and concentrated in post-Hercynian fractures. Stratiform mineralizations described above can be considered of a commercial interest because occurrences are very abundant in this area, and grades are many times richer than 90% of BaS04with only silica as the major impurity.Las mineralizaciones estratiformes de barita aparecen asociadas a un conjunto de materiales detrítico-carbonatados de edad Cámbrico inferior en el denominado Dominio de Zafra-Monesterio (Zona de Ossa- Morena), encajando en pizarras con niveles de calizas con sílex, que presentan frecuentes cambios laterales de facies. Se pueden distinguir varios tipos de mineralizaciones: 1) barita diseminada en las rocas carbonatadas, 2) barita en concrecciones centimétricas, 3) barita en niveles estratiformes de hasta 50 m de longitud y espesores inferiores a 2 m, y 4) baritas con morfología filoniana que rellenan fracturas posthercínicas. Atendiendo a las características del entorno geológico y a las consideraciones morfológicas, mineralógicas y químicas, es posible asignar a estas mineralizaciones un origen sedimentario y/o diagenètico, con recristalizaciones durante las etapas de deformación hercínica (tipos 1, 2 y 3). Posteriormente la barita ha sido removilizada y depositada en fracturas posthercínicas (tipo 4). Las mineralizaciones estratiformes descritas pueden ser de interés económico, ya que en la zona aparecen frecuentes indicios de este tipo que alcanzan leyes superiores al 90%, con sílice como impurezas más significativa

    The past, present, and future of accessible tourism research: A bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database

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    At present, it is estimated that there are more than 1 billion people with some type of disability worldwide. Against this background, it is important to reconceive every life sphere and activity to ensure the inclusion, participation and equal opportunity of people with disabilities and to promote respect for their capacities and desires as people. The tourism sector is leaving large segments of global society behind. Tourism companies need more training and guidance to address the requirements of tourists who have specific needs or require certain types of support. This study aims to analyze and map the progress in scientific research on accessible tourism. To achievethis objective, this paper presents a bibliometric analysis of scientific paperson accessible tourism published in the Scopus database between 1997 and 2021. The study used the VOSviewer and CiteSpace software to map and visualize publication trends within this field. A total of 254 articles were included, of which 95.6% were original research. These studies were published in 52 countries. Australia is among the countries with high researchproductivity in this field. The most productive journals are Tourism Management and Sustainability (Switzerland), and the most prominent author is Simon Darcy. The analysis of keywords allows us to continually review the opportunities that new information and communication technologies(specifically smartphones and virtual reality) offer for the future development of the accessible tourism sector.Peer Reviewe

    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación como entorno de convergencia tecnológica. El Design Thinking aplicado a la discapacidad intelectual

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    This article presents research related to the use of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) by people with intellectual disabilities as a means to increase their autonomy in basic daily activities offering people with barriers in learning and participation an environment of technological convergence that meets the characteristics of universal accessibility: invisibility, ubiquity and adaptability. For this, a software with accessible interface was designed in order to make the use of the training program the most easy and attractive possible. Training with this program provided an increase of up to 10% in autonomy in some of the categories of ABVD, thus demonstrating the efficacy of the software designed through the parameter of design thinking.En este artículo se presenta una investigación relacionada con el uso de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) por parte de personas con discapacidad intelectual, como medio para aumentar su autonomía en las actividades básicas de la vida diaria (ABVD), ofreciendo a las personas con barreras para el aprendizaje y la participación, un entorno de convergencia tecnológica que cumpla con las características de la accesibilidad universal: invisibilidad, ubicuidad y adaptabilidad. Para ello, fue diseñado un software con un interfaz accesible para hacer que el uso del programa de entrenamiento resultara lo más amable y atractivo posible. El entrenamiento con este programa supuso un aumento de hasta el 10% en la autonomía en algunas categorías de las ABVD, por lo que el software diseñado bajo el parámetro del design thinking ha demostrado ser eficaz

    Analysis of the pilot survey INKLUGI about aging and disabilities to promote Inclusive Design in industry

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    This study is part of the project INKLUGI. The main objective of the project is to create new tools that help to introduce Inclusive Design methods in the industry of the region of Gipuzkoa. To make companies understand the aging of the population as an opportunity for innovation and competitiveness is necessary to create new quantitative tools. The survey about disability and aging is the best way to gather data for a quantitative data base that will feed the future quantitative tools for Inclusive Design. In this study the process followed to carry out the pilot survey INKLUGI is presented. Then, the results obtained from the survey are analysed and discussed in a collaborative workshop with stakeholders. Finally, the contributions of experts from different sectors are explained

    Degraded limonoids: biologically active limonoid fragments re-enhancing interest in Meliaceae and Rutaceae sources

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    Phytochemical studies on the roots, twigs and leaves of Meliaceae and Rutaceae family plants have revealed the presence of non-complex terpenes derived from limonoid fragmentation. The occurrence and chemical structure of these degraded limonoids isolated from 1930 to March 2022 are reported in this review. Particular attention is given to the degradation levels in these compounds and their absolute configuration to discover presumable deconstruction pathways from more complex limonoids. Plausible intermediates have been postulated for most of them that would explain their origin from limonoids. The total or semi-synthesis of the most isolated degraded limonoids or analogues remains undescribed. This review focuses on the bioactivity of these fragmented limonoids and their synthesized analogues. Based on pharmacological and agrochemical studies, degraded limonoids appear to be excellent structural leads to consider for the total or semi-synthesis of more potent derivatives with the aim of discovering new hits and clarifying their modes of action

    La Accesibilidad Universal y el Diseño para Todos desde la perspectiva de género

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    Ser mujer con discapacidad hoy supone un reto añadido si se aplica a los diferentes modelos de mujer que conviven en la realidad social. Aunque las políticas destinadas a este sector de mujeres deban ser específicas, una necesidad vital une a las mujeres con y sin discapacidad: desarrollarse como mujeres completas en un mundo en demasiada ocasiones hostil, donde todo tipo de servicios relacionados con las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC), los entornos físicos, etc., se convierte en nada cuando se obvia la premisa principal, diseñar pensando en todos y en todas. Por ello presentamos esta reflexión sobre la situación actual y las actuaciones que son necesarias para posicionar a las mujeres con discapacidad en igualdad con el resto de la ciudadanía

    Glutathione Metabolism In Cyclosporine A‐Treated Rats: Dose‐ And Time‐Related Changes In Liver And Kidney

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    [EN] 1. We investigated the simultaneous effects of cyclosporine A (CsA) treatment in rats on glutathione metabolism, oxidative status and their interorgan relationship in the liver and kidney. 2. Reduced and oxidized glutathione (GSH and GSSG, respectively), lipid peroxidation and the activity of several enzymes of the glutathione cycle were evaluated in adult Wistar rats treated daily (i.p.) with saline, CsA vehicle (olive oil) or CsA (10 and 20 mg/kg per day) for either 1 or 4 weeks (short- and long-term treatments, respectively). 3. Cyclosporine A treatment elicited a significant depletion in liver GSH content and a decrease in the GSH/GSSG ratio that was unrelated to either the time of treatment or the dose used; these effects were already evident after I week of treatment. Renal GSH levels remained unaffected or increased, while those of GSSG increased markedly in all CsA-treated rats, leading to decreases in the GSH/GSSG ratio, except in rats treated in the short term with the lower dose of CsA. These changes in the GSH/GSSG ratio were time and dose dependent. Short-term CsA treatment using the higher dose and long-term treatment with both doses of CsA progressively enhanced lipid peroxidation, which was reflected by increased levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in both hepatic and renal homogenates. Hepatic γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity was increased after long-term treatment with both doses of CsA, whereas the activity of GSH hepatic peroxidase and GSH transferase was not significantly modified in any of the experimental groups. In contrast, renal γ-glutamyl transpeptidase activity decreased in a progressive fashion, with the magnitude of this decrease being dose and time dependent. The plasma levels of total glutathione increased only in rats treated in the long term, regardless of the dose of CsA used, and remained unaltered in animals treated in the short term. 4. In summary, the data collected indicate that CsA treatment alters the interorgan homeostasis of glutathione and the oxidative status of the rat liver and kidney, which is associated with increases in lipid peroxidation in both organs, and also induces modifications in the activity of some enzyme related to the glutathione cycle