26 research outputs found

    Zeezoogdieren in de Eems; studie naar de effecten van bouwactiviteiten van GSP, RWE en NUON in de Eemshaven in 2012

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    In de Eemshaven is een aanzienlijk gebied bestemd voor de ontwikkeling van energie-gerelateerde bedrijvigheid: Energy Park Eemshaven. In verband daarmee vinden er op het land en in het water al enkele jaren diverse (bouw)activiteiten plaats. In opdracht van Groningen Seaports (GSP), RWE/Essent en NUON/Vattenfall (de initiatiefnemers) monitort IMARES sinds 2009 de effecten van deze activiteiten op zeezoogdieren, te weten de gewone zeehond (Phoca vitulina), grijze zeehond (Halichoerus grypus) en tot en met 2011 ook de bruinvis (Phocoena phocoena). Het gaat hierbij specifiek om de activiteiten die plaatsvinden in het kader van de verruiming van de haven (GSP) en de bouw van de energiecentrales van NUON en RWE. Voor 2012 zijn geen zeehonden meer gezenderd, maar alleen nog vliegtellingen en cameraonderzoek uitgevoerd

    Zeezoogdieren in de Eems; studie naar de effecten van bouwactiviteiten van GSP, RWE en NUON in de Eemshaven in 2011

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    In de Eemshaven is een aanzienlijk gebied bestemd voor de ontwikkeling van energie-gerelateerde bedrijvigheid: Energy Park Eemshaven. In verband daarmee vinden er op het land en in het water al enkele jaren diverse (bouw)activiteiten plaats. In opdracht van Groningen Seaports (GSP), RWE/Essent en NUON/Vattenfall (de initiatiefnemers) monitort IMARES sinds 2009 de effecten van deze activiteiten op zeezoogdieren, te weten de gewone zeehond (Phoca vitulina), grijze zeehond (Halichoerus grypus) en tot en met 2011 ook de bruinvis (Phocoena phocoena). Het gaat hierbij specifiek om de activiteiten die plaatsvinden in het kader van de verruiming van de haven (GSP) en de bouw van de energiecentrales van NUON en RWE

    Frailty is associated with in-hospital mortality in older hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the Netherlands: the COVID-OLD study

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    BackgroundDuring the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic older patients had an increased risk of hospitalisation and death. Reports on the association of frailty with poor outcome have been conflicting.ObjectiveThe aim of the present study was to investigate the independent association between frailty and in-hospital mortality in older hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the Netherlands.MethodsThis was a multi-centre retrospective cohort study in 15 hospitals in the Netherlands, including all patients aged ≥70 years, who were hospitalised with clinically confirmed COVID-19 between February and May 2020. Data were collected on demographics, co-morbidity, disease severity and Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS). Primary outcome was in-hospital mortality.ResultsA total of 1,376 patients were included (median age 78 years (IQR 74-84), 60% male). In total, 499 (38%) patients died during hospital admission. Parameters indicating presence of frailty (CFS 6-9) were associated with more co-morbidities, shorter symptom duration upon presentation (median 4 vs. 7 days), lower oxygen demand and lower levels of CRP. In multivariable analyses, the CFS was independently associated with in-hospital mortality: compared to patients with CFS 1-3, patients with CFS 4-5 had a two times higher risk (odds ratio (OR) 2.0 (95%CI 1.3-3.0) and patients with CFS 6-9 had a three times higher risk of in-hospital mortality (OR 2.8 (95%CI 1.8-4.3)).ConclusionsThe in-hospital mortality of older hospitalised COVID-19 patients in the Netherlands was 38%. Frailty was independently associated with higher in-hospital mortality, even though COVID-19 patients with frailty presented earlier to the hospital with less severe symptoms.Pathophysiology, epidemiology and therapy of agein

    The Galactic Environment of the Sun: Interstellar Material Inside and Outside of the Heliosphere

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    Exercise intensity, but not electrolyte reposition, alters plasmatic cortisol and glucose levels of horses submitted to 30 and 60km distance endurance rides A intensidade do esforço, mas não a reposição eletrolítica, altera as concentrações plasmáticas de cortisol e glicose de eqüinos em provas de enduro de 30 e 60km

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    This study was aimed at comparing cortisol and glucose plasmatic levels in a group of trained horses submitted to 30 and 60km endurance exercises, at the average speed of 10 and 15km h-1, respectively. The horses were randomly divided in two groups, one treated, orally, with a hypertonic electrolyte paste before, during and after the tasks and the other used as control. Cortisol data revealed significant increase in the first moment when the intensity of the exercise was higher (15km/h) or with the prolongation of it (30km long), in the second moment to all groups. Glucose data remained constant during 30km ride; however after 20km distance, in 60km ride, it revealed a significant increase in control group, returning to basal levels in the subsequent moment. Electrolyte replenishment has its importance in the maintenance of the hidroelectrolyte and acid-base status and, in this study, may have contributed to the homeostasis of glucose levels.<br>O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar os níveis plasmáticos de glicose e cortisol de um grupo de eqüinos atletas submetidos ao esforço de longa duração (enduro eqüestre) em distâncias de 30 e 60km, com velocidades médias de 10 e 15km h-1, respectivamente. Os animais foram aleatoriamente separados em dois grupos, sendo que a um deles foi administrada, por via oral, uma pasta eletrolítica hipertônica antes, durante e após as referidas provas. O outro grupo foi usado como controle. Os resultados das concentrações de cortisol revelaram um aumento significativo, no primeiro momento, em que a intensidade do esforço era maior (15km/h), ou com a continuação deste (30km de distância), no segundo momento, para todos os grupos. Os resultados referentes à concentração de glicose permaneceram constantes durante a prova de 30km; entretanto, nos primeiros 20km da prova de 60km, tais resultados revelaram um aumento significativo no grupo controle, retornando a valores basais no momento subseqüente. A reposição eletrolítica tem a sua importância na manutenção do equilíbrio hidroeletrolítico e ácido básico e, no presente estudo, pode ter contribuído para a manutenção da concentração média de glicose plasmática