3,247 research outputs found

    Vector potential methods

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    Vector potential and related methods, for the simulation of both inviscid and viscous flows over aerodynamic configurations, are briefly reviewed. The advantages and disadvantages of several formulations are discussed and alternate strategies are recommended. Scalar potential, modified potential, alternate formulations of Euler equations, least-squares formulation, variational principles, iterative techniques and related methods, and viscous flow simulation are discussed

    Numerical solution of transonic full stream function equations in conservation form

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    The stream function equation in conservation form is solved iteratively based on the artificial compressibility method. The density is not a unique function of the mass flux. In order to avoid the ambiguity near the sonic line, the density is updated in terms of the velocity, which is obtained through a simple integration of a first order equation step by step in the flow field. Iteration algorithms and finite difference approximations are discussed and numerical results of both conservative and nonconservative calculations are presented

    Recent developments in finite element analysis for transonic airfoils

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    The prediction of aerodynamic forces in the transonic regime generally requires a flow field calculation to solve the governing non-linear mixed elliptic-hyperbolic partial differential equations. Finite difference techniques were developed to the point that design and analysis application are routine, and continual improvements are being made by various research groups. The principal limitation in extending finite difference methods to complex three-dimensional geometries is the construction of a suitable mesh system. Finite element techniques are attractive since their application to other problems have permitted irregular mesh elements to be employed. The purpose of this paper is to review the recent developments in the application of finite element methods to transonic flow problems and to report some recent results

    A unified approach for numerical simulation of viscous compressible and incompressible flows over adiabatic and isothermal walls

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    A new formulation (including the choice of variables, their non-dimensionalization, and the form of the artificial viscosity) is proposed for the numerical solution of the full Navier-Stokes equations for compressible and incompressible flows with heat transfer. With the present approach, the same code can be used for constant as well as variable density flows. The changes of the density due to pressure and temperature variations are identified and it is shown that the low Mach number approximation is a special case. At zero Mach number, the density changes due to the temperature variation are accounted for, mainly through a body force term in the momentum equation. It is also shown that the Boussinesq approximation of the buoyancy effects in an incompressible flow is a special case. To demonstrate the new capability, three examples are tested. Flows in driven cavities with adiabatic and isothermal walls are simulated with the same code as well as incompressible and supersonic flows over a wall with and without a groove. Finally, viscous flow simulations of an oblique shock reflection from a flat plate are shown to be in good agreement with the solutions available in literature

    Improved Spatial Modulation for High Spectral Efficiency

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    Spatial Modulation (SM) is a technique that can enhance the capacity of MIMO schemes by exploiting the index of transmit antenna to convey information bits. In this paper, we describe this technique, and present a new MIMO transmission scheme that combines SM and spatial multiplexing. In the basic form of SM, only one out of MT available antennas is selected for transmission in any given symbol interval. We propose to use more than one antenna to transmit several symbols simultaneously. This would increase the spectral efficiency. At the receiver, an optimal detector is employed to jointly estimate the transmitted symbols as well as the index of the active transmit antennas. In this paper we evaluate the performance of this scheme in an uncorrelated Rayleigh fading channel. The simulations results show that the proposed scheme outperforms the optimal SM and V-BLAST (Vertical Bell Laboratories Layered space-time at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). For example, if we seek a spectral efficiency of 8 bits/s/Hz at bit error rate (BER) of 10^-5, the proposed scheme provides 5dB and 7dB improvements over SM and V-BLAST, respectively.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, International Journal of Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS) Vol.3, No.2, March 201

    Cryptosporidiosis: From Prevention to Treatment, a Narrative Review

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    Cryptosporidiosis is a water- and food-borne zoonotic disease caused by the protozoon parasite of the genus Cryptosporidium. C. hominis and C. parvum are the main two species causing infections in humans and animals. The disease can be transmitted by the fecal–oral route as well as the respiratory route. The infective stage (sporulated oocysts) is resistant to different disinfectants including chlorine. Currently, no effective therapeutic drugs or vaccines are available to treat and control Cryptosporidium infection. To prevent cryptosporidiosis in humans and animals, we need to understand better how the disease is spread and transmitted, and how to interrupt its transmission cycle. This review focuses on understanding cryptosporidiosis, including its infective stage, pathogenesis, life cycle, genomics, epidemiology, previous outbreaks, source of the infection, transmission dynamics, host spectrum, risk factors and high-risk groups, the disease in animals and humans, diagnosis, treatment and control, and the prospect of an effective anti-Cryptosporidium vaccine. It also focuses on the role of the One Health approach in managing cryptosporidiosis at the animal–human–environmental interface. The summarized data in this review will help to tackle future Cryptosporidium infections in humans and animals and reduce the disease occurrence

    An entropy correction method for unsteady full potential flows with strong shocks

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    An entropy correction method for the unsteady full potential equation is presented. The unsteady potential equation is modified to account for entropy jumps across shock waves. The conservative form of the modified equation is solved in generalized coordinates using an implicit, approximate factorization method. A flux-biasing differencing method, which generates the proper amounts of artificial viscosity in supersonic regions, is used to discretize the flow equations in space. Comparisons between the present method and solutions of the Euler equations and between the present method and experimental data are presented. The comparisons show that the present method more accurately models solutions of the Euler equations and experiment than does the isentropic potential formulation

    2D Face Recognition System Based on Selected Gabor Filters and Linear Discriminant Analysis LDA

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    We present a new approach for face recognition system. The method is based on 2D face image features using subset of non-correlated and Orthogonal Gabor Filters instead of using the whole Gabor Filter Bank, then compressing the output feature vector using Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). The face image has been enhanced using multi stage image processing technique to normalize it and compensate for illumination variation. Experimental results show that the proposed system is effective for both dimension reduction and good recognition performance when compared to the complete Gabor filter bank. The system has been tested using CASIA, ORL and Cropped YaleB 2D face images Databases and achieved average recognition rate of 98.9 %