4,310 research outputs found

    Estimation of tunnel blockage from wall pressure signatures: A review and data correlation

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    A method is described for estimating low speed wind tunnel blockage, including model volume, bubble separation and viscous wake effects. A tunnel-centerline, source/sink distribution is derived from measured wall pressure signatures using fast algorithms to solve the inverse problem in three dimensions. Blockage may then be computed throughout the test volume. Correlations using scaled models or tests in two tunnels were made in all cases. In many cases model reference area exceeded 10% of the tunnel cross-sectional area. Good correlations were obtained regarding model surface pressures, lift drag and pitching moment. It is shown that blockage-induced velocity variations across the test section are relatively unimportant but axial gradients should be considered when model size is determined

    Ground simulation and tunnel blockage for a jet-flapped, basic STOL model tested to very high lift coefficients

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    Ground effects experiments and large/small-tunnel interference studies were carried out on a model with a 20-inch (50.8 cm) span wing. The wing, which includes a highly deflected knee-blown flap can be fitted with unflapped tips and slats. A low-mounted tailplane can be fitted to the aft fuselage. Three-component balance meaurements, made with a fixed ground equipped with a single boundary-layer blowing slot, were compared with datum, moving-ground results. Good comparisons were obtained up to model blowing momentum coefficients of approximately two, after which the particular floor blowing settings used proved insufficient to prevent floor separation in the vicinity of the model. Skin friction measurements, taken routinely along the floor centerline, proved invaluable during the analysis of results, and their use is recommended as input to determination of floor BLC setting. A careful investigation was made of pitching moments, including tail-on, close-to-ground cases, with favorable results. Drag proved the most sensitive to the change from a moving to the boundary-layer controlled ground

    Electronic, magnetic, and magnetocrystalline anisotropy properties of light lanthanides

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    Theoretical understanding of interactions between localized and mobile electrons and the crystal environment in light lanthanides is important because of their key role in much needed magnetic anisotropy in permanent magnet materials that have a great impact in automobile and wind turbine applications. We report electronic, magnetic, and magnetocrystalline properties of these basic light lanthanide elements studied from advanced density functional theory (DFT) calculations. We find that the inclusion of onsite 4f electron correlation and spin orbit coupling within the full-potential band structure is needed to understand the unique magnetocrystalline properties of these light lanthanides. The onsite electron correlation, spin orbit coupling, and full potential for the asphericity of charge densities must be taken into account for the proper treatment of 4f states. We find the variation of total energy as a function of lattice constants that indicate multiple structural phases in Ce contrasting to a single stable structure obtained in other light lanthanides. The 4f orbital magnetic moments are partially quenched as a result of crystalline electric field splitting that leads to magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The charge density plots have similar asphericity and environment in Pr and Nd indicating similar magnetic anisotropy. However, Ce and Sm show completely different asphericity and environment as both orbital moments are significantly quenched. In addition, the Fermi surface structures exemplified in Nd indicate structural stability and unravel a cause of anisotropy. The calculated magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy (MAE) reveals competing c-axis and in-plane anisotropies, and also predicts possibilities of unusual structural deformations in light lanthanides. The uniaxial magnetic anisotropy is obtained in the double hexagonal closed pack structures of the most of the light lanthanides, however, the anisotropy is reduced or turned to planar in the low symmetry structures. Through crystal field calculations we also illustrate the crystal field ground state 4f multiplets of light lanthanides

    Wilson loops, geometric operators and fermions in 3d group field theory

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    Group field theories whose Feynman diagrams describe 3d gravity with a varying configuration of Wilson loop observables and 3d gravity with volume observables at each vertex are defined. The volume observables are created by the usual spin network grasping operators which require the introduction of vector fields on the group. We then use this to define group field theories that give a previously defined spin foam model for fermion fields coupled to gravity, and the simpler quenched approximation, by using tensor fields on the group. The group field theory naturally includes the sum over fermionic loops at each order of the perturbation theory.Comment: 13 pages, many figures, uses psfra

    Chiral extrapolation of lattice moments of proton quark distributions

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    We present the resolution of a long-standing discrepancy between the moments of parton distributions calculated from lattice QCD and their experimental values. We propose a simple extrapolation formula for the moments of the nonsinglet quark distribution u-d, as a function of quark mass, which embodies the general constraints imposed by the chiral symmetry of QCD. The inclusion of the leading nonanalytic behavior leads to an excellent description of both the lattice data and the experimental values of the moments.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Infinite Degeneracy of States in Quantum Gravity

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    The setting of Braided Ribbon Networks is used to present a general result in spin-networks embedded in manifolds: the existence of an infinite number of species of conserved quantities. Restricted to three-valent networks the number of such conserved quantities in a given network is shown to be invariant barring a single case. The implication of these conserved quantities is discussed in the context of Loop Quantum Gravity.Comment: 10 pages, 14 figures, v2: some clarifications, no substantial change

    UK policy statements on testosterone deficiency

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    To address widespread media and scientific concerns over the appropriate treatment of TDS with Testosterone Therapy (T Therapy), the Executive Committee of the British Society for Sexual Medicine developed eight consensus statements, based on current scientific evidence to address these controversial issues. These statements were in no-way designed to replace the published evidence-based guidelines on the subject developed by various professional organisations, but to provide specific answers to several current controversial issues. This review examined evidence from Medline, EMBASE and Cochrane searches on HG, T Therapy and cardiovascular safety from May 2005 to May 2015, which revealed 1714 articles, with 52 clinical trials and 32 placebo-controlled randomised controlled trials. The task force developed the following eight key statements

    Positive practices : solution-focused and narrative therapeutic techniques with children with sexually harmful behaviours

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    This article explores the use of solution-focused and Narrative Therapeutic approaches with a boy who had sexually harmful behaviours. The paper will highlight the practical challenges of working with someone who is 'problem-saturated' through institutionalisation and who is also subjected to powerful discourses claiming the 'truth' about him. The use of solution-focused and Narrative Therapeutic principles and approaches will be demonstrated in the work described, in a way that allows the reader to reflect on how these may differ from modernist understandings and responses to this behaviour

    Meningococcal disease in children in Merseyside, England:a 31 year descriptive study

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    Meningococcal disease (MCD) is the leading infectious cause of death in early childhood in the United Kingdom, making it a public health priority. MCD most commonly presents as meningococcal meningitis (MM), septicaemia (MS), or as a combination of the two syndromes (MM/MS). We describe the changing epidemiology and clinical presentation of MCD, and explore associations with socioeconomic status and other risk factors. A hospital-based study of children admitted to a tertiary children's centre, Alder Hey Children's Foundation Trust, with MCD, was undertaken between 1977 to 2007 (n = 1157). Demographics, clinical presentations, microbiological confirmation and measures of deprivation were described. The majority of cases occurred in the 1-4 year age group and there was a dramatic fall in serogroup C cases observed with the introduction of the meningococcal C conjugate (MCC) vaccine. The proportion of MS cases increased over the study period, from 11% in the first quarter to 35% in the final quarter. Presentation with MS (compared to MM) and serogroup C disease (compared to serogroup B) were demonstrated to be independent risk factors for mortality, with odds ratios of 3.5 (95% CI 1.18 to 10.08) and 2.18 (95% CI 1.26 to 3.80) respectively. Cases admitted to Alder Hey were from a relatively more deprived population (mean Townsend score 1.25, 95% CI 1.09 to 1.41) than the Merseyside reference population. Our findings represent one of the largest single-centre studies of MCD. The presentation of MS is confirmed to be a risk factor of mortality from MCD. Our study supports the association between social deprivation and MCD

    Examining the use of process evaluations of randomised controlled trials of complex interventions addressing chronic disease in primary health care-a systematic review protocol

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    © 2016 The Author(s). Background: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of complex interventions in primary health care (PHC) are needed to provide evidence-based programmes to achieve the Declaration of Alma Ata goal of making PHC equitable, accessible and universal and to effectively address the rising burden from chronic disease. Process evaluations of these RCTs can provide insight into the causal mechanisms of complex interventions, the contextual factors, and inform as to whether an intervention is ineffective due to implementation failure or failure of the intervention itself. To build on this emerging body of work, we aim to consolidate the methodology and methods from process evaluations of complex interventions in PHC and their findings of facilitators and barriers to intervention implementation in this important area of health service delivery. Methods: Systematic review of process evaluations of randomised controlled trials of complex interventions which address prevalent major chronic diseases in PHC settings. Published process evaluations of RCTs will be identified through database and clinical trial registry searches and contact with authors. Data from each study will be extracted by two reviewers using standardised forms. Data extracted include descriptive items about (1) the RCT, (2) about the process evaluations (such as methods, theories, risk of bias, analysis of process and outcome data, strengths and limitations) and (3) any stated barriers and facilitators to conducting complex interventions. A narrative synthesis of the findings will be presented. Discussion: Process evaluation findings are valuable in determining whether a complex intervention should be scaled up or modified for other contexts. Publishing this protocol serves to encourage transparency in the reporting of our synthesis of current literature on how process evaluations have been conducted thus far and a deeper understanding of potential challenges and solutions to aid in the implementation of effective interventions in PHC beyond the research setting. Systematic review registration: PROSPERO CRD42016035572
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