2,084 research outputs found

    Monitoring resistance of Cydia pomonella (L.) Spanish field populations to new chemical insecticides and the mechanisms involved

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    BACKGROUND: A widespread resistance of Cydia pomonella to organophosphates was demonstrated in populations from the Spanish Ebro Valley area that showed high levels of enzymatic detoxification. To determine the efficacy of new insecticides, neonate larvae bioassays were carried out on twenty field codling moth populations collected from three different Spanish apple production areas. Synergist bioassays were performed to detect the enzymatic mechanisms involved. RESULTS: The least active ingredients were methoxyfenozide, with 100% of the populations showing significantly lower mortality than the susceptible strain, and lambda-cyhalothrin, with very high resistant ratios (872.0 for the most resistant field population). Approximately 50% of the populations were resistant or tolerant to thiacloprid. By contrast, tebufenozide was very effective in all the field populations, as was chlorpyrifos-ethyl despite its widespread use during the last few years. Indoxacarb, spinosad and chlorantraniliprole also provided high efficacy, as did emamectin and spinetoram, which are not yet registered in Spain. CONCLUSION: The resistant Spanish codling moth populations can be controlled using new reduced-risk insecticides. The use of synergists showed the importance of the concentration applied and the difficulty of interpreting the results in field populations that show multiple resistance to different active ingredients.The authors would like to express their sincere thanks to the fruit growers who gave us access to their orchards and to the grower advisors of the areas (plant defense area technicians), who helped identify the best orchards for the assays, and Mònica Pérez for her technical help. This study was partially supported by grants AGL2013-49164 and AGL2016-77373 of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation and by the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya

    Comparative transcriptone analysis in the moss Physcomitrella patens and the genetic basis of key reproductive innovations

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    During land plant evolution plants underwent extensive transformations. For the successful adaptation to the terrestrial environment the vegetative tissues were modified to cope with low water availability while new reproductive organs and strategies emerged to ensure plant dispersal and survival. Importantly, plant life cycles were dramatically modified, evolving from gametophyte dominant in early land plants such as Bryophytes to sporophyte dominance as it is observed in flowering plants.(...

    La emergencia de los logaritmos como herramienta para facilitar cálculos

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    En la presente investigación, adherida a la aproximación socioepistemológica y donde se toma como metodología la ingeniería didáctica, se propone una secuencia matemática para la introducción al tema de los logaritmos, en particular dos de sus propiedades (logaritmo del producto y del cociente). Para realizar el diseño de la secuencia y en general, la investigación, se adoptó como marco referencial el trabajo de Ferrari (2001); en él enuncia tres momentos en el desarrollo de los logaritmos. Particularmente abordamos el primer momento denominado logaritmos como transformación numérica, época en la cual (siglo XVI y XVII), personajes como, Stifel, Napier y Briggs relacionaban progresiones geométricas con aritméticas, aún sin hablar formalmente de logaritmos, en el caso de Stifel

    Target-site mutations (AChE and kdr), and PSMO activity in codling moth (Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)) populations from Spain

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    Codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) is a key pest of global importance that affects apple fruit production and whose populations have developed resistance to insecticides in many apple production areas. In Spain, enhanced cytochrome P450 polysubstrate monooxygenase (PSMO) activity is the main mechanism involved in insecticide detoxification by codling moth, although acetylcholinesterase (AChE) target site mutations have been described in two populations. However, the extent of AChE and knockdown resistance (kdr) mutations in Spain is unknown. To assess the actual occurrence of AChE and kdr mutations concurrently with the frequency of moths with PSMO enhanced activity (R-PSMO), 32 Spanish field populations from four apple-growing areas of Spain and two susceptible laboratory strains were evaluated. R-PSMO was significantly higher in 23 chemically treated field populations from Extremadura, Catalonia and Aragon, with proportions that varied between 25% and 90%, but no significant differences among strains and the non-chemically treated orchards (organic or abandoned) were observed. The AChE mutation (F290V) was detected in all field populations from Catalonia (n=21) and in three field populations from Aragon (n=5), with resistant phenotype proportions varying from 34.2% to 97.5% and from 7.2% to 65% in Catalonia and Aragon, respectively. In addition, the kdr mutation (L1014F) was detected in twelve Catalonian field populations, at rates of incidence ranging between 2.6% and 56.8%. A positive correlation between R-PSMO and AChE mutation was found. The origin of the mutations and their ability to persist and spread in field populations with different management systems is discussed.The authors thank the fruit growers and pest control advisors of the different Spanish apple-growing areas for their help in accessing and identifying apple orchards and Mónica Pérez for her technical help. This work was funded by grant Fondo de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, FONDECYT 11130599 (CONICYT), Chile, to M.A. Rodríguez, by grant AGL2013-49164 of the Spanish Ministry for Science and Innovation, to J. Avilla and D. Bosch, and by the CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya

    Los logaritmos a partir de la covariación de sucesiones

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    En este artículo se presenta una propuesta para la introducción al tema de los logaritmos; dicha propuesta se presenta con una secuencia la cual es realizada bajo el marco de la socioepistemología (Cantoral, 2004) y la metodología de la ingeniería didáctica (Artigue, 1995; Douady, 1995). En esta secuencia se trabajan sólo dos propiedades de los logaritmos, las cuales se abordan con cinco actividades. Aquí se pretende dar parte del análisis preliminar que se hizo, para poder diseñar la secuencia matemática, junto con el análisis a priori y los resultados de algunas exploraciones que se han llevado a cabo. Dentro de la descripción del análisis preliminar se quiso recalcar el problema que se detectó al abordar el tema de los logaritmos y por el cual se da esta propuesta

    Becoming Transfronterizo Collaborators: A Transdisciplinary Framework For Developing Translingual Pedagogies In Wac/Wid

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    Given that pedagogical approaches that challenge dominant language ideologies are not yet well represented in WAC/WID scholarship, this chapter outlines a transdisciplinary framework for developing translingual pedagogies. The framework is built around the notion of transfronterizo/ a collaborators because before instructors can engage their students in exploring and challenging their views toward language, instructors must first critically interrogate their own. This interrogation must consider the unique political, social, economic, and linguistic exigencies of where an institution is located. The chapter concludes by showing that a transdisciplinary and translingual collaboration that is mutually transformative changes faculty collaborators in how they perceive their linguistic histories and abilities, challenges/enriches their instructional practices, and expands/complicates their scholarly knowledge. This chapter seeks to assist WAC/WID faculty interested in developing translingual and transdisciplinary collaborations in institutions where no professional development opportunities that focus on language difference exist or as an addition to a workshop setting

    The Implementation of a Professional Learning Community to Support Out-of-Field Teachers

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    To determine the changes in the teaching practices of out-of-field teachers and their knowledge of English after the implementation of a Professional Learning Community at a private school in Bogotá.This study attempts to provide support to out-of-field teachers, who are the teachers who have limited knowledge about the subject they are teaching. For example: English, Chemistry, Science, Spanish, etc. For that, we chose five teachers (Normalistas Superiores) at a private school in Bogotá. Likewise, to see what could be done in order to help them in their teaching practices, the researchers used a Professional Learning Community for providing information about components, skills, and bases about English methodologies and approaches. What is more, the interviews observations, and questionnaires were used for collecting the data

    International orientation and export performance: exploring the moderating effect of innovative capacity, market dynamism, and a favorable business environment

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    Las nuevas empresas internacionales específicamente las Born Global se ha convertido en objeto de investigación debido al éxito que tienen en las operaciones internacionales, a pesar de su naciente internacionalización y limitados recursos. En este sentido, la importancia de analizar las características que hacen de las Born Global empresas exitosas, hace que este estudio pretenda analizar la influencia de la orientación internacional en el desempeño exportador de las empresas Born Global. Adicionalmente, ante la importancia del ámbito internacional para entrar en nuevos mercados, otros factores son analizados como la capacidad de innovación, el dinamismo del mercado y la favorabilidad del entorno. Para este fin, en este artículo se utiliza un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales permitiendo demostrar que la orientación internacional es un fuerte movilizador del desempeño exportador de las Born Global. Sin embargo, esta relación es moderada por la capacidad de innovación, el dinamismo y la favorabilidad del entorno logrando un alto efecto en la relación entre desempeño exportado cuando la orientación internacional es complementado por estas variables.New international enterprises that are referred to as Born Global have become the subject of research due to the success of their global operations, despite their early internationalization and limited resources. Given the importance of analyzing the characteristics that make Born Global companies successful, this study examines the influence of international orientation on the export performance of Born Global companies. Additionally, given the importance of international guidance for entering new markets, other factors, such as innovative capacity, the dynamism of the market and the favorability of the environment, are included. By estimating a structural equation model, the results show that international orientation is a strong driver of the export performance of Born Global companies. However, this relationship is moderated by innovative capacity and the dynamism of and favorability of the environment, thus achieving a greater effect on export performance when international orientation is complemented by these other variables

    El liderazgo y su incidencia en el proceso de administración escolar de los Institutos Nacionales de Educación Básica de Telesecundaria del departamento de Suchitepéquez.

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    Es importante destacar que el Liderazgo es usualmente concebido como una capacidad y un proceso: una capacidad innata o adquirible, de convocar a un colectivo para cambiar el estado de las cosas y un proceso, mediante el cual, se inspira, motiva y enseña a un grupo de personas o seguidores, a transformar una determinada realidad, bajo la guía o tutela de un líder. Asimismo, el liderazgo es entendido como la capacidad de influir sobre un grupo de personas, a fin de encauzarlos hacia el logro de sus metas. Es la capacidad de tomar la iniciativa, de gestionar, convocar, promover, incentivar, motivar, evaluar e influir en una o varias personas, haciendo que éstas modifiquen sus conductas. En otras palabras, el liderazgo es la capacidad y voluntad de conducir a hombres y mujeres a un propósito común y a un carácter que inspire confianza. Con base a lo expuesto, puede aseverarse que el liderazgo juega un papel preponderante en el desarrollo de las organizaciones y más aún, en lo que atañe a las instituciones educativas, puesto que no puede soslayarse que tiene una amplia incidencia en el proceso de administración escolar, por cuanto su efectiva concreción permite mejorar los niveles de comunicación, las relaciones interpersonales, promoción del trabajo en equipo y así también, la concreción de un buen clima organizacional entre el personal administrativo y docente de las instituciones escolares