275 research outputs found

    Linear scale bounds on dark matter--dark radiation interactions and connection with the small scale crisis of cold dark matter

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    One of the open questions in modern cosmology is the small scale crisis of the cold dark matter paradigm. Increasing attention has recently been devoted to self-interacting dark matter models as a possible answer. However, solving the so-called "missing satellites" problem requires in addition the presence of an extra relativistic particle (dubbed dark radiation) scattering with dark matter in the early universe. Here we investigate the impact of different theoretical models devising dark matter dark radiation interactions on large scale cosmological observables. We use cosmic microwave background data to put constraints on the dark radiation component and its coupling to dark matter. We find that the values of the coupling allowed by the data imply a cut-off scale of the halo mass function consistent with the one required to match the observations of satellites in the Milky Way.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Comments welcom

    Negotiating Christian Cultural Heritage: Christmas in Schools and Public Service Media

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    This article shows how Christmas in schools and public service media for children (PSM) involves negotiation and renewal of Christian cultural heritage. Across the studied cases from Norway and Denmark, we find that the institutions involved seek to realize community. However, community is approached differently in different settings. It is either understood restoratively as a process in which children, including immigrant children, become part of an existing societal community, or constructively as establishing an inclusive community across cultural and religious divides. A major finding is that activities associated with Christianity such as school services are framed in a language of ‘museumification’ and not as part of a living religious practice with the capacity to change and transform. Whereas Islam is positioned as a ‘religious other’, Christianity understood as culture facilitates creative heritage making, establishing community across religious divides. Contrary to political rhetoric, Christian cultural heritage in schools and PSM is by and large not dominated by a safeguarding nationalistic discourse. Rather, traditions and activities related to Christianity are negotiated and appropriated for the benefit of an inclusive community. A premise for making this succeed in schools and PSM is to negotiate Christian cultural heritage as culture, not as religion


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    This article discusses the concept of reading and presents a method thatcombines distant and close reading, while drawing on insights fromcomputational humanities. Focusing on basic features in language, distantreading allows for the construction of new types of text. By close reading thesetexts, it is possible to analyse cultural patterns across individual texts. Thismethod of reading is illustrated by two cases stemming from a project basedon a corpus of 11,955 Danish sermons. The first case begins with a distantreading of gendered pronouns in the corpus. The second case begins with adistant reading of named agents.

    Etableringen af politiske forlig som parlamentarisk praksis

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    Praktische Theologie und empirische Religionsforschung.

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    Integreret færdselssikkerhed i Horsens

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    I 1995 fik Horsens Kommune 5 mio. kr. i støtte &a Trafikministeriets Trafikpulje til et demonstrationsprojekt med titlen "Integreret færdselssikkerheds&emmende indsats" til en samlet sum af 10 mio. kr. Det overordnede mål med projektet er at reducere antallet af ulykker i et lokalområde ved hjælp af trafiksikkerhedsforbedrende foranstaltninger. Men frem for blot at planlægge, projektere og anlægge en række fysiske foranstaltninger i det berørte område valgte Horsens Kommune at gå nye veje og inddrage områdets beboere aktivt i processen fra planlægning til udførelse. Demonstrationsprojektet gennemføres i et samarbejde mellem Horsens Kommune og Vejdirektoratet

    Den ny ateisme - medspiller eller modspiller i religionsdebatten?

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    Ny ateisme har spillet en fremtrædende rolle i det danske medielandskab i det forløbne år. En sammenligning med de aktuelle medlemstal antyder, at de ateistiske holdninger i et vist omfang repræsenterer en større gruppe end medlemmerne

    Er gudstjenesten en vals eller en polka? Med Hans Jørgen gennem religionshistoriens hvirvlende skørter

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    Artiklen beskriver forskelle og ligheder i Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensens inddeling af gudstjenesten i tre niveauer i henholdsvis 1996 og 2021. Ud fra en sammenligning med valsens trefjerdedelstakt hævdes det i artiklen, at en tredeling må have et vægtet ét-slag, og det diskuteres derefter, hvordan ét-slaget vægtes i Hans Jørgens to versioner af en tredeling. Slutteligt peges på gudstjenestens mulighed for at fungere på trods af forskellig rytmisk vægtlægning.This article describes similarities and differences in Hans Jørgen Lundager Jensen’s understanding of Christian worship as separated into three levels. This tripartition is presented in both an article from 1996 and an oral presentation from 2021. Based on a comparison with the waltz and its simple triple time, the author maintains that a rhythmic tripartition must have weight on the first beat just as the waltz and discusses how Hans Jørgen interprets the weighted first beat in the two worship analyses. Finally, the article points to worship as capable of holding different rhythmic intonations together