3,418 research outputs found

    Resonant oscillations of a plate in an electrically conducting rotating Johnson-Segalman fluid

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    AbstractAn analysis of hydromagnetic flow is examined in a semi-infinite expanse of electrically conducting rotating Johnson-Segalman fluid bounded by nonconducting plate in the presence of a transverse magnetic field and the governing equations are modeled first time. The structure of the velocity distribution and the associated hydromagnetic boundary layers are investigated including the case of resonant oscillations. It is shown that unlike the hydrodynamic situation for the case of resonance, the hydromagnetic steady solution satisfies the boundary condition at infinity. The inherent difficulty involved in the hydrodynamic resonance case has been resolved in the presence analysis

    Towards Understanding the Early Events in the Conformational Transition of Amyloid Beta Peptides

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    On design of robust fault detection filter in finite-frequency domain with regional pole assignment

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    This brief is concerned with the fault detection (FD) filter design problem for an uncertain linear discrete-time system in the finite-frequency domain with regional pole assignment. An optimized FD filter is designed such that: 1) the FD dynamics is quadratically D-stable; 2) the effect from the exogenous disturbance on the residual is attenuated with respect to a minimized H∞-norm; and 3) the sensitivity of the residual to the fault is enhanced by means of a maximized H--norm. With the aid of the generalized Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov lemma, the mixed H--/H∞ performance and the D-stability requirement are guaranteed by solving a convex optimization problem. An iterative algorithm for designing the desired FD filter is proposed by evaluating the threshold on the generated residual function. A simulation result is exploited to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed design technique.This work was supported in part by the Deanship of Scientific Research (DSR) at King Abdulaziz University in Saudi Arabia under Grant 16-135- 35-HiCi, the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61134009 and 61203139, the Royal Society of the U.K., and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation of Germany

    Multi-Gain-Stage InGaAs Avalanche Photodiode with Enhanced Gain and Reduced Excess Noise

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    We report the design, fabrication, and test of an InGaAs avalanche photodiode (APD) for 950-1650 nm wavelength sensing applications. The APD is grown by molecular beam epitaxy on InP substrates from lattice-matched InGaAs and InAlAs alloys. Avalanche multiplication inside the APD occurs in a series of asymmetric gain stages whose layer ordering acts to enhance the rate of electron-initiated impact ionization and to suppress the rate of hole-initiated ionization when operated at low gain. The multiplication stages are cascaded in series, interposed with carrier relaxation layers in which the electric field is low, preventing avalanche feedback between stages. These measures result in much lower excess multiplication noise and stable linear-mode operation at much higher avalanche gain than is characteristic of APDs fabricated from the same semiconductor alloys in bulk. The noise suppression mechanism is analyzed by simulations of impact ionization spatial distribution and gain statistics, and measurements on APDs implementing the design are presented. The devices employing this design are demonstrated to operate at linear-mode gain in excess of 6000 without avalanche breakdown. Excess noise characterized by an effective impact ionization rate ratio below 0.04 were measured at gains over 1000

    Information Diffusion Power of Political Party Twitter Accounts During Japan's 2017 Election

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    In modern election campaigns, political parties utilize social media to advertise their policies and candidates and to communicate to electorates. In Japan's latest general election in 2017, the 48th general election for the Lower House, social media, especially Twitter, was actively used. In this paper, we perform a detailed analysis of social graphs and users who retweeted tweets of political parties during the election. Our aim is to obtain accurate information regarding the diffusion power for each party rather than just the number of followers. The results indicate that a user following a user who follows a political party account tended to also follow the account. This means that it does not increase diversity because users who follow each other tend to share similar values. We also find that followers of a specific party frequently retweeted the tweets. However, since users following the user who follow a political party account are not diverse, political parties delivered the information only to a few political detachment users.Comment: The 10th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2018

    Pengelolaan Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit Dan Aplikasi Biomassa Chromolaena Odorata Terhadap Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Padi Serta Sifat Tanah Sulfaquent

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    OIL PALM EMPTY BUNCHES WASTE MANAGEMENT AND APLICATION OF BIOMASS Chromolaena odorata ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF RICE PLANT AND SULFAQUENT SOIL PROPERTIES. Sulfaquent soil have prospects for the development of the rice crop area if managed properly. The limitations of this type of land, the use of biomass chromolaena odorata and compostable palm empty fruit bunches into an alternative to overcome the problems in this type of land. This study aimed to determine the role of biomass chromolaena odorata and compostable palm empty fruit bunches against sulfaquent soil properties (pH and soil puddling) as well as the growth of rice plants (plant height and number of chlorophyll). Method in the form of a factorial field experiment with completely randomized design (CRD), which consists of two factors used in this experiment. The first factor is the application of biomass Chromolaena odorata many as three levels: control = c1, c2 = 25 g / polybag, and c3 = 50 g / polybag. The second factor is compost oil palm empty fruit bunches (t) at a dose of t1 = control, t2 = 25 g / polybag, and t3 = 50 g / polybag, in order to obtain 9 combination treatment. The results showed the combination treatment c3t2 significant effect on soil pH that is equal to 6.22; treatment c2 significant effect on the amount of chlorophyll that is 39.52 units. Applications chromolaena odorata and empty fruit bunches of oil did not affect the puddling, plant height, and grain weight, but treatment c3t2 give puddling average value index (IP) of 17.92%, and treatment c1t1 produce a mean value of 90.03 cm plant height, and treatment c3t3 produce the highest grain weight is 71.3 grams / clum

    Implementasi Sistem Penjualan Toko Online Pada Verici Sport Dengan Menggunakan Pemrograman Php

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    Saat ini Toko Verici Sport dalam sistem penjualan masih secara manual. Ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem yang dipakai tidak efektif dan efisien. Untuk itu dibutuhkan suatu sistem yang dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen dalam hal mendapatkan informasi mengenai produk-produk melalui website. Sebelum pembuatan website terlebih dahulu dilakukan penganalisisan data dengan menggunakan alat bantu perancangan sistem, kemudian dirancang desain input, desain output, desain file, dan aliran program dari sistem yang baru. Hasil dari analisis tersebut diterapkan ke dalam suatu program aplikasi website penjualan yang didukung oleh PHP-MySQL. Dengan adanya sistem yang baru diharapkan konsumen mendapatkan informasi mengenai produk  lebih cepat dan akurat dan pemesanan lebih mudah. Bagi Toko Verici Sport penjualan produk diupayakanlebih meningkat sehingga dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi Perusahaan

    Employment, Unemployment, And Underemployment In Africa

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    This chapter documents and analyzes the predominance of informal employment in Africa and shows that lack of demand for labor rather than worker characteristics is the main reason for pervasive underemployment. Integration into the global economy and exports of labor-intensive products are vital to boosting the demand for labor in Africa. Africa has some potential to become competitive in light manufacturing, but the most promising avenue for export-led growth of employment in many African countries is agriculture, including traditional cash crops such as cotton, coffee, cocoa, and groundnuts. Traditional cash crops, which are the source of livelihood for millions of Africans, have many of the features of manufacturing exports: high labor intensity, potential for quality improvements through technological transfer, and quality-sensitive markets in developed countries. Improvements in the business climate are the key to boosting investment and technology transfer in labor-intensive tradable industries, and thus raising labor demand and employment
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