1,922 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nanocomposite Adsorbent on the Base of Polypropylene Fabric with Copper Ferrocyanide Grains

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    Composite adsorbents based on polypropylene fibers with chemically bound nanopartices of copper fer-rocyanide were synthesized by two-stage experiment: radiation-induced graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto non-woven polypropylene fabric followed by in-situ formation of copper ferrocyanize nanoparticles and their stabilization on the fabric surface within the grafted layer. Scanning electron microscope investiga-tions revealed a homogeneous compact layer of copper ferrocynide nanosized aggregates (65-70 nm). The synthesized composite material was stable in the base solutions (pH 10.5) and exhibited high efficiency for cesium adsorption. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3545

    Fire resistance performance of submerged floating tunnel under various fire conditions

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    Submerged Floating Tunnels (SFT) were researched by countries had many island as Norway, Italy,\ud China, and Japan. Several sites were examined in China and Norway. Most of them investigated about seismic, dynamic,\ud and collision performance. However, present researches lack to apply the construction fields, therefore, additional\ud researches need. Fire resistance performance of the SFT is important one of the various researches. If fire break out in\ud SFT, it is damaged by thermal loads. The damage of the SFT varies by type of fire. Structure of the SFT is able to\ud collapse partially by fire scale and fire exposure time. For this reason, fire resistance design of the SFT must be\ud suggested. Fire resistance performance of SFT could be investigating for fire resistance design of SFT. Fire condition\ud could be expressed fire curves which are suggested by fire scale and fire exposure time. In this paper, temperature\ud distributions of the SFT were investigated through FE analysis under various fire conditions. Heat transfer analysis was\ud applied to investigate conduction of heat by fire. And there was to draw the biggest influence fire condition to the SFT\ud from FE analysis results. Also, preliminary study was performed for fire resistance design

    Synthesis of Polypropylene Fiber / Hydrated Iron Oxide Nanocomposite Adsorbent

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    Composite adsorbent based on the polypropylene fibers with chemically bound nanoparticles of hydrated iron (III) oxide were synthesized by two-stage experiment: radiation-induced graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto the surface of polypropylene fibers followed by the in-situ formation of hydrated iron oxide nanoparticles and their stabilization on the fibers‟ surface within the grafted layer. SEM and XRD investigations revealed a compact homogeneous layer of amorphous nanoaggregates (70-100 nm) formed by iron hydroxide on the fibers‟ surface. The synthesized nanocomposite fibers were stable in the aggressive medium for a long time and exhibited good adsorption properties for uranyl ions. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3558

    Calculation of nanowire thermal conductivity using complete phonon dispersion relations

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    The lattice thermal conductivity of crystalline Si nanowires is calculated. The calculation uses complete phonon dispersions, and does not require any externally imposed frequency cutoffs. No adjustment to nanowire thermal conductivity measurements is required. Good agreement with experimental results for nanowires wider than 35 nm is obtained. A formulation in terms of the transmission function is given. Also, the use of a simpler, nondispersive "Callaway formula", is discussed from the complete dispersions perspective.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Production of Sorption Active Polypropylene Fabrics with Sulfonic Acid Groups by Radiation-Induced Modification of Polymer Surface

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    Sorption active material carrying sulfonic acid groups was synthesized by radiation-induced graft polymerization of styrene monomer onto the surface of non-woven polypropylene fabric followed by sulfonation of grafted polystyrene chains. The effect of the main experimental parameters on styrene grafting degree (absorbed dose, monomer concentration, reaction time) was investigated. It was found that sulfonation degree of the grafted polystyrene chains with 5% chlorosulfonic acid at room temperature depends on the reaction time and reaches 80% for the samples with a medium value of styrene grafting degree. Sorption active polypropylene fabrics with sulfonic acid group densities of 3.5–5 meq/g were obtained.Радіаційно-індукована прищеплювальна полімеризація стиролу на неткану поліпропіленову тканину з подальшим сульфуванням прищеплених ланцюгів полістиролу була використана для синтезу сорбційно-активного матеріалу. Проведено дослідження впливу основних експериментальних параметрів (поглинена доза, концентрація мономера, час реакції) на ступінь прищеплювальної полімеризації стиролу. Встановлено, що ефективність сульфування прищеплених ланцюгів полістиролу при кімнатній температурі в 5% розчині хлорсульфонової кислоти залежить від часу реакції і для зразків з середніми ступенями прищеплення досягає 80%. Були синтезовані сорбційно-активні поліпропіленові тканини з щільністю кислотних груп 3,5–5 мг-екв/г.Радиационно-индуцированная прививочная полимеризация стирола на нетканной полипропиленовой материи с последующим сульфированием привитых цепей полистирола была использована для синтеза сорбционно-активного материала. Проведено исследование влияния основных экспериментальных параметров (поглощенная доза, концентрация мономера, время реакции) на степень прививочной полимеризации стирола. Установлено, что эффективность сульфирования привитых цепей полистирола при комнатной температуре в 5% растворе хлорсульфоновой кислоты зависит от времени реакции и для образцов со средними степенями прививки достигает 80%. Были синтезированы сорбционно-активные полипропиленовые ткани с плотностью кислотных групп 3,5–5 мг-экв/г

    Large extra dimensions, the galaxy power spectrum and the end of inflation

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    We consider the production of gravitational KK modes via cosmological photon-photon and electron-positron annihilation in models with large factorisable extra dimensions. We place constraints on this production using recent results from a joint analysis of the power spectra of the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGS) and the cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies. We obtain a more accurate upper limit for the temperature corresponding to matter-radiation equality and show that, even for the case of 6 extra dimensions and a fundamental scale of 1 TeV, a period of inflation is required that ends at a temperature much lower than that of the QCD phase transition.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, hadronic branching+typos corrected,accepted in JHE

    Fabrication of FeSe1-x superconducting films with bulk properties

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    We have fabricated high-quality FeSe1-x superconducting films with a bulk Tc of 11-12 K on different substrates, Al2O3(0001), SrTiO3(100), MgO(100), and LaAlO3(100), by using a pulsed laser deposition technique. All the films were grown at a high substrate temperature of 610 oC, and were preferentially oriented along the (101) direction, the latter being to be a key to fabricating of FeSe1-x superconducting thin films with high Tc. According to the energy dispersive spectroscopy data, the Fe:Se composition ratio was 1:0.90+-0.02. The FeSe1-x film grown on a SrTiO3 substrate showed the best quality with a high upper critical magnetic field [Hc2(0)] of 56 T

    Numerical Test of Disk Trial Wave function for Half-Filled Landau Level

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    The analyticity of the lowest Landau level wave functions and the relation between filling factor and the total angular momentum severely limits the possible forms of trial wave functions of a disk of electrons subject to a strong perpendicular magnetic field. For N, the number of electrons, up to 12 we have tested these disk trial wave functions for the half filled Landau level using Monte Carlo and exact diagonalization methods. The agreement between the results for the occupation numbers and ground state energies obtained from these two methods is excellent. We have also compared the profile of the occupation number near the edge with that obtained from a field-theoretical method. The results give qualitatively identical edge profiles. Experimental consequences are briefly discussed.Comment: To be published in Phys. Rev. B. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Distribution of graph-distances in Boltzmann ensembles of RNA secondary structures

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    Large RNA molecules often carry multiple functional domains whose spatial arrangement is an important determinant of their function. Pre-mRNA splicing, furthermore, relies on the spatial proximity of the splice junctions that can be separated by very long introns. Similar effects appear in the processing of RNA virus genomes. Albeit a crude measure, the distribution of spatial distances in thermodynamic equilibrium therefore provides useful information on the overall shape of the molecule can provide insights into the interplay of its functional domains. Spatial distance can be approximated by the graph-distance in RNA secondary structure. We show here that the equilibrium distribution of graph-distances between arbitrary nucleotides can be computed in polynomial time by means of dynamic programming. A naive implementation would yield recursions with a very high time complexity of O(n^11). Although we were able to reduce this to O(n^6) for many practical applications a further reduction seems difficult. We conclude, therefore, that sampling approaches, which are much easier to implement, are also theoretically favorable for most real-life applications, in particular since these primarily concern long-range interactions in very large RNA molecules.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    Big, Fast Vortices in the d-RVB theory of High Temperature Superconductivity

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    The effect of proximity to a Mott insulating phase on the superflow properties of a d-wave superconductor is studied using the slave boson-U(1) gauge theory model. The model has two limits corresponding to superconductivity emerging either out of a 'renormalized fermi liquid' or out of a non-fermi-liquid regime. Three crucial physical parameters are identified: the size of the vortex \textit{as determined from the supercurrent it induces;} the coupling of the superflow to the quasiparticles and the 'nondissipative time derivative' term. As the Mott phase is approached, the core size as defined from the supercurrent diverges, the coupling between superflow and quasiparticles vanishes, and the magnitude of the nondissipative time derivative dramatically increases. The dissipation due to a moving vortex is found to vary as the third power of the doping. The upper critical field and the size of the critical regime in which paraconductivity may be observed are estimated, and found to be controlled by the supercurrent length scale