950 research outputs found

    The zebrafish xenograft platform-A novel tool for modeling KSHV-associated diseases

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    Kaposi\u27s sarcoma associated-herpesvirus (KSHV, also known as human herpesvirus-8) is a gammaherpesvirus that establishes life-long infection in human B lymphocytes. KSHV infection is typically asymptomatic, but immunosuppression can predispose KSHV-infected individuals to primary effusion lymphoma (PEL); a malignancy driven by aberrant proliferation of latently infected B lymphocytes, and supported by pro-inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors produced by cells that succumb to lytic viral replication. Here, we report the development of the firs

    Generalized Geometry and M theory

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    We reformulate the Hamiltonian form of bosonic eleven dimensional supergravity in terms of an object that unifies the three-form and the metric. For the case of four spatial dimensions, the duality group is manifest and the metric and C-field are on an equal footing even though no dimensional reduction is required for our results to hold. One may also describe our results using the generalized geometry that emerges from membrane duality. The relationship between the twisted Courant algebra and the gauge symmetries of eleven dimensional supergravity are described in detail.Comment: 29 pages of Latex, v2 References added, typos fixed, v3 corrected kinetic term and references adde

    The tissue microarray data exchange specification: A community-based, open source tool for sharing tissue microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: Tissue Microarrays (TMAs) allow researchers to examine hundreds of small tissue samples on a single glass slide. The information held in a single TMA slide may easily involve Gigabytes of data. To benefit from TMA technology, the scientific community needs an open source TMA data exchange specification that will convey all of the data in a TMA experiment in a format that is understandable to both humans and computers. A data exchange specification for TMAs allows researchers to submit their data to journals and to public data repositories and to share or merge data from different laboratories. In May 2001, the Association of Pathology Informatics (API) hosted the first in a series of four workshops, co-sponsored by the National Cancer Institute, to develop an open, community-supported TMA data exchange specification. METHODS: A draft tissue microarray data exchange specification was developed through workshop meetings. The first workshop confirmed community support for the effort and urged the creation of an open XML-based specification. This was to evolve in steps with approval for each step coming from the stakeholders in the user community during open workshops. By the fourth workshop, held October, 2002, a set of Common Data Elements (CDEs) was established as well as a basic strategy for organizing TMA data in self-describing XML documents. RESULTS: The TMA data exchange specification is a well-formed XML document with four required sections: 1) Header, containing the specification Dublin Core identifiers, 2) Block, describing the paraffin-embedded array of tissues, 3)Slide, describing the glass slides produced from the Block, and 4) Core, containing all data related to the individual tissue samples contained in the array. Eighty CDEs, conforming to the ISO-11179 specification for data elements constitute XML tags used in the TMA data exchange specification. A set of six simple semantic rules describe the complete data exchange specification. Anyone using the data exchange specification can validate their TMA files using a software implementation written in Perl and distributed as a supplemental file with this publication. CONCLUSION: The TMA data exchange specification is now available in a draft form with community-approved Common Data Elements and a community-approved general file format and data structure. The specification can be freely used by the scientific community. Efforts sponsored by the Association for Pathology Informatics to refine the draft TMA data exchange specification are expected to continue for at least two more years. The interested public is invited to participate in these open efforts. Information on future workshops will be posted at (API we site)

    Biomarker clusters are differentially associated with longitudinal cognitive decline in late midlife

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    The ability to detect preclinical Alzheimer’s disease is of great importance, as this stage of the Alzheimer’s continuum is believed to provide a key window for intervention and prevention. As Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by multiple pathological changes, a biomarker panel reflecting co-occurring pathology will likely be most useful for early detection. Towards this end, 175 late middle-aged participants (mean age 55.9 ± 5.7 years at first cognitive assessment, 70% female) were recruited from two longitudinally followed cohorts to undergo magnetic resonance imaging and lumbar puncture. Cluster analysis was used to group individuals based on biomarkers of amyloid pathology (cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-β42/amyloid-β40 assay levels), magnetic resonance imaging-derived measures of neurodegeneration/atrophy (cerebrospinal fluid-to-brain volume ratio, and hippocampal volume), neurofibrillary tangles (cerebrospinal fluid phosphorylated tau181 assay levels), and a brain-based marker of vascular risk (total white matter hyperintensity lesion volume). Four biomarker clusters emerged consistent with preclinical features of (i) Alzheimer’s disease; (ii) mixed Alzheimer’s disease and vascular aetiology; (iii) suspected non-Alzheimer’s disease aetiology; and (iv) healthy ageing. Cognitive decline was then analysed between clusters using longitudinal assessments of episodic memory, semantic memory, executive function, and global cognitive function with linear mixed effects modelling. Cluster 1 exhibited a higher intercept and greater rates of decline on tests of episodic memory. Cluster 2 had a lower intercept on a test of semantic memory and both Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 had steeper rates of decline on a test of global cognition. Additional analyses on Cluster 3, which had the smallest hippocampal volume, suggest that its biomarker profile is more likely due to hippocampal vulnerability and not to detectable specific volume loss exceeding the rate of normal ageing. Our results demonstrate that pathology, as indicated by biomarkers, in a preclinical timeframe is related to patterns of longitudinal cognitive decline. Such biomarker patterns may be useful for identifying at-risk populations to recruit for clinical trials

    Effect of Halide Composition on the Photochemical Stability of Perovskite Photovoltaic Materials

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    Photochemical stability of encapsulated films of mixed halide perovskites with a range of MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 compositions (solid solutions) was investigated under accelerated stressing using concentrated sunlight. Evolution of light absorption and the corresponding structural modifications in the films were recorded by UV-vis spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively. MAPbBr3 film exhibited no degradation. In MAPbI3 and mixed halide MAPb(I1-xBrx)3 films, decomposition of the perovskite material with crystallization of inorganic PbI2, and the corresponding degradation of light absorption, were recorded. Introduction of bromine into the solid solution was found to stress its structure and accelerate the degradation. The relevance of accelerated testing to standard operational conditions of solar cells was confirmed by comparison to degradation experiments under outdoor sunlight exposure. Reasons for the reduced stability of the mixed halide compositions are discussed

    Interrater reliability of motor severity scales for hemifacial spasm

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    To compare the inter-rater reliability (IRR) of five clinical rating scales for video-based assessment of hemifacial spasm (HFS) motor severity. We evaluated the video recordings of 45 HFS participants recruited through the Dystonia Coalition. In Round 1, six clinicians with expertise in HFS assessed the participants\u27 motor severity with five scales used to measure motor severity of HFS: the Jankovic rating scale (JRS), Hemifacial Spasm Grading Scale (HSGS), Samsung Medical Center (SMC) grading system for severity of HFS spasms (Lee\u27s scale), clinical grading of spasm intensity (Chen\u27s scale), and a modified version of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (Tunc\u27s scale). In Round 2, clinicians rated the same cohort with simplified scale wording after consensus training. For each round, we evaluated the IRR using the intraclass correlation coefficient [ICC (2,1) single-rater, absolute-agreement, 2-way random model]. The scales exhibited IRR that ranged from poor to moderate ; the mean ICCs were 0.41, 0.43, 0.47, 0.43, and 0.65 for the JRS, HSGS, Lee\u27s, Chen\u27s, and Tunc\u27s scales, respectively, for Round 1. In Round 2, the corresponding IRRs increased to 0.63, 0.60, 0.59, 0.53, and 0.71. In both rounds, Tunc\u27s scale exhibited the highest IRR. For clinical assessments of HFS motor severity based on video observations, we recommend using Tunc\u27s scale because of its comparative reliability and because clinicians interpret the scale easily without modifications or the need for consensus training

    Identification of a possible role of thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) in epigenome maintenance

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    Thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG) was discovered as an enzyme capable of removing uracil (U) and thymine (T) from G/U and G/T mispairs, respectively. Owing to this ability, TDG was proposed to initiate restoration of C/G pairs at sites of cytosine or 5-methycytosine (5-meC) deamination. In addition to products of base deamination, the substrate spectrum of TDG covers a wide range of DNA base damages resulting from base oxidation and alkylation. TDG was also found to engage in physical and functional interactions with transcription factors, and more recent evidence supports additional interactions with the de novo DNA methyltransferases Dnmt3a and 3b in the context of gene transcription. Together with its biochemical properties, these observations suggest that TDG might be targeted to gene regulatory sequences as part of a macromolecular assembly to control their functional integrity. TDG may counteract the mutagenic effects of C and 5-meC deamination in CG-rich regions and/or be involved in the maintenance of CpG promoter methylation patterns. A tight regulation of CpG methylation at gene regulatory regions is critical for accurate gene expression, proper cellular differentiation and embryonic development. A somewhat surprising but in this context consistent finding was that, in contrast to other DNA glycosylases, TDG is essential for proper fetal development since a targeted knockout of the gene leads to embryonic lethality. To gain insights into the biological functions of TDG, we aimed to establish and apply biochemical fractionation procedures for high affinity purification and structural and functional characterization of TDG containing proteins complexes. The first part of the thesis was concerned with biochemical characterization of the protein interaction network of TDG in living mammalian cells. To this end, I applied different approaches allowing high affinity isolation of protein complexes from mammalian cells, such as the tandem affinity purification (TAP) method as well as immunoprecipitation of endogenous protein and of the TDGa isoform from TdgA overexpressing embryonic stem (ES) cells. These efforts, however, did not reveal any TDG interacting partners in subsequent mass spectrometry (MS) analyses. These results were surprising, as TDG was previously reported to interact with transcription factors and DNA methyltransferases. Remarkably, however, all previously identified protein interactors of TDG were discovered in screen with the respective partner proteins, and under conditions of simultaneous overexpression of both interacting proteins. The only proteins ever identified in screen with TDG were Sumo1 and Sumo3, which turned out to covalently modify the glycosylase. For this reason, we decided to pursue our search with classical cell fractionation experiments. We first did gel filtration experiments from total cell lysates and showed that TDG is indeed able to form distinct multiprotein complexes in undifferentiated mouse embryonic stem cells that may also contain the RNA helicase p68. Further subcellular fractionation experiments then revealed that TDG is present in all cell compartments, with a significant fraction of nuclear TDG being associated with chromatin, together with p68 and de novo DNA methyltransferases. Together with published findings, these results suggested that protein complexes containing TDG might act in a chromatin-associated context, at gene regulatory regions. The developmental phenotype of Tdg-/- knockout mice and the interactions of TDG with factors involved in developmental gene regulation (e.g. retinoic acid receptors RAR/RXR) implicate a function of TDG during early development and cell differentiation, at times governed by dynamic changes in gene expression, DNA methylation and histone modifications. Such changes have been studied using a well-established during in vitro differentiation of ES cells to lineage committed neuronal progenitors (NPs). We thus aimed to address the function of TDG as part of chromatin associated protein complexes during the process of retinoic acid induced differentiation of ES cells to NPs. In the second part of the thesis we made use of a this well-established in vitro differentiation system to examine the genome-wide localization of TDG to chromatin by TDG chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and to correlate TDG association to chromatin with gene expression and DNA methylation changes linked to cellular differentiation. TDG ChIP combined with high throughput sequencing showed that TDG associates with high preference to CpG islands in promoters of actively transcribed genes or genes poised for transcriptional activation. Such CpG rich sequences are normally unmethylated in mammalian genomes. Interestingly, we found TDG to localize to promoters of many genes controlling pluripotency (e.g. Oct4, Nanog) and developmental processes (e.g. Sfrp2, Tgfb2, Gata6), thus, supporting a function of TDG in cell differentiation and/or embryonic development. As different lines of circumstantial evidence have associated TDG with changes in CpG methylation following activation of hormone responsive gene promoters, we went on to further test genome-wide promoter methylation in Tdg+/- and Tdg-/- NPs making use of a combination of methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and microarray technology. This showed that the loss of TDG does not affect global promoter DNA methylation. Nevertheless, there were a number of significant differences, suggesting that TDG might affect the CpG methylation pattern at some promoters. Also, owing to the limited resolution of the MeDIP method, however, we could not exclude an involvement of TDG in the control of DNA methylation of specific promoter CpGs. Additional bisulfite sequencing of promoters of TDG bound developmental genes (e.g. Sfrp2, Tgfb2) in NPs and differentiated mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) have indeed proved that loss of TDG affects local changes in DNA methylation at particular CpGs. Subsequent analysis of genome-wide gene expression profiles of ES cells and differentiated Tdg+/- and Tdg-/- NPs revealed that a limited number of genes (229) are differentially regulated in ES, whereas substantial differences in gene expression in were observed in NPs (1022 genes). This implicated a specific function of TDG in the regulation of cell differentiation triggered gene expression changes. Detailed analysis of the expression of the Pax6 gene, accurate regulation of which is essential for proper neuron development, showed that its promoter is bound by TDG and that its transcription is inappropriately regulated upon further differentiation of Tdg-/- NPs into the neuronal lineage. Whereas Tdg+/- NPs efficiently downregulated Pax6 (50x) and further differentiated into neuron-like cells, Tdg-/- NPs only partially downregulated Pax6 gene expression (6x) and underwent apoptosis at day 2 after plating in neuronal medium. This phenotype was complemented by expression of TDGa, clearly implicating TDG in the regulation of Pax6 expression during differentiation of ES cells to terminal neurons. We further observed misregulation of pluripotency genes (e.g. Oct4) regulated by TDG bound promoters during early differentiation of ES cells. In the absence of TDG, ES cells showed the tendency to enter spontaneous and/or RA induced differentiation, suggesting a role for TDG in the regulation of pluripotency. During RA induced differentiation we further observed the activation of the neuron specific gene Lrrtm2 exclusively in TDG proficient cells. In addition, ChIP experiments showed that transcription factors involved in the activation of the Lrrtm2 gene (e.g. COUP-TFI, RAR) are not recruited to the respective promoter in Tdg-/- cells, suggesting that TDG might act passively as a scaffold factor important for the recruitment of transcription factors to promoter regions. I set out to clarify the biological function of TDG by investigating its molecular interactions in mammalian cells. I found that TDG, as a DNA repair enzyme, associates tightly with chromatin, where it localizes with high preference to CpG island promoters of active genes and genes poised to be expressed. I also found that the loss of TDG causes misregulation of genes during cell differentiation and that this appears to be related to a function of TDG in establishing and/or maintaining CpG methylation pattern in gene regulatory sequences. These discoveries implicate a novel function of DNA repair, in the maintenance not only of the genome, but also the epigenome

    Changes in use of herbs and dietary supplements (HDS) among clinicians enrolled in an online curriculum

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Little is known about clinicians' use of herbs and dietary supplements (HDS), how their personal HDS use changes with time and training, and how changes in their personal use affect their confidence or communication with patients about HDS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a prospective cohort study of clinicians before and after an on-line curriculum about HDS in winter-spring, 2005.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 569 clinicians who completed surveys both at baseline and after the course, 25% were male and the average age was 42 years old; 88% used HDS before and after the course. The average number of supplements used fell slightly from 6.2 at baseline to 5.8 after the course (P < 0.01). The most commonly used supplements at baseline were: multivitamins (65%), calcium (42%), B vitamins (34%), vitamin C (34%), green tea (27%), fish oil (27%) and vitamin E (25%). Use of fish oil increased to 30% after the course (P = 0.01). Use of supplements traditionally used to treat colds decreased: vitamin C (34% to 27%), zinc (13% to 10%), and echinacea (7% to 5%, P < 0.05 for all three). Changes in personal HDS use were not associated with significant changes in confidence or communication with patients.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Many clinicians use HDS personally; use changes seasonally and to a small extent with professional education. Professional use of HDS is dynamic and seasonal. Additional research is needed to understand the impact of personal use on professional attitudes and behavior in populations with lower baseline uses of HDS.</p