89 research outputs found
On the issue of the boundary disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency, which is caused by the Law of Establishment of their respective regions and the extension of Lebong Regency region which resulted in the development of territory by Lebong Regency against some areas of North Bengkulu Regency. The objectives of the research are (1) to know the cause of conflict / disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency, (2) to explain the alternative of settlement of border disputes between Lebong Regency and North Bengkulu Regency according to the laws and regulations. The type of research used in this study is normative, because the material discussed prioritizes review in terms of legislation related to the Settlement of Boundary Disputes between Lebong District and North Bengkulu Regency Based on Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government. The result of the research shows that 1) Alternative of settlement of boundary disputes between Lebong Regency and North Bengkulu Regency according to the laws and regulations, namely legal settlement and non-legal settlement.Keywords: dispute, prohibition, alternativ
On the issue of the boundary dispute between North Bengkulu Regency of Lebong, caused by an Act of Establishment of each area and the expansion area of Lebong resulting in a boundary dispute this. Objective: (1) determine the cause of the dispute as the border between North Bengkulu Regency of Lebong, (2) can explain Barriers boundary dispute between Lebong. This type of research used in this study is normative, because the material covered prioritize a review of the terms of the legislation relating to the Settlement Boundary between Lebong regency in Bengkulu Utara Based on Law Number 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government (replaced by Law Number 23 Year 2014 on Regional Government). Research results show that 1) Cause Boundary disputes between Lebong regency in Bengkulu Utara, described: first, the Regional Establishment Act and second, Extension Lebong regency. 2). Barriers to Settlement of disputes boundary between North Bengkulu regency of Bengkulu Lebong is the Governor's letter No. 140/021 / A / B.1. The letter, declare that the governor of Bengkulu support Formation of the District Padang Bano. The letter has been at odds with the numbers 2 Minutes of Agreement of the Region Emphasis Team, dated June 20, 2008. Keywords : disputes / conflicts, procurement, obstacle
Pengaruh Tempe Dalam Mengurangi Risiko Terhadap Diare Akibat Infeksi Bakteri Enteropatogen Escherisia Coli
Emulsi Karotena Minyak Kelapa Sawit Sebagai Pewarna Makanan
Abstract: Aside from being located as an autonomous region, it is also located as an administrative area; therefore, in addition to regulating the autonomous region, the Governor as the regional head also acts as the central representative in the regions. However, as the head of the region, the Governor is also responsible for regulating his autonomous region and also responsible to the people who elect him. The research objective is to discuss the constitutionality of the Governor's position as the representative of the central government in the region based on the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The type of research used in this Studi is normative. The results showed that the Governor in carrying out his government in accordance with the mandate of the constitution performed its duties as regional head based on autonomy and assistance tasks. Based on the conclusions that can be drawn about whether the task is interpreted and the authority of the Governor is based on the principle of Deconcentration, the Position of the Governor is the Central Representative in the region and is an expansion of government in the administration of government.Keywords : Governor; Autonomy; Governmen
Komponen Aktif Dalam Tempe Untuk Pencegahan Diare
Hasil penelitian terdahulu menunjukkan bahwa tempe mempunyai khasiat yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan yaitu kemampuan menegah terjadinya kenaikan kadar kolesterol darah dan diare akibat infeksi bakteri enteropatogenik Eserichia coli (E.coli). Komponen atau zak aktif dalam tempe yang berperan pada pencegahan diare belum diketahui. Komponen tersebut dapat ditentukan melalui dua tahap penelitian yaitu pertama menguji jenis ekstrak tempe yang mampu mencegah diare, dan kedua menentukan komponen atau senyawa yang terkandung dalam ekstrak tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan menentukan jenis ekstrak tempe yang mampu mencegah/menghambat terjadinya diare akibat infeksi bakteri enteropatogenik E.coli. Penelitia dialkukan secara biologi menggunakan kelinci sebagai hewan percobaan. kelinci sapihan yang sehat dibagi menjadi lima kelompok, masing-masing kelompok disampinng ransum basal diberi ekstrak tempe dengan pelarut etanol atau pelarut etanol-hexan (1:1) atau pelarut hexan, satu kelompok diberi residu dan satu kelompok lagi hanya diberi ransum basal (kelompok kontrol). Setelah 30 hari pemberian ransum, kelinci diinfeksi dengan E.coli. Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap kenaikan berat badan, kejadian diare, jangka waktu diare, reaksi imun, patologi-anatomi dan histopatologi saluran pencernaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa komponen dalam tempe yang berpengaruh terhadap pertumbuhan terdapat di dalam residu. Komponen yang berpengaruh mengurangi resiko diare terdapat di dalam ekstrak etanol. Komponen yang menghambat kejadian diare terdapat di dalam residu dan ekstrak etanol. Komponen yang bersifat sebagai antigen yang dapat menimbulkan reaksi imunitas terhadap bakteri E.coli terdapat di dalam ekstrak hexan
Abstract: There are still many violations in every general election such as administrative, criminal and ethical code violations in Bengkulu City. There are two problems examined in this thesis reviewing the Effectiveness of the General Election Supervisory Agency in handling violations in the general election and sanctions given by the Election Supervisory Agency in settlement of handling violations that occur in the general election. This research used the normative-empirical legal research method, namely legal research on the enforcement or implementation of normative legal provisions in action on any particular legal event that occurs in the community. Normative research is a legal research that examines written law from aspects of theory, history, philosophy, comparison, structure and composition, scope and material, general explanation of article by article, formality and the strength of binding a law but does not bind the applied aspects or its implementation whereas the Empirical research is an unwritten positive legal research concerning the behavior of community members in community relations. The resolution in handling of violations in the general election is still less effective because there are still many violations that still occur at the time the general election takes place and the sanctions given have no clear firmness and have not caused a deterrent effect for who committed violations. Keywords: Effectiveness, Supervision, Violation
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Nutrien Dan Konsentrasi Bakteri Pada Produksi Alga Dalam Sistem Bioreaktor Proses Batch
Bertambahnya populasi penduduk sebanding dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia, sehingga berdampak negatif terhadap peningkatan kebutuhan akan energi khususnya energi yang tidak dapat diperbaharui seperti minyak bumi. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan energi alternatif sebagai pengganti bahan baku minyak bumi. Salah satu energi alternatif yang digunakan sebagai pengganti bahan baku minyak bumi adalah biodiesel. Tujuan dari penelitian tugas akhir ini adalah untuk mengkaji pengaruh konsentrasi nutrien dan konsentrasi bakteri pada produksi alga dalam sistem bioreaktor proses batch. Pada penelitian tugas akhir ini menggunakan dua variabel yaitu variabel pertama dengan penambahan nutrien (N dan P) dengan menggunakan pupuk NPK sebanyak tiga variasi konsentrasi yaitu 7,5 mg/L, 15 mg/L, 30 mg/L dan variabel kedua penambahan bakteri dengan menggunakan biakan bakteri dari saluran drainase sebanyak tiga variasi konsentrasi yaitu 50 mL, 100 mL, 150 mL. Dalam penelitian ini juga menambahkan mixing pompa sebagai pengadukan selama 24 jam dan waktu pencahayaan dengan bantuan cahaya lampu flourescent selama 12 jam. Penelitian ini dilakukan didalam ruangan. Waktu dalam penelitian tugas akhir ini dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan dua kali running dan waktu kontak 10 hari. Parameter yang akan diteliti dalam penelitian ini terbagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu parameter utama dan parameter tambahan. Parameter tersebut adalah konsentrasi MLSS/MLVSS, N-amonia, N-nitrat, Fosfat, Klorofil a sebagai parameter utama sedangkan untuk pH, suhu dan DO sebagai parameter tambahan.Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan diperoleh hasil kondisi optimum penambahan konsentrasi nutrien dan konsentrasi bakteri yang dilakukan didalam ruangan yaitu penambahan nutrien sebesar 7,5 mg/L dan bakteri sebesar 150 mL,karena memiliki nilai klorofil a yang seimbang dibandingkan reaktor yang lainnya. Oleh sebab itu, penambahan nutrien dan bakteri yang tepat dapat memproduksi alga dengan jumlah yang optimal di dalam ruangan
Juridical Analysis of Article 45 Paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 Concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Against Gambling Crimes Among the Community Based on Social Control Theory
Gambling is a game where players bet to choose one option among several options where only one choice is correct and wins. The player who loses the bet will give his bet to the winner. Rules and bet amounts are determined before the game starts. Community disease in the form of gambling in 2021 as many as 198 cases have been revealed with 294 suspects. 612 Online Gambling Cases in 2022. This online gambling crime is very popular among young people and adults so that this crime is difficult to eradicate considering that access to technology is developing rapidly and provides the lure of wealth. Seeing the rise of gambling crime cases, the authors are interested in conducting this research, namely how to analyze Juridically Article 45 paragraph 2 of Law Number 19 of 2016 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions Against Gambling Crimes Among the Community Based on Social Control Theory. The theoretical framework is the rationale that explains from which angle a problem will be reviewed, namely the theory of social control and theory of law enforcement. The legal research methodology used is normative legal research or library research.The community is also required to cooperate with the government in addition to closing access to gambling websites, the community is also expected to be able to report this gambling activity which incidentally is not only done alone but can also be done together. Based on the theory of law enforcement, the activity of harmonizing the relationship of values ​​that is described in solid principles and attitudes as a series of final stages of value translation. To create, maintain and maintain social peace of life. This theory plays an important role in the emergence of a deterrent effect, so that strict punishment can set an example for the perpetrators of this gambling crime. According to the author, these things can provide a sense of justice for all Indonesian people
Kajian Tentang Kontribusi Jawa Timur terhadap Emisi CO2 melalui Transportasi dan Penggunaan Energi
Emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan Provinsi Jawa Timur dari sektor transportasi dan penggunaan energi di industri sebesar 8.999.000 ton CO2 pada tahun 2007 dan 4.098.760 ton CO2 pada tahun 2005. Jumlah emisi CO2 ini akan bertambah seiring peningkatan jumlah kendaraan bermotor dan penggunaan energi di industri. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kontribusi Jawa Timur terhadap emisi CO2 dari sektor transportasi dan penggunaan energi di industri sedang dan besar. Pada kajian kontribusi, emisi CO2 dilakukan perhitungan emisi untuk sektor transportasi dan penggunaan energi di industri dengan menggunakan metode IPCC. Data masing-masing sektor didapatkan dari tahun 2012 dan diproyeksikan hingga tahun 2025. Perhitungan emisi dilakukan terhadap penggunaan bahan bakar fosil dan sesuai dengan tiga skenario yang telah disusun. Emisi CO2 yang dihasilkan pada tahun 2025 dari sektor transportasi sebesar 41.550.009,80 ton CO2 dan sektor industri sebesar 1.063.646,64 ton CO2. Penurunan emisi CO2 berdasarkan skenario yang paling baik adalah skenario kedua sebesar 5.657,08 ton CO2. Emisi yang dihasilkan sektor transportasi dan industri untuk skenario kedua sebesar 41.545.660,30 ton CO2 dan 1.062.339,05 ton CO2
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