1,301 research outputs found

    Studi Perubahan Garis Pantai dengan Pendekatan Penginderaan Jauh di Wilayah Pesisir Kecamatan Soropia

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    Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di sepanjang garis pantai Kecamatan Soropia selama satu bulan yaitu pada bulan Oktober 2014 dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui dan memetakan Perubahan garis pantai di wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Soropia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode tumpang susun citra satelit Landsat 5 TM tahun 1990, 7 ETM+ tahun 2002 dan 8 OLI/TIRS tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara umum Perubahan garis pantai yang terjadi disepanjang wilayah pesisir Kecamatan Soropia pada tahun 1990 – 2014 (24 tahun) berupa akresi dan abrasi. Perubahan garis pantai tipe akresi terjadi di Desa Sorue Jaya, Tapulaga, Leppe, Bajo Indah, Mekar, Bajoe, Bokori, Telaga Biru, Atowatu, Sawapudo, Soropia, Waworaha dan Kelurahan Toronipa. Perubahan garis pantai tipe abrasi terjadi di Desa Sorue Jaya, Tapulaga, Bajoe, Bokori, Telaga Biru, Atowatu, Sawapudo, Soropia, Waworaha dan Kelurahan Toronipa. Perubahan garis pantai yang terjadi di Kecamatan Soropia diduga disebabkan oleh perbedaan karakteristik pantai (faktor alam) yang bersifat semi terbuka terhadap dinamika perairan yang mendapatkan pengaruh dari gelombang secara langsung. Disamping karakteristik pantai, Perubahan garis pantai di Kecamatan Soropia juga diduga disebabkan oleh aktifitas manusia yang melakukan penimbunan pantai untuk keperluan pemukiman, pariwisata, pelabuhan dan pembuatan bangunan pelindung pantai (faktor antropogenik)

    Perancangan Fotografi Dokumentasi Klenteng Konghucu Di Surabaya

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    Klenteng adalah tempat ibadah penganut agama khonghucu yang juga merupakan salah satu tempat wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sayangnya masyrakat lokal banyak yang tidak mengetahui bahwa klenteng dapat di datangi meskipun bukan penganut agama khonghucu. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah perancangan ini yang bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat luas mengenai klenteng yang ada di Surabaya khususnya yang dibangun sebelum masa orde bar

    Evaluation of a sliding mode fault-tolerant controller for the El Al incident

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    This paper presents piloted flight simulator results associated with the El Al flight 1862 scenario, using a modelreferencebased sliding mode control allocation scheme for fault-tolerant control. The proposed controller design was carried out without any knowledge of the type of failure and in the absence of any fault detection and isolation strategy. This is motivated by the fact that the flight crew were unaware of the losses of the right engines. For this reason, the control allocation scheme proposed uses (fixed) equal distribution of the control signals to all actuators (for both nominal situations and when a fault or failure occurs). This paper analyzes the scheme and determines the conditions under which closed-loop stability is retained. The results represent the successful realtime implementation of the proposed controller on a flight simulator, configured to represent a B747 aircraft. The evaluation results from the experienced pilots show that the proposed controller has the ability to position the aircraft for landing, both in a nominal scenario and in the El Al failure scenario. It is also shown that actuator faults and failures that occurred during the El Al incident can be handled directly without reconfiguring the controller

    Fault tolerant sliding mode control design with piloted simulator evaluation

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    Copyright © 2008 American Institute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsThis paper considers sliding mode allocation schemes for fault tolerant control. The schemes allow redistribution of the control signals to the remaining functioning actuators when a fault or failure occurs. The paper analyzes the schemes and determines conditions under which closed–loop stability is retained for a certain class of faults and failures. It is shown that faults and even certain total actuator failures can be handled directly without reconfiguring the controller. The results obtained from implementing the controllers on the SIMONA research flight simulator, configured to represent a B747 aircraft, show good performance in both nominal and failure scenarios even in wind and gust conditions

    Sliding Mode Propulsion Control Tests on a Motion Flight Simulator

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    This paper describes a fault-tolerant sliding-mode control allocation scheme capable of coping with the loss of all control surfaces resulting from a failure of the hydraulics system, during which time the scheme only uses the engines to control the aircraft. The paper presents tests of the scheme implemented on a six-degree-of-freedom motion research flight simulator at Delft University of Technology, using a realistic maneuver involving an emergency return to a near-landing condition on a runway in response to the failure. The simulator results show that not only does the controller provide high tracking performance during nominal fault-free conditions, this performance is also maintained after the total loss of all control surfaces. This shows the capability of the proposed sliding-mode control allocation scheme to achieve and maintain desired performance levels using only propulsion by redistributing the control signals to the engines when failures occur

    Influence of Prenatal Class to the Practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication)

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    Objective: This study aimed to analyze the influence of prenatal class to the practice of P4K (Birth Planning And Prevention Of Birth Complication).Materials and Methods: This study applied analytical survey with cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken was as many as 30 mothers, using simple random sampling. Analysis of data was carried out using ordinal wilcoxon sign rank test. Datas were obtained from interviews and questionnaire.Result: The influence of prenatal class to practice of P4K (Birth Planning and Prevention of Birth Complication) (p = 0,0000). Conclusion: Prental class can influence to practic of P4K

    Real-time implementation of an ISM Fault Tolerant Control scheme for LPV plants

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    Copyright © 2014 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.This paper proposes a fault tolerant control scheme for linear parameter varying systems based on integral sliding modes and control allocation, and describes the implementation and evaluation of the controllers on a 6 degree-of-freedom research flight simulator called SIMONA. The fault tolerant control scheme is developed using a linear parameter varying approach to extend ideas previously developed for linear time invariant systems, in order to cover a wide range of operating conditions. The scheme benefits from the combination of the inherent robustness properties of integral sliding modes (to ensure sliding occurs throughout the simulation) and control allocation, which has the ability to redistribute control signals to all available actuators in the event of faults/failures


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    Many researchers have studied the differences in travel behaviours during the weekdays and the weekends for building travel demand in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, any travel demand framework should recognize the differences in residents’ travel behaviour not only between the weekdays and the weekends, but also on Fridays. During the weekends (i.e., Thursday and Friday), most residents spend time with their families and friends on Thursdays, whereas some go to work. On Fridays, there is the Friday prayer, which takes place around noon, and most of the stores are closed until late afternoon. This paper presents modelling of the activity duration for residents of the city of Makkah for weekdays and weekends. The municipality of Makkah collected a full-day travel diary for the residents of Makkah in 2010 for all days of the week. The data were categorized as either weekdays or weekends. Then the multiple discrete continuous extreme value (MDCEV) model was used to estimate the activity duration for 3 separate groups of days (i.e., weekdays, Thursdays, and Fridays), and a fourth model was estimated for all days of the week. This paper will highlight the differences in travel behaviour for the residents of Makkah between the weekdays and the weekends time periods. The outcomes of this paper could be expanded for use in Muslim communities and for all other religions that perform religious rituals during the weekends
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