734 research outputs found

    Binders on the base foundry clays and their properties

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    Obsahem bakalářské práce je odborná rešerše popisující jílový minerál montmorillonit a vlastnosti jednotné bentonitové směsi používané pro výrobu formovacích směsí ve slévárenství. V následujících kapitolách jsou popsány oblasti využití bentonitu v dalších průmyslových odvětvích, kde zaujímá nenahraditelné postavení.The content of bachelor´s thesis is the technical recherche describing clay mineral montmorillonite and qualities of the uniform bentonite´s mixture, which is used for manufacturing forming mixture in the foundry. In the following parts are described another areas of using bentonite, where it has irreplaceable position.

    Education requirements of the air law and regulations for air transport pilots

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    V úvodní části práce je nastíněna základní charakteristika předpisů JAR-FCL 1 a JAR-FCL 2 a dále je zde rozebrána problematika týkající se požadavků na vzdělání dopravních pilotů. Konkrétně je charakterizována hlava J předpisu JAR-FCL 1 (2), jsou zde představeny dokumenty rozvádějící požadavky týkající se teoretických znalosti, tzv. cíle výuky teoretických znalostí (Learning Objectives) a je uveden přehled současných požadavků na vzdělání pilotů z okruhu Letecký zákon a postupy. V následující fázi se věnuji samotnému porovnávání požadavků na vzdělání dopravních pilotů (da-ných předpisy JAR-FCL), a to konkrétně určením rozdílů mezi požadavky určenými starým Amendmentem 2 a novým Amendmentem 7 (spolu s Learning Objectives). Srovnávám obsah a strukturu uvedených požadavků, nejdříve porovnáním nadřazených okruhů a poté detailním rozborem všech témat. V poslední části jsou na základě předchozího porovnání zhodnoceny změny vzešlé z uvedených Amendmentů a je navržena nová osnova předmětu Letecký zákon a předpisy, založená na posled-ních vydaných Learning Objectives z roku 2008. V CD příloze je k dispozici celé znění jak původních požadavků, daných Dodatkem 1 k ustanovení JAR-FCL 1.470, Amendment 2, tak i nových požadavků daných shodným dodatkem, ovšem Amendmentem 7 a novými Learning Ob-jectives. V tištěné příloze je potom zahrnuta navržená osnova předmětu.In the introductory part of the thesis, general characteristics of JAR-FCL 1 and JAR-FCL 2 are given and education requirements for the Air Law and Regulations for air transport pilots are discussed. Especially there is JAR-FCL 1 (2) Subpart J described and there are introduced Learning Objectives, that „represent an indication of the depth and scope of knowledge“ [3] required by the JAA Pilot Li-censes. Also in the beginning there is the brief summary of such requirements for the Air Law and Regulations. In the middle part, actually I’m making the comparison of these requirements. Concretely I’m pointing out the differences between JAR-FCL 1 Amendment 2 and JAR-FCL 1 Amendment 7 (including Learning Objectives). There are compared both content and structuring stand points, primarily fo-cusing on the basic topics, secondarily on the more detailed parts. Finally, on the basis of comparison there are reviewed realized differences and also there is the new Air Law and Regulations course syllabus introduced. Original wording of the historic and today‘s knowledge requirements defined by JAR-FCL 1 Amendment 2 and JAR-FCL 1 Amendment 7 (along with the Learning Objectives) are placed in the CD appendix. In the printed appendix, there is the new course syllabus inserted.


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    This paper is focused on analysis of neighboring noise as a disturbance agent. This problematics is closely connected with psychoacoustics or more generally with psychology. Therefore, methodology of research is based primarily on listening tests and questionnaires. The main research question lies in evaluation of difference of low/medium/high pitch noise on acoustic comfort of users. For purpose of this a method of auralization was introduced. The model was created by ODEON software and source noises were virtually reproduced through different partition walls. The virtual records in receiving room were accordingly replayed within listening tests. Results have shown that it is not easy to define one exact formula and answers depend on exact sounds and even there is not agreement through all of respondents. It should be mentioned that amount of respondents is too small for any definite statements. However, there is non-obvious and unexpected inclination to evaluated multi-layered light-weight structures as subjectively worse than adequately insulating concrete wall – at least from results obtained in this test. The possible explanation is an unnatural frequency spectrum of resulting sounds which are perceived as more disturbing despite they have lower sound pressure levels then in case of structure from reinforced concrete

    Language Use Statistics and Perceptual Simulation in Language Processing

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    Humans’ ability to comprehend language seems to rely on both mental reconstructions of what we have experienced in the world and statistically-based expectations of how language is used. This study adapted a comparison of perceptual and statistical explanations of word comprehension in the auditory modality. Participants completed a series of trials in which they heard cue words, some of which were spatially oriented (e.g., sky, ground), and then completed a letter identification task. In this task, the letter appeared on the computer screen in either a congruent location or an incongruent location. The position of the letter at the top or bottom of the screen was defined as congruent if it matched: 1) the spatial meaning of the cue word (e.g., up for “sky”); or 2) the direction that occurs most frequently with the cue word in English corpora (e.g., down for “slow”). Response times to the letter task were expected to replicate prior findings that participants identify letters in congruent locations faster than incongruent ones. Eye-tracking was used as an additional measure of embodied perceptual processing. Where participants looked on the computer screen was predicted to correspond with the imagined spatial location of the cue word. Differences in eye movement patterns did not support the perceptual processing hypothesis. The correlation between a word’s statistical co-occurrence with spatial words and response times was significant

    Ballance of waste to energy process

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá různými postupy vyhodnocení výhřevnosti tuhého komunálního odpadu jako hlavního parametru pro výpočet efektivity spalovacího procesu. Je provedena úprava obecného vztahu pro výpočet výhřevnosti dle metodiky BREF/BAT na reálný provoz a následné vyhodnocení výhřevnosti z měřených dat. Další část práce je věnována stanovení termické účinnosti spalovenského kotle přímou metodou, nepřímou metodou a nepřímou „modifikovanou“ metodou a jejich statistické zpracování. Je provedena analýza podstatných veličin vstupujících do výpočtu účinnosti a stanovení možné chyby v měření těchto hlavních parametrů.This diploma thesis considers different attitudes to evaluation of lower heating value of municipal solid waste as a main parameter of calculation of effectiveness incineration process. Modification of general relation is done to calculate lower heating value by using methodology BREF/BAT for real plant. The next step is evaluation of lower heating value within measured data. Following part of this thesis is focused on establishing thermal efficiency of incineration boiler by using direct, indirect and “modified” indirect methods and statistical analyses of them. Analysis of important quantities, which enters the calculation of thermal efficiency, is realized. The establishment of measurement error in measuring these main parameters is done as well.

    Graphics Intro 64kB Using OpenGL

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    Práce popisuje hlavní části implementace grafického intra s omezenou velikostí. Popsány jsou použité minimalistické techniky a způsob procedurální výroby textur a jednoduchých i složitých 3D objektů. Dále jsou vysvětleny způsoby načítání, úpravy a animace objektů a způsoby vytvoření použitých efektů.Document describes implementation of the graphical demo with limited size. Described are used minimalistic techniques and the methods of procedurally created textures and both simple and complex 3D objects. There are explained methods for loading, editing and animating objects and ways to create used effects.

    Terminal ruthenium carbido complexes as σ-donor ligands

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    The terminal carbido ligand of (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2RuC coordinates to other metal centers in a σ-donor fashion, as in (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2Ru≡C–Pd(Cl)_2(Sme_2) and (Pcy_3)_2(Cl)_2Ru≡C–Mo(CO)_5

    A Proposed Demonstration city for the Oahe Irrigation Development

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    It is believed that existing metropolitan development problems may be greatly alleviated by reducing the migration of the agrarian people to the urbanized areas. If we are to reduce the migration of our agrarian population to urban areas, we must provide them with a higher standard of living and an increased earing capacity. It is the purpose of this thesis to make a rational investigation of a demonstration city designed for the purpose of providing the modern farmer with the desirable features normally associated with urbanized development. The use of a demonstration city was suggested by Professor Hargett of South Dakota State University for the study and development of a higher standard of living for the modern American farmer. The need for a demonstration city for the farmer is emphasized by the revolutionary changes that have been made in farming equipment and farming methods. These changes have greatly reduced the number of man-hours required to produce and harvest a crop, but commensurate changes in farmers’ standards of living have not been made. A logical place for a demonstration city for the modern farmer is an irrigated area such as the Oahe Unit. Modern farming and irrigation practices greatly increase the productivity of the land. By increasing the density of population in the irrigated areas of the Oahe Unit. These large concentrations of farm families will be seeking a higher standard of living. The use of a demonstration city is recommended for pilot study of the development of economic community facilities for the modern farmers in irrigated areas

    A Comparison of Sport Clubs' Systems of Financing from the Sale of Television Rights

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    Název: Komparace systémů financování sportovních klubů z prodeje televizních práv Cíle práce: Hlavním cílem této práce bylo vytvořit přehledný popis problematiky prodeje vysílacích práv v jednotlivých fotbalových soutěžích Španělska, Itálie, Německa, Francie, Anglie a České republiky a na jeho základě pak porovnat kontrakty s televizními poskytovateli, stejně tak jako rozdělení peněz mezi participující kluby. Metody: Mezi použité metody byla zařazena analýza dokumentů, komparativní analýza a hloubkové interview. Pro popis jednotlivých národních soutěží bylo nutné zanalyzovat množství relevantních odborných článků a oficiálních ligových zpráv. Tato analýza vedla ke komparaci zmiňovaných lig. Hloubkové interview bylo využito k popsání situace v českém prostředí a bylo vedeno se zaměstnancem STES a.s. ing. Tomášem Patou. Výsledky: Hlavním výsledkem práce je přehledný popis vývoje prodeje televizních práv v nejprestižnějších evropských fotbalových ligách a jeho následná analýza z hlediska rovnoměrnosti přerozdělení utržených peněz. Z tohoto pohledu vítězí anglická Premier League, která nejen že inkasuje za prodej svých přenosových práv nejvyšší částku, ale také je nejsolidárněji redistribuuje mezi kluby, které jsou pak schopny finančně konkurovat nejlepším evropským celkům. Situace v Česku je pak velmi...Title: A Comparison of Sport Clubs' Systems of Financing from the Sale of Television Rights Objectives: The main objective of this thesis was to come up with a clear description of the issues concerning the broadcasting rights in particular football leagues of Spain, Italy, Germany, France, England and the Czech Republic, and subsequently compare the contracts with TV service providers, as well as the money distribution among the participating clubs. Methods: The methods used include an analysis of documents, a comparative analysis and a thorough interview. In order to describe the particular national leagues, a great number of relevant articles and official league news were required to be analysed. This analysis then led to the comparison of the aforementioned leagues. A thorough interview was used for the description of the current Czech environment and was conducted with an employee of STES a.s., Mr. Tomáš Pata. Results: The chief result of the thesis is a clear and comprehensible description of the sale development of television rights in the most prestigious European football leagues, and the subsequent analysis in light of the solidarity in redistributing the money received. Based on this factor, the English Premier League comes out on top as it not only receives the highest amount for its...ManagementFakulta tělesné výchovy a sportuFaculty of Physical Education and Spor


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    During 2002–2003, we studied the breeding ecology of the Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet (Camptostoma imberbe), a poorly known and rare permanent resident in the Lower Rio Grande Valley of Texas, United States of America. We found 28 nests in clusters of Spanish moss (Tillandsia usneoides) or ball moss (T. recurvata), 93% of which were in cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) trees. Nest-building, incubation, and nestling periods averaged 7.0, 14.0, and 18.5 days, respectively. Of the 28 nests, 43% were successful, while 38% of the failed nests showed obvious signs of depredation. Nests were located in areas with denser Tillandsia growth and with taller trees than nearby non-used areas. Availability of this habitat may limit the population size of Northern Beardless-Tyrannulets in the Lower Rio Grande Valley