434 research outputs found

    The false friends problem for foreign norm transplantation in developing countries

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    This article investigates the difficulties in transplanting global legal norms into developing countries, specifically the problem of 'false friends.' This is a linguistics concept describing the situation where there is a striking resemblance between two words in two different languages, leading speakers of each language to assume, incorrectly, that they understand the word's meaning in the other language. Even more problematically, the misunderstanding is hidden by the assumption of understanding. We argue that similar problems can occur when there is a superficial similarity (but a fundamental mismatch) between particular global and local norms. We illustrate this through the example of global intellectual property regimes and their reception in Vanuatu and Mexico, showing how reforms are sometimes welcomed into developing countries on the basis of false assumptions that their aims are congruent with existing understandings. Finally, the paper develops some policy implications for avoiding the 'false friends' problem in a transnational legal context

    Fair Copyright for Canada: Lessons for Online Social Movements from the First Canadian Facebook Uprising

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    Despite their growing importance, the political effectiveness of social media remains understudied. Drawing on and updating resource mobilization theory and political process theory, this article considers how social media make “political engagement more probable,” and the determinants of success for online social movements. It does so by examining the mainstreaming of the Canadian “user rights” copyright movement, focusing on the Fair Copyright for Canada Facebook page, created in December 2007. This decentralized, grassroots, social media-focused action – the first successful campaign of its kind in Canada and one of the first in the world – changed the terms of the Canadian copyright debate and legitimized Canadian user rights. As this case demonstrates, social media have changed the type and amount of resources needed to create and sustain social movements, creating openings for new groups and interests. Their success, however, remains dependent on the political context within which they operate

    North American Digital Copyright, Regional Governance and the Persistence of Variation

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    Flandrian sea-level changes in the Moray Firth area

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    The Moray Firth area is recognized as an area deficient in data relevant to sea-level change. This thesis attempts to provide a preliminary assessment of the restoration of sea-level following the last glaciation, particularly the last 10,000 years. The methodology used is essentially empirical and analytic, based upon stratigraphic description, micropalaeontological investigation and radiocarbon dating of sites in former tidal flat and lagoonal environments. Three sites at the head of the Beauly and Cromarty Firths, at Barnyards (NH 5247), Moniack (NH 5443) and Arcan Mains (NH 4954) provide stratigraphic and environmental evidence for the interpretation of sea-level change during the Flandrian Age. A preliminary chronological scheme of positive and negative tendencies of sea-level movement and a time-altitude graph is constructed using information from biostratigraphic and lithostratigraphic sea- level indicators and nine new radiocarbon dates. An attempt is made to assess the magnitude of error inherent at all stages of the analysis. Correlation is made with other areas of Scotland and Fennoscandia. A comparison is made between the differing methodologies employed in this thesis and other areas of Scotland where sequences of measured and named shorelines have been established. An isostatic curve for the inner Moray Firth is constructed using eustatic calibration of index point altitude. The results are compared to other published isostatic curves for Scotland

    Development and application of a platform for harmonisation and integration of metabolomics data

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    Integrating diverse metabolomics data for molecular epidemiology analyses provides both opportuni- ties and challenges in the field of human health research. Combining patient cohorts may improve power and sensitivity of analyses but is challenging due to significant technical and analytical vari- ability. Additionally, current systems for the storage and analysis of metabolomics data suffer from scalability, query-ability, and integration issues that limit their adoption for molecular epidemiological research. Here, a novel platform for integrative metabolomics is developed, which addresses issues of storage, harmonisation, querying, scaling, and analysis of large-scale metabolomics data. Its use is demonstrated through an investigation of molecular trends of ageing in an integrated four-cohort dataset where the advantages and disadvantages of combining balanced and unbalanced cohorts are explored, and robust metabolite trends are successfully identified and shown to be concordant with previous studies.Open Acces

    Unemployment Compensation during Labor Disputes

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    I. Survey of Federal and State Legislation II. Object and Purpose of Unemployment Compensation Legislation … A. Federal Legislation … B. State Legislation III. Labor Dispute Disqualification Provisions … A. Survey of Labor-Dispute Disqualification Provisions … 1. “Stoppage of Work” … 2. “Labor Dispute” … 3. Removal of Disqualification … 4. “Participating” in Labor Dispute … 5. “Financing” the Labor Dispute … 6. “Directly Interested” in the Labor Dispute … 7. Same “Grade or Class” … B. Tradition of Neutrality of the Stat in Labor Disputes … 1. British Legislation and Experience … 2. Doctrine of Neutrality of the State in the United States … C. Application of Labor-Dispute Disqualification Provisions to Modern Collective Bargaining Conditions … 1. Summary of Application of Labor-Dispute Provisions … 2. Special Problems IV. Conclusion Appendix: Labor-Dispute Disqualification Provisions of State Unemployment Compensation Law

    What\u27s New

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    Photograph of Bob Crosby; Illustration of man greeting womanhttps://scholarsjunction.msstate.edu/cht-sheet-music/11089/thumbnail.jp

    A Major Coastal Flood During the Holocene in Eastern Scotland

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    Gehobene holozäne ästuarine Ablagerungen der postglazialen Haupttransgression enthalten in einer Anzahl von Fundpunkten an der Ostküste Schottlands eine charakteristische Schicht vorwiegend aus grauem, glimmerführendem Feinsand. Dort wo die Sedimente sich landseitig mit den ehemaligen Küstenmooren verzahnen, bilden sie im Torf spitz auslaufende Lagen, und auch hier tritt der graue, glimmerführende Feinsand als spitzer Sedimentkeil auf. Diatomeenanalysen deuten auf einen marinen Ursprung hin, Pollenanalysen zeigen eine früh- bis mittelatlantische Florenvergesellschaftung an und C14-Analysen von Torf aus dem oberen und unteren Kontakt deuten auf ein Ereignis von relativ kurzer Dauer um 7000 v. h. Gegenwärtig wird angenommen, daß die Lage entweder auf eine kurzfristig erhöhte Rate des relativen Meeresspiegel-Anstiegs oder auf eine Sturmflut ungewöhnlichen Ausmaßes zurückzuführen ist.researc

    The céli Dé and ecclesiastical government in Ireland in the eighth and ninth centuries

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    This thesis examines the céli Dé, individual ecclesiastics who constituted the intellectual and spiritual elite in the early medieval Irish church. The period covered by the thesis is restricted in A.D. 700-900 and focusses most fully on the late eighth and early ninth centuries. A distinction is drawn between those individuals referred to as céli Dé during this period under study and those ‘communities within communities’, concerned for the welfare of the sick and the poor, to whom the name is later attested. The thesis examines the primary source material, considers past and present theories regarding these ecclesiastics and refutes the consensus of opinion that the céli Dé were a reform movement who emerged in reaction to a degenerate clergy in a church under secular influence. It discusses what was intended by the designation céli Dé and proffers the opinion that the céli Dé were instead concerned with advancing all aspects of the duties and responsibilities of the church. Particular developments in ecclesiastical organisation during the period under study are discussed and the extent of the role of individual céli Dé in these are examined, but will conclude that it should not be assumed that these developments, or concern for their introduction, was wholly restricted to the céli Dé. There was a change in the basis of the source of royal authority from popular to divine sanction, during the course of the eighth century, and the political repercussions of this more abstract concept of kingship would ultimately culminate in the emergence of Irish national identity. The potential extent of céli Dé involvement in the promulgation of ecclesiastical law, a contributory factor in establishing centralised ecclesiastical authority, is discussed and an examination of attempts by kings of Tara to control the appointment of the abbots of Armagh is provided in an effort to indicate how they sought to establish a centralised secular authority on the basis of the acknowledged authority of Armagh

    Derivatives of tricarbonylcycloheptatrienechromium

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    Abstract Not Provided