83 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kontekstual Berbasis Kompetensi Untuk Meningkatkan Efektivitas Pembelajaran

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    The aim of this study was to improve the learning effectiveness of both learning process quality and standard competency achievement in the application of the competency-based contextual learning model in the Cooling Technique and Air Management class. The study was conducted in Elekctrical Department of Engineering Faculty of Yogyakarta State University. The study was classroom action research involving several cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection. The research subjects were 13 D3 students who took the subject of the Cooling Technique and Air Management during the odd semester in the academic year of 2008/2009. Data were gathered using questionnaires, observation, tests, and tasks or quizzes. Data analysis was descriptive using percentages. The results showed that the use of the competency-based contextual learning model on the subject of Cooling Technique and Air Management was able to improve learning effectiveness of both the process and output of learning

    Tekanan Struktural, Peluang Politik, dan Sukses Gerakan Petani di Lampung

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    This study was aimed at explaining one of the conflicts in Lampung Province who developed into a peasant movement. Interestingly, this peasant movement overran the land and agrarian policy influence to form a new village. Data were obtained from depth interviews and documentary studies. The results found that the structural pressures led to the accumulation of land conflicts crystallize into "sub-culture of peasant opposition." Its social and cultural capital were a base to accelerate the strengthening of peasants' resource mobilization. The momentum of the political opportunities at the beginning of reform responded quickly to the socio-political movements in the form of protests, negotiations and land occupation. Through this movement, the farmers has managed to occupy agricultural land, the agrarian policy changes that benefit farmers and obtained the legality of the formation of a new village Karang Rejo. However, behind this success, the substantive isues of peasants to land ownership was still neglected, so that the struggle of peasants were still not finished

    Economic Pressure, Livelihood Strategy, and Family Well-being in Cimanuk Watershed, Garut and Indramayu, West Java, Indonesia

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    The objective of this study is to analyze economic pressure, livelihood strategy, and well-being of families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. As many as 72 samples of lower middle class families (determined by Poverty Line of BPS 2013) who have toddler and school age children were chosen puposively. This study was conducted in Garut District and Indramayu District. The results showed that inspite of being in poverty, only one out of three families felt highly economic pressure, and one out of ten families perceived poorly well-being. Family economic pressure was affected by the region difference, education level of father, and ownership of financial capital. Meanwhile, family well-being was affected by the education level of the father, financial capital, social capital, access to the environment, economic pressure, and livelihood diversification. Livelihood diversification is the strategy that most poor families did in Cimanuk Watershed. Livelihood diversification of families was affected by the age of the wife, expenditure per capita, social capital, and access to the environment

    Woman Economic Contribution, Livelihood Strategies, and Family Well-being of Farmer Families in Cimanuk Watershed

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    The objective of this study were to analyze woman economic contribution, livelihood strategies, and well-being of farmer families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. This research involved 65 samples farmer families. This study was conducted in Garut and Indramayu District. The results showed that most of woman economic contribution belong to low category. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that most farmer families do in the Cimanuk Watershed on the dry season, rainy season, disaster season, and highly economic pressure season. The family well-being of families belong to moderate category, and ecomonic well-being aspect occupied in lowly level than physic aspect, psychology aspect, and social aspect. The result showed that the well being of farmer families affected by woman economic contribution. The result also showed that livelihood strategies not affected to family well being. Many or less of livelihood strategies not affected to family well being

    Woman Economic Contribution, Livelihood Strategies, and Family Well-being of Farmer Families in Cimanuk Watershed

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    The objective of this study were to analyze woman economic contribution, livelihood strategies, and well-being of farmer families in Cimanuk Watershed. This study used a cross-sectional study design. This research involved 65 samples farmer families. This study was conducted in Garut and Indramayu District. The results showed that most of woman economic contribution belong to low category. Livelihood diversification is a strategy that most farmer families do in the Cimanuk Watershed on the dry season, rainy season, disaster season, and highly economic pressure season. The family well-being of families belong to moderate category, and ecomonic well-being aspect occupied in lowly level than physic aspect, psychology aspect, and social aspect. The result showed that the well being of farmer families affected by woman economic contribution. The result also showed that livelihood strategies not affected to family well being. Many or less of livelihood strategies not affected to family well being

    The Influence of Cultural Values and Value of Children on Mother's TIME Allocation at Cimanuk Watershed Families

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    The purpose of this research were to describe the cultural values, the value of children and mother's time allocation for children at Cimanuk watershed and to analyze the effect of family characteristic, cultural values, and value of children toward time allocation of mothers to children at Sundanese and Javanese. This research involved 200 families who have children below five years old selected with purposive method. The samples were interviewed by using structure questionnaire. The result of this research showed that there was no significant different on the perception of the value of children between Sundanese and Javanese families. Regression analysis showed that mother's time allocation for children was influenced by the age of children, the length of mother's education, the mother's occupation, the uncertainty avoidance and power distance dimension of cultural values

    Analysis on Intention of Purchasing Organic Foods by the Undergraduate Students of IPB Using the Theory of Planned Behavior Approach

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    This study aims to identify factors that can increase the intention of buying organic foods and its implications in the design of organic food marketing strategy. The main model adopts Theory of Planned Behavior. Six variables were used in this study, namely, health awareness, environmental awareness, attitudes toward organic foods, subjective norms, perceptions of behavior control and organic food purchase intentions. The data to test the research model were collected from 140 respondents and were analyzed using statistical structural equation modeling method. The results of the study indicate that health awareness, environmental awareness, attitudes on organic foods, subjective norms and behavior control perceptions significantly influence the intention of buying organic foods. Furthermore, health awareness and environmental awareness have no significant effects on organic food purchase intention. The results of this study then become the basis in designing strategies to build a positive attitude on organic foods, subjective norms, and perceptions of consumer behavior control of organic foods that is by promoting organic foods through online or on certain events, creating new innovations so that the foods look attractive, and broadening market reach for organic food products to be more easily available

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Think-pair-share untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V Mi Muhammadyah Sei Segajah Kecamatan Kubu

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    This study was conductedbecause of the low science learning outcomesof students in grade V MI Muhammadiyah Sei. From the initial tests wereperformed only 10 of 27 students who achieve KKM with an average value of59.07. The purpose of this research is to improve the learning outcomes ofstudents of class V MI IPA Muhammadiyah Sei Segajah by applying TPS learningmodel. Based on the results of the research can be seen that the activity of theteacher on the first cycle of Meeting 1 with a percentage score of 58.3%. At thesecond meeting with the increased percentage of 75% as well as in meetings withpersentae 79.16% 3 and 4 meeting with the percentage of 83.3%. In the first cycleof the first meeting of the percentage score of 58.3%. At the meeting of the firsttwo cycles the percentage of student activity score increased to 75%, in thesecond cycle which was also an increase of 79.1% in the first meeting and thesecond meeting to 83.3%. Before menggunakam cooperative learning TPS only 10students who completed the study, while 17 students did not complete. Afterlearning with cooperative learning TPS increased in the first cycle of studentswho completed as many as 13 students and 14 students did not pass well. In thesecond cycle students who completed as many as 22 students and 5 students whodid not complete classically said to be completel

    Kepemilikan Perencanaan Keuangan Hari Tua Pada Pekerja Kota Bogor

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    . This study aims to analyze the influence of attitude toward behavior,subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control on Bogor‟s employee. This study isaims too to analyze the demography characteristic of Bogor‟s employee who haveretirement planning. This study was conducted on 97 Bogor‟s employee and wasconducted in August until October 2016. The results of logistic regression showed thatthe indicators of subjective norms and perceived behavioral control have positive effecton financial retirement planning to Bogor‟s employee. Research also showed thatownership of financial retirement planning tend to be owned by the city of Bogor‟semployee who have more than one number of dependents, aged over 30 years old,married, and earning over nine million per month

    The Influence of Personality, Motivation, Brand Image, and Environment on Students' Intention in Choosing Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

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    The research aimed to identify the level of intention and analyze the influence of personality, motivation, brand image, and environment on intention of the top 15 grade of 11 Science students from 14 high schools in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi to choose IPB and its managerial implications. Questionnaire with Likert scale was used as a method in collecting data. Descriptive and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used in analyzing data. The results showed that one of three students intended to apply to IPB as a sequence of first choice and second choice. Brand image and motivation significantly influenced the students' intention in choosing IPB. Environment and personality did not influence the intention. Environment significantly influenced brand image and students' motivation. Personality did not influence the motivation, brand image, and intention. Making marketing strategies related to students' intention, IPB should consider motivational factors; e.g., students' preference in science and agricultural technology, brand image (good reputation), and environment (counseling teachers' advice and access to the internet/website) in choosing a college as a main factor. Keywords: brand image, environment, intention to choose IPB, motivation, personality Penelitian bertujuan mengidentifikasi tingkat niat dan menganalisis pengaruh kepribadian, motivasi, brand image, dan lingkungan terhadap niat 15 siswa terbaik IPA kelas XI tahun ajaran 2014/2015 di 14 SMA JABODETABEK dalam memilih IPB serta implikasi manajerialnya. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert. Analisis data yang digunakan deskriptif dan Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan satu dari tiga siswa berniat mendaftar ke IPB sebagai urutan pilihan pertama dan pilihan kedua. Brand image dan motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap niat siswa memilih IPB. Lingkungan dan kepribadian tidak berpengaruh terhadap niat. Lingkungan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap brand image dan motivasi siswa. Kepribadian tidak berpengaruh terhadap motivasi, brand image, dan niat. IPB dalam membuat strategi pemasaran yang berhubungan minat siswa hendaknya mempertimbangkan faktor motivasi (menyukai bidang sains dan tekologi bidang pertanian), brand image (reputasi baik) dan lingkungan (pertimbangan guru Bimbingan Konseling dan akses internet/website) dalam memilih perguruan tinggi sebagai faktor utama
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