55 research outputs found

    Dinamika islam dan Politik Elit - Elit Muhammadiyah Periode 1998-2010

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    This research studied on political elite in Muhammadiyah as moderate representatives in post-NewOrder in response of the dynamics Islam and politics. There are three issues as basic analyzes, i.e. theemergence of Islamic political parties, the desire of returning the Jakarta Charter as the state principleas well as phenomenon of terrorism which is always attached a term of “jihad” in Islamic tradition.Meanwhile, to conduct data and information, the research uses a qualitative approach as methodologyas well as documentation and interviews as a technique of collecting data. The collected data then isanalyzed and interpreted descriptively to get a proper conclusion. The result of the research shows thatthere are four variants in political elite in Muhammadiyah, i.e. transformative-idealistic, moderateidealistic,realistic-critical, and accommodative-pragmatic. The variations are deeply influenced by twofactors, i.e. sociological elite background and organizational

    CONSCIOUSNESS TO LIBERATE: In Search of the Political Paradigm of Muhammadiyah

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    Abstract: This paper examines the political paradigm of Muhammadiyah in thinking and behaving because Muhammadiyah can survive to surpass political impediments for more than a century ago. Methodologically, it is qualitative research by utilising documentary study and in-depth interviews as the data-gathering technique. The finding demonstrates that “consciousness to liberate” is the political paradigm of Muhammadiyah. This paradigm has three interrelated dimensions: transcendental dimension, humanistic dimension, and modernity dimension. The former indicates the prophetic consciousness, the middle demonstrates the liberation theology, and the latter denotes the values Muhammadiyah’s goal. Therefore, the Muhammadiyah consciousness to strives for prophetic missions not merely restricted to liberate humankind from colonisation, oppression, backwardness, and poverty but also to liberate mustadh‘afin from unfair policies and liberal systems. Keywords: Muhammadiyah, consciousness, political paradigm, liberation, al-Mâ‘û


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    This paper examines Hanafi’s concept of Occidentalism in the epistemological approach. It aims to investigate the character, study source, research method, validity, and objectives of Occidentalism. The paper findings demonstrate that Occidentalism is a science which aims to dismantle the myth of Western superiority and, in turn, to build an equal civilization. The study root of Occidentalism is the formation, structure, and fate of the European consciousness. The formation comprises the exposed and unexposed sources of the European consciousness. The structure encompasses the ideologies of nationalism, Zionism, Nazism, Facism, and racialism. Fate relies on the model of the relationship between the East and the West. Afterward, Hanafi employs two research methods: historical-dialectical and phenomenology. Lastly, science can be recognized as Occidentalism if it has a fivefold standard: there is the dialectic of the East and the West, positioning European consciousness as the study object, self-liberation as the spirit to liberate the East from Western hegemony, dismantling the myth of cosmopolite culture, and the accomplishment of an equal civilization

    Ideological Cleavage under Open-list Proportional Representation: Parties’ Position toward the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Threshold

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    This article examines the ideological position of Indonesia’s political parties in addressing the 2019 presidential threshold under the open-list proportional representation system. The article aims to determine the political cleavage among Indonesian political parties, whether classified into the ideological spectrum or the organisational degree. From a methodological standpoint, it is qualitative research by employing in-depth interviews and online news collection as a data gathering technique. The study’s finding depicts that the ideological cleavage is no longer relevant under the open-list proportional representation system because political parties eventually have pragmatical orientations rather than ideological onsiderations. It can be proven that the position of nationalist secular parties is not merely in the approval side but also in the denial and dilemma sides. Likewise, the position of nationalist Islamist parties can be found on two sides: denial and dilemma. This finding verifies that Indonesia’s ideological contestation is waning and inactive when political parties cope with power issues. On the contrary, the ideology is revived when it deals with religious and tribal affairs

    Moving Towards a Normalised Path: Political Islam in Contemporary Indonesia

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    As the largest predominantly Muslim country of the globe, Indonesia nearly achieves two decades of its democratisation wave since the downfall of the Au- thoritarian Rule in 1998. Political parties, one of the crucial democratic institutions, have a signifi- cant responsibility to maintain the democratic system as they are the sole official representatives to create leaders and policies in the government. This paper portrays the trajectory of political Islam in Indonesia particularly Islam-based parties slightly under two decades since Post- New Order regime. Islam-based parties have a potential to be a moderate-offi- cial force in the government. It could be proven by the threefold indicator. First is the ripeness of Islam-based parties in coping with both internal and external stimuli such as the leadership change and elite conflicts, the constitutional re- form and the electoral result. Second is the role of Muslim political forces in the parliament particularly in addressing the policy making of controversial bills. Third is the involvement of Islam-based parties in the administration cabinet. To sum up, by applying the analytical framework on the party goal, political Islam in Indonesia has three distinctive features: As “the vote-seekers” in the election, as “the issue-advocates” in the legislature and as “the office-seekers” in the execu- tive. These denote to a normalised path of political Islam in reaching out the embedded democracy

    Praktek Demokrasi Lokal di Indonesia: Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah

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    This study will explain on local democracy experiences in the district level as real evidence to currentIndonesian democracy. It can be shown with several cases of public services in Central Lampung, i.e.the case of corruption on school operational subsidy, the damage of the public street, corruption inmaking ID card, the lacking of water compliance and other problems. This study uses two methods indata gathering, namely in depth interview and participant observation. The result of this study showsthat local bureaucrats not able to maintain and manage public services as a societal basic compliance.Therefore, Central Lampung can be categorized as a weak state. In short, democratically behavior thatcarried out by local elits can not to implement the people prosperity in Indonesia


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    Abstrak: Dakwah Islam di kawasan negara-negara mayoritas Kristiani seperti di Eropa tidaklah mudah mengingat tantangan yang kompleks. Namun demikian, potensi pemuda-pemudi Islam Indonesia yang tinggal di Jerman harus dioptimalkan untuk program pendampingan dakwah Islam terutama terhadap anggota Muhammadiyah dan warga Muslim Indonesia di Jerman maupun pribumi Jerman. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah mensyiarkan dakwah Islam Berkemajuan ke masyarakat Eropa dan memperkuat kualitas pemahaman keislaman dan ideologi Muhammadiyah bagi anggota dan kader Muhammadiyah yang tinggal di Jerman Raya. Metode pelaksanaan untuk mewujudkan tujuan tersebut adalah penyelenggaraan Baitul Arqam bagi anggota dan pengurus Muhammadiyah Jerman Raya; dan penyelenggaraan forum pengajian secara daring melalui Pengajian Online Uni-Eropa (PENNA). Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan, bahwa peserta yang hadir dalam program PENNA meningkat dari waktu ke waktu serta tingginya antisiasme mereka dalam merespon topik yang dibahas. Selain itu, tingkat pemahaman keislaman dan kemuhammadiyahan anggota dan kader Muhammadiyah Jerman Raya semakin baik dari 55% menjadi 85% dengan bukti bahwa mereka membutukan kajian lanjutan tentang Kemuhammadiyahan yang dilakukan secara rutin.Abstract: It is not easy to conduct an Islamic da’wa in most Christian countries like Europe. Nevertheless, the existence of Indonesian young Muslim generations in Germany should be maximized to succeed such a da’wa mainly for Muhammadiyah’s members and Indonesian Muslims who stay in Germany including German indigenous people. This program is aimed to disseminate the da’wa of Islam Berkemajuan (Islam with progress) to European society and to strengthen a good understanding of Islam and Muhammadiyah ideology for Muhammadiyah’s members and cadres who living in Germany and its surroundings. To reach such an objective, this program organizes a Baitul Arqam (BA) training for members and functionaries of Muhammadiyah Special Branch in Great Germany and virtual Islamic teachings namely Pengajian Online Uni-Eropa (PENNA). The finding demonstrates that participants who joined the PENNA are enthusiastic in responding to the discussed topics. In addition to that, participants of BA have a good understanding on the topic related to Islam and Muhammadiyah issues. They even ask to organize a routine meeting to discuss those issues after this program

    Keadilan Semi-Libertarianisme pada Sistem Kesehatan di Indonesia: Analisis Komparatif Pemikiran Bentham dan Kant terhadap Implementasi Konsep Keadilan pada Kebijakan BPJS – Kesehatan

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    Keadilan sosial menjadi salah satu cita-cita bangsa Indonesia terutama dalam bidang kesehatan dimana masih banyak diskriminasi dan tidak meratanya pelayanan kesehatan. Pada tahun 2014, BPJS Kesehatan mulai beroperasi dengan tujuan pemerataan kesehatan di seluruh masyarakat Indonesia. Terdapat perbedaan pandangan dalam melihat konsep keadilan dalam bidang kesehatan terutama kebijakan BPJS. Utilitarianisme berfokus pada konsep kebahagiaan haruslah dapat dirasakan oleh kebanyakan orang. Berbeda dengan konsep libertarianisme yang memandang keadilan merupakan preferensi dari masing-masing individu. Penggunaan kedua teori tersebut sangat mempengaruhi jalanya kebijakan BPJS Kesehatan di Indonesia. BPJS Kesehatan merupakan salah satu kebijakan penting yang dapat memberikan pemerataan kesehatan bagi masyarakat banyak sehingga sangat menarik melihat kecenderungan konsep keadilan yang digunakan oleh BPJS Kesehatan. Secara metodologis, artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Studi kepustakaan digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data terutama dari berita-berita media massa online yang bereputasi. Hasilnya, kajian ini mengukur konsep keadilan BPJS Kesehatan dengan tiga indikator, yaitu: Bebas dari diskriminasi dan kesetaraan, ethics of rights, dan ethics of care. Di masing-masing indikator tersebut, akan ditetapkan, apakah praktik BPJS Kesehatan masuk kategori libertarian atau utilitarian. Pertama, pada indikator bebas diskriminasi dan kesetaraan, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep semi-libertarianisme. Kedua, pada indikator ethics of rights, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep libertarianisme. Ketiga, pada indikator ethics of care, praktik BPJS Kesehatan cenderung pada konsep utilitarianisme. Berdasarkan tiga indikator keadilan tersebut, sistem BPJS Kesehatan memiliki kecenderungan pada konsep semi-libertarianisme. Hal ini menunjukkan, bahwa meskipun dasar hukum pelayanan BPJS Kesehatan mengarah pada utilitarianisme, praktiknya cenderung pada libertarianisme.Social justice is one of Indonesia’s targets, mainly in the healthcare issue where discrimination and the lack of equality in the healthcare service are still found in many regions. By 2014, the BPJS-Healthcare started to operate itself with the aim of healthcare equality among Indonesian society. There is a different view in defining the concept of justice in the case of the healthcare issue, particularly in the BPJS Healthcare policy. The utilitarianism school argues that the concept of justice should be implemented for all people, while the libertarianism school says that justice is depending on personal preferences. Adopting these two schools can influence the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare policy in Indonesia. BPJS Healthcare is one of the essential policies in providing healthcare equality for society so that it is fascinating to be analyzed further, which justice school adopted by Indonesia’s BPJS Healthcare. Methodologically, this article is based on qualitative research by applying the case study approach. Library research is employed as the data-gathering technique primarily from news channels of reputable online mass media. This study investigates the justice concept of BPJS Healthcare with three leading indicators: free from discrimination and the importance of equality, ethics of rights, and ethics of care. Considering these three indicators, this study’s finding decides to classify each indicator into whether the utilitarian school or the libertarian school. First, in the indicator free from discrimination and the importance of equality, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare intends to the semi-libertarianism school. Second, in the indicator of ethics of rights, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare intends to adopt the libertarianism school. In the meantime, in the indicator of ethics of care, the implementation of the BPJS Healthcare seemingly applies to utilitarianism schools. Based on the three-justice indicator, the BPJS Healthcare system intends to adopt what so-called as “semi-libertarianism” school. It denotes the fact that although the system seems to adopt the utilitarianism school, the implementation of the policy tends to apply to the libertarianism school.