1,292 research outputs found

    Electron Spin Injection at a Schottky Contact

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    We investigate theoretically electrical spin injection at a Schottky contact between a spin-polarized electrode and a non-magnetic semiconductor. Current and electron density spin-polarizations are discussed as functions of barrier energy and semiconductor doping density. The effect of a spin-dependent interface resistance that results from a tunneling region at the contact/semiconductor interface is described. The model can serve as a guide for designing spin-injection experiments with regard to the interface properties and device structure.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    An algebraic solution of driven single band tight binding dynamics

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    The dynamics of the driven tight binding model for Wannier-Stark systems is formulated and solved using a dynamical algebra. This Lie algebraic approach is very convenient for evaluating matrix elements and expectation values. It is also shown that a dynamical invariant can be constructed. A classicalization of the tight binding model is discussed as well as some illustrating examples of Bloch oscillations and dynamical localization effects.Comment: 13 pages; revised version (changed title and sections 6,7, added references

    Evaluation of non-chemical seed treatment methods for the control of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina on carrot seeds

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    The current study was initiated to evaluate the efficacy of physical methods (hot water, aerated steam, electron treatment) and agents of natural origin (resistance inducers, plant derived products, micro-organisms) as seed treatments of carrots for control of Alternaria dauci and A. radicina. Control of both Alternaria species by seed treatment with the resistance inducers was generally poor. Results were also not satisfactory with most of the formulated commercial micro-organism preparations. Based on the average of five field trials, one of these, BA 2552 (Pseudomonas chlororaphis), provided a low but significant increase in plant stand. Among the experimental micro-organisms, the best results were obtained with Pseudomonas sp. strain MF 416 and Clonostachys rosea strain IK726. A similar level of efficacy was provided by seed treatment with an emulsion (1%) of thyme oil in water. Good and consistent control was generally achieved with the physical methods aerated steam, hot water and electron treatment. Aerated steam treatment was, apart from the thiram-containing chemical standard, the best single treatment, and its performance may at least partially be due to extensive pre-testing, resulting in dosages optimally adapted to the respective seed lot. In some of the experiments the effect of the hot water treatment, which was tested at a fixed, not specifically adapted dosage, was significantly improved when combined with a Pseudomonas sp. MF 416 or C. rosea IK726 treatment. The results are discussed in relation to the outcome of experiments in which the same seed treatment methods and agents were tested in other seed-borne vegetable pathosystems

    STOVE: Seed treatments for organic vegetable production

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    The aim of the EU-financed research project „STOVE“ (Seed Treatments for Organic Vegetable Production) is to evaluate different methods potentially suited for seed treatment of vegetables in organic farming regarding their efficacy, to optimise these methods, and where feasible to combine them with each other. Scientists from seven European research institutions and a producer of organic vegetable seeds carry out the project

    Nucleoside diphosphate kinase B is required for the formation of heterotrimeric G protein containing caveolae.

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    Caveolae are flask-shaped invaginations in the plasma membrane that serve to compartmentalize and organize signal transduction processes, including signals mediated by G protein-coupled receptors and heterotrimeric G proteins. Herein we report evidence for a close association of the nucleoside diphosphate kinase B (NDPK B) and caveolin proteins which is required for G protein scaffolding and caveolae formation. A concomitant loss of the proteins NDPK B, caveolin isoforms 1 (Cav1) and 3, and heterotrimeric G proteins occurred when one of these proteins was specifically depleted in zebrafish embryos. Co-immunoprecipitation of Cav1 with the G protein Gβ-subunit and NDPK B from zebrafish lysates corroborated the direct association of these proteins. Similarly, in embryonic fibroblasts from the respective knockout (KO) mice, the membrane content of the Cav1, Gβ, and NDPK B was found to be mutually dependent on one another. A redistribution of Cav1 and Gβ from the caveolae containing fractions of lower density to other membrane compartments with higher density could be detected by means of density gradient fractionation of membranes derived from NDPK A/B KO mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) and after shRNA-mediated NDPK B knockdown in H10 cardiomyocytes. This redistribution could be visualized by confocal microscopy analysis showing a decrease in the plasma membrane bound Cav1 in NDPK A/B KO cells and vice versa and a decrease in the plasma membrane pool of NDPK B in Cav1 KO cells. Consequently, ultrastructural analysis revealed a reduction of surface caveolae in the NDPK A/B KO cells. To prove that the disturbed subcellular localization of Cav1 in NDPK A/B KO MEFs as well as NDPK B in Cav1 KO MEFs is a result of the loss of NDPK B and Cav1, respectively, we performed rescue experiments. The adenoviral re-expression of NDPK B in NDPK A/B KO MEFs rescued the protein content and the plasma membrane localization of Cav1. The expression of an EGFP-Cav1 fusion protein in Cav1-KO cells induced a restoration of NDPK B expression levels and its appearance at the plasma membrane. We conclude from these findings that NDPK B, heterotrimeric G proteins, and caveolins are mutually dependent on each other for stabile localization and caveolae formation at the plasma membrane. The data point to a disturbed transport of caveolin/G protein/NDPK B complexes from intracellular membrane compartments if one of the components is missing

    Electric-field dependent spin diffusion and spin injection into semiconductors

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    We derive a drift-diffusion equation for spin polarization in semiconductors by consistently taking into account electric-field effects and nondegenerate electron statistics. We identify a high-field diffusive regime which has no analogue in metals. In this regime there are two distinct spin diffusion lengths. Furthermore, spin injection from a ferromagnetic metal into a semiconductor is enhanced by several orders of magnitude and spins can be transported over distances much greater than the low-field spin diffusion length.Comment: 5 pages, 3 eps figure

    Time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy with a water window high-harmonic source

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    Time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy (TR-XAS) has so far practically been limited to large-scale facilities, to sub-picosecond temporal resolution and to the condensed phase. Here, we report the realization of TR-XAS with a temporal resolution in the low femtosecond range by developing a table-top high-harmonic source reaching up to 350 eV, thus partially covering the spectral region of 280 to 530 eV, where water is transmissive. We use this source to follow previously unexamined light-induced chemical reactions in the lowest electronic states of isolated CF4+ and SF6+ molecules in the gas phase. By probing element-specific core-to-valence transitions at the carbon K-edge or the sulfur L-edges, we characterize their reaction paths and observe the effect of symmetry breaking through the splitting of absorption bands and Rydberg-valence mixing induced by the geometry changes

    Surface Kinetics and Generation of Different Terms in a Conservative Growth Equation

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    A method based on the kinetics of adatoms on a growing surface under epitaxial growth at low temperature in (1+1) dimensions is proposed to obtain a closed form of local growth equation. It can be generalized to any growth problem as long as diffusion of adatoms govern the surface morphology. The method can be easily extended to higher dimensions. The kinetic processes contributing to various terms in the growth equation (GE) are identified from the analysis of in-plane and downward hops. In particular, processes corresponding to the (h -> -h) symmetry breaking term and curvature dependent term are discussed. Consequence of these terms on the stable and unstable transition in (1+1) dimensions is analyzed. In (2+1) dimensions it is shown that an additional (h -> -h) symmetry breaking term is generated due to the in-plane curvature associated with the mound like structures. This term is independent of any diffusion barrier differences between in-plane and out of-plane migration. It is argued that terms generated in the presence of downward hops are the relevant terms in a GE. Growth equation in the closed form is obtained for various growth models introduced to capture most of the processes in experimental Molecular Beam Epitaxial growth. Effect of dissociation is also considered and is seen to have stabilizing effect on the growth. It is shown that for uphill current the GE approach fails to describe the growth since a given GE is not valid over the entire substrate.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Modelling of Optical Detection of Spin-Polarized Carrier Injection into Light-Emitting Devices

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    We investigate the emission of multimodal polarized light from Light Emitting Devices due to spin-aligned carriers injection. The results are derived through operator Langevin equations, which include thermal and carrier-injection fluctuations, as well as non-radiative recombination and electronic g-factor temperature dependence. We study the dynamics of the optoelectronic processes and show how the temperature-dependent g-factor and magnetic field affect the polarization degree of the emitted light. In addition, at high temperatures, thermal fluctuation reduces the efficiency of the optoelectronic detection method for measuring spin-polarization degree of carrier injection into non-magnetic semicondutors.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, replaced by revised version. To appear in Phys. Rev.
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