729 research outputs found

    The effect of a secondary task on drivers’ gap acceptance and situational awareness at junctions

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    The current studies explored the roles of the visuospatial and phonological working memory subsystems on drivers’ gap acceptance and memory for approaching vehicles at junctions. Drivers’ behaviour was measured in a high-fidelity driving simulator when at a junction, with, and without a visuospatial or phonological load. When asked to judge when to advance across the junction, gap acceptance thresholds, memory for vehicles and eye movements were not different when there was a secondary task compared to control. However, drivers’ secondary task performance was more impaired in the visuospatial than phonological domain. These findings suggest that drivers were able to accept impairment in the secondary task while maintaining appropriate safety margins and situational awareness. These findings can inform the development of in-car technologies, improving the safety of road users at junctions. Practitioner summary: Despite research indicating that concurrent performance on working memory tasks impairs driving, a matched visuospatial or phonological memory load did not change drivers’ gap acceptance or situational awareness at junctions. Drivers displayed appropriate compensatory behaviour by prioritising the driving task over the visuospatial secondary task. Abbreviations: ROW: right of way; RIG: random time interval generatio

    Comparing drivers’ visual attention at junctions in real and simulated environments

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    Driving simulation is widely used to answer important applied research questions, however, it is vital for specific driving tasks to undergo appropriate behavioural validation testing. Many previous validation studies have used simple driving tasks and measured relatively low-level vehicle control. The purpose of the current study was to investigate whether drivers’ visual attention at intersections with different levels of demand, are similar in the simulator and on the road. Unlike simpler driving tasks, crossing intersections requires complex interactions with other vehicles governed by sequences of head and eye movements that may not be accurately captured in a simulated environment. In the current study we directly compare performance at simulated junctions with the same participants' behaviour in a real car. We compared drivers’ visual attention in a high-fidelity driving simulator (instrumented car, 360-degree screen) and on-road in both low and medium demand driving situations. The low and medium demand driving situations involved the same motor movements, containing straight on, right turn and left turn manoeuvres. The low demand situations were controlled by the road environment and traffic lights, whereas medium demand situations required the driver to scan the environment and decide when it was safe to pull out into the junction. Natural junctions in Nottingham were used for the on-road phase and the same junctions were recreated in the simulator with traffic levels matched to those that were encountered on the real roads. The frequency and size of drivers' head movements were not significantly different between manoeuvres performed in the simulator and those conducted when driving on real roads. This suggests that drivers' broad search strategies in the simulator are representative of real-world driving. These strategies did change as a function of task demand - compared to low demand situations, behaviour at the medium demand junctions was characterised by longer junction crossing times, more head movements, shorter fixation durations and larger saccadic amplitudes. Although patterns of head movements were equivalent on road and in the simulator, there were differences in more fine-grained measures of eye-movements. Mean fixation durations were longer in the simulator compared to on-road, particularly in low-demand situations. We interpret this as evidence for lower levels of visual engagement with the simulated environment compared to the real world, at least when the task demands are low. These results have important implications for driving research. They suggest that high fidelity driving simulators can be useful tools for investigating drivers’ visual attention at junctions, particularly when the driving task is of at least moderate demand

    Finite Temperature Wave-Function Renormalization, A Comparative Analysis

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    We compare two competing theories regarding finite temperature wave-function corrections for the process H→e+e−H \to e^+e^- and for n+ν→p+e−n+\nu \to p+e^- and related processes of interest for primordial nucleosynthesis. Although the two methods are distinct (as shown in H→e+e−H \to e^+e^-) they yield the same finite temperature correction for all n→pn\to p and p→np \to n processes. Both methods yield an increase in the He/H ratio of .01% due to finite temperature renormalization rather than a decrease of .16% as previously predicted.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures. LaTe

    How do drivers recall positive and negative driving events? A quantitative approach to analysing driving diaries

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    Whilst diary studies are often analysed in a qualitative manner, quantitative methods which analyse the percentage of different types of language used in diary entries, now exist. From a driving perspective, this could arguably tell us more about the underlying psychological processes occurring when drivers reflect on their on-road experiences. As part of a larger project, the current study used a quantitative method of language analysis, known as word count analysis, to compare driver diaries in which positive and negative driving events were reflected upon. Results suggested that when describing positive events, drivers discuss them with more elaborate and descriptive language and focus on certainty and goal-driven processes. Negative events, however, had more of a social focus as indicated by an increased use of function words. These findings provide insights into the ways in which positive and negative driving events may be appraised. Additionally, drivers used more words indicating control and reward when describing positive driving events; this is discussed in consideration of how word count analyses can provide further insight into psychological process associated with emotion, such as appraisals

    Transcriptional regulation of the urokinase receptor (u-PAR) - A central molecule of invasion and metastasis

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    The phenomenon of tumor-associated proteolysis has been acknowledged as a decisive step in the progression of cancer. This short review focuses on the urokinase receptor (u-PAR), a central molecule involved in tumor-associated invasion and metastasis, and summarizes the transcriptional regulation of u-PAR. The urokinase receptor (u-PAR) is a heavily glycosylated cell surface protein and binds the serine protease urokinase specifically and with high affinity. It consists of three similar cysteine-rich repeats and is anchored to the cell membrane via a GPI-anchor. The u-PAR gene comprises 7 exons and is located on chromosome 19q13. Transcriptional activation of the u-PAR promoter region can be induced by binding of transcription factors (Sp1, AP-1, AP-2, NF-kappaB). One current study gives an example for transcriptional downregulation of u-PAR through a PEA3/ets transcriptional silencing element. Knowledge of the molecular regulation of this molecule in tumor cells could be very important for diagnosis and therapy in the near future

    Wave Function Renormalization at Finite Temperature

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    We present a derivation of the medium dependent wave function renormalization for a spinor field in presence of a thermal bath. We show that, as already pointed out in literature, projector operators are not multiplicatively renormalized and the effect involves a non trivial spinor dependence, which disappears in the zero temperature covariant limit. The results, which differ from what already found in literature, are then applied to the decay of a massive scalar boson into two fermions and to the β\beta--decay and crossed related processes relevant for primordial nucleosynthesis.Comment: 11 pages, RevTe

    A "critical" climatic evaluation of last interglacial (MIS 5e) records from the Norwegian Sea

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    Sediment cores from the Norwegian Sea were studied to evaluate interglacial climate conditions of the marine isotope stage 5e (MIS 5e). Using planktic forminiferal assemblages as the core method, a detailed picture of the evolution of surface water conditions was derived. According to our age model, a step-like deglaciation of the Saalian ice sheets is noted between ca. 135 and 124.5 Kya, but the deglaciation shows little response with regard to surface ocean warming. From then on, the rapidly increasing abundance of subpolar forminifers, concomitant with decreasing iceberg indicators, provides evidence for the development of interglacial conditions sensu stricto (5e-ss), a period that lasted for about 9 Ky. As interpreted from the foraminiferal records, and supported by the other proxies, this interval of 5e-ss was in two parts: showing an early warm phase, but with a fresher, i.e., lower salinity, water mass, and a subsequent cooling phase that lasted until ca. 118.5 Kya. After this time, the climatic optimum with the most intense advection of Atlantic surface water masses occurred until ca. 116 Kya. A rapid transition with two notable climatic perturbations is observed subsequently during the glacial inception. Overall, the peak warmth of the last interglacial period occurred relatively late after deglaciation, and at no time did it reach the high warmth level of the early Holocene. This finding must be considered when using the last interglacial situation as an analogue model for enhanced meridional transfer of ocean heat to the Arctic, with the prospect of a future warmer climate

    Antimetastatic Potential of PAI-1 Specific RNA Aptamers

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    The serine protease inhibitor plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is increased in several cancers, including breast, where it is associated with a poor outcome. Metastatic breast cancer has a dismal prognosis, as evidenced by treatment goals that are no longer curative but are largely palliative in nature. PAI-1 competes with integrins and the urokinase plasminogen activator receptor on the surface of breast cancer cells for binding to vitronectin. This results in the detachment of tumor cells from the extracellular matrix, which is critical to the metastatic process. For this reason, we sought to isolate RNA aptamers that disrupt the interaction between PAI-1 and vitronectin. Through utilization of combinatorial chemistry techniques, aptamers have been selected that bind to PAI-1 with high affinity and specificity. We identified two aptamers, WT-15 and SM-20, that disrupt the interactions between PAI-1 and heparin, as well as PAI-1 and vitronectin, without affecting the antiprotease activity of PAI-1. Furthermore, SM-20 prevented the detachment of breast cancer cells (MDA-MB-231) from vitronectin in the presence of PAI-1, resulting in an increase in cellular adhesion. Therefore, the PAI-1 aptamer SM-20 demonstrates therapeutic potential as an antimetastatic agent and could possibly be used as an adjuvant to traditional chemotherapy for breast cancer.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/78126/1/oli.2008.0177.pd

    The Kuiper Belt and Other Debris Disks

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    We discuss the current knowledge of the Solar system, focusing on bodies in the outer regions, on the information they provide concerning Solar system formation, and on the possible relationships that may exist between our system and the debris disks of other stars. Beyond the domains of the Terrestrial and giant planets, the comets in the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud preserve some of our most pristine materials. The Kuiper belt, in particular, is a collisional dust source and a scientific bridge to the dusty "debris disks" observed around many nearby main-sequence stars. Study of the Solar system provides a level of detail that we cannot discern in the distant disks while observations of the disks may help to set the Solar system in proper context.Comment: 50 pages, 25 Figures. To appear in conference proceedings book "Astrophysics in the Next Decade

    Effects of nanosuspension and inclusion complex techniques on the in vitro protease inhibitory activity of naproxen

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    This study investigated the effects of nanosuspension and inclusion complex techniques on in vitro trypsin inhibitory activity of naproxen—a member of the propionic acid derivatives, which are a group of antipyretic, analgesic, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Nanosuspension and inclusion complex techniques were used to increase the solubility and anti-inflammatory efficacy of naproxen. The evaporative precipitation into aqueous solution (EPAS) technique and the kneading methods were used to prepare the nanosuspension and inclusion complex of naproxen, respectively. We also used an in vitro protease inhibitory assay to investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of modified naproxen formulations. Physiochemical properties of modified naproxen formulations were analyzed using UV, IR spectra, and solubility studies. Beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex of naproxen was found to have a lower percentage of antitryptic activity than a pure nanosuspension of naproxen did. In conclusion, nanosuspension of naproxen has a greater anti-inflammatory effect than the other two tested formulations. This is because the nanosuspension formulation reduces the particle size of naproxen. Based on these results, the antitryptic activity of naproxen nanosuspension was noteworthy; therefore, this formulation can be used for the management of inflammatory disorders
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