4,824 research outputs found

    Evaluation of a pulsed quasi-steady MPD thruster and associated subsystems

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    The performance of quasi-steady magnetoplasmadynamic (MPD) thrusters at high power levels is discussed. An axisymmetric configuration is used for the MPD thruster, with various cathode and anode sizes, over a wide range of experimental conditions. Thrust is determined from impulse measurements with current waveforms, while instantaneous measurements are made for all other variables. It is demonstrated that the thrust produced has a predominately self-magnetic origin and is directly proportional to the square of the current. The complete set of impulse measurement data is presented

    Aplikasi Quality Tools untuk Menurunkan Non Conforming Product pada Industri Dry Sls di Indonesia: Studi Kasus PT Kci

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    The purpose of this research is to improve the product quality problem experienced by one of dry SLS manufacturing company in Indonesia. The high number of non conforming product during the past year makes the sales target to be unachievable and caused the loss due to many rework process. Tools are used in this research is to apply the seven tools approach. Flowchart, Pareto chart, and histogram are used to calculate and determine the problem to be fixed. Collection of improvement idea is done by brainstorming and improvement analysis is done by using Fishbone diagram. The results of the improvements made good results are marked by decreasing the number and percentage of non conforming product more than 50 percent of the amount of non conforming product on the previous condition prior to the improvement

    Sensitivity limits of a Raman atom interferometer as a gravity gradiometer

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    We evaluate the sensitivity of a dual cloud atom interferometer to the measurement of vertical gravity gradient. We study the influence of most relevant experimental parameters on noise and long-term drifts. Results are also applied to the case of doubly differential measurements of the gravitational signal from local source masses. We achieve a short term sensitivity of 3*10^(-9) g/Hz^(-1/2) to differential gravity acceleration, limited by the quantum projection noise of the instrument. Active control of the most critical parameters allows to reach a resolution of 5*10^(-11) g after 8000 s on the measurement of differential gravity acceleration. The long term stability is compatible with a measurement of the gravitational constant G at the level of 10^(-4) after an integration time of about 100 hours.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Analisis Keseimbangan Lintasan untuk Menciptakan Proses Produksi Pump Packaging Systems yang Efisien di PT. Bumi Cahaya Unggul

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    Ketidakseimbangan dalam pembagian beban kerja dengan adanya waktu tugas stasiun kerja yang menjadi bottleneck dapat mengakibatkan terjadinya peningkatan balance delay yang merugikan Perusahaan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah membuat keseimbangan lintasan untuk menciptakan proses produksi pump packaging systems yang efisien, dengan adanya perbaikan cycle time yang lebih singkat, peningkatan efisiensi lintasan produksi, mengurangi kerugian keseimbangan, meminimasi idle time dan peningkatan kapasitas produksi. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk memecahkan permasalahan adalah line balancing dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode Ranked Position Weight dan Heuristic Moodie-Young yang dilakukan dengan membuat pengaturan keadaan lintasan produksi untuk menciptakan pembagian beban kerja yang seimbang, sehingga setiap work station diharapkan mempunyai waktu tugas yang sama. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di PT. Bumi Cahaya Unggul sebuah Perusahaan penyedia pompa. Hasil penelitian ini adalah tingkat efisiensi proses produksi Perusahaan masih belum optimal, ditandai dengan terjadinya ketidakseimbangan pembagian beban kerja akibat dari waktu tugas stasiun kerja yang menjadi bottle neck. Melalui penerapan metode line balancing, Ranked Position Weight dan Heuristic Moodie-Young dapat memberikan hasil yang signifikan yaitu peningkatan efisiensi lintasan produksi dan peningkatan kapasitas produksi

    Perbaikan Produktivitas Picking Order dengan Metode Routing Heuristic di Gudang Pusat Suku Cadang Otomotif

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    Order picking is a process to fulfill customer order, with fast timing and provide high customer satisfaction. The order picking process is the highest cost in both manual and automatic systems, so it is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity. This study is aims to improve the productivity of order picking by shortening the distance. By choosing heuristic method using the application of interactive warehouse program, it is found that heuristic routing method can shorten picking distance. So, the routing heuristic method can increase the productivity of picking orders

    Assignment Model-based and Integrated Process Improvement (Mipi) to Integrate Waste Management System in Tpst Bantargebang-bekasi, West Java- Indonesia

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    . The waste management in Bantargebang has been planned for 15 yearsand should be improved in order to meet the needs of the stakeholders. The studyis done to find the right method to be used for integrating the waste managementin Bantargebang site. The method is a review of previous studies related toimprovement in waste management and business processes. The result suggeststhat the mapping of the process needs to be done on the waste managementsystem and using the Model-Based Integrated Process Improvement (MIPI) whichdeveloped by Adesola et al. (2006) to improve the process

    Anti-CD20 as the B-Cell Targeting Agent in a Combined Therapy to Modulate Anti-Factor VIII Immune Responses in Hemophilia a Inhibitor Mice

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    Neutralizing antibody formation against transgene products can represent a major complication following gene therapy with treatment of genetic diseases, such as hemophilia A. Although successful approaches have been developed to prevent the formation of anti-factor VIII (FVIII) antibodies, innovative strategies to overcome pre-existing anti-FVIII immune responses in FVIII-primed subjects are still lacking. Anti-FVIII neutralizing antibodies circulate for long periods in part due to persistence of memory B-cells. Anti-CD20 targets a variety of B-cells (pre-B-cells to mature/memory cells); therefore, we investigated the impact of B-cell depletion on anti-FVIII immune responses in hemophilia A mice using anti-CD20 combined with regulatory T (T(reg)) cell expansion using IL-2/IL-2mAb complexes plus rapamycin. We found that anti-CD20 alone can partially modulate anti-FVIII immune responses in both unprimed and FVIII-primed hemophilia A mice. Moreover, in mice treated with anti-CD20+IL-2/IL-2mAb complexes+rapamycin+FVIII, anti-FVIII antibody titers were significantly reduced in comparison to mice treated with regimens targeting only B or T cells. In addition, titers remained low after a second challenge with FVIII plasmid. T(reg) cells and activation markers were transiently and significantly increased in the groups treated with IL-2/IL-2mAb complexes; however, significant B-cell depletion was obtained in anti-CD20-treated groups. Importantly, both FVIII-specific antibody-secreting cells and memory B-cells were significantly reduced in mice treated with combination therapy. This study demonstrates that a combination regimen is highly promising as a treatment option for modulating anti-FVIII antibodies and facilitating induction of long-term tolerance to FVIII in hemophilia A mice

    Enhancing the organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: the roles of green training and organizational culture

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    The environmental concern has become an emerging topic in organization's human resource management strategy, especially in improving employee's environmental behavior at work Thus, the organizational citizenship behavior toward the environment (OCBE) has been currently attracting scholars in management. However, published studies contain research gaps in investigation of the relationships between both green training and organizational culture and OCBE, especially in the hotel industry. Following the social exchange and Ability-Motivation Opportunity theories, this study aims to examine the effects of two green practices on OCBE and the moderating role of green organizational culture to the effect of green training on OCBE. A quantitative approach with survey strategy is employed and conducted in 4-5 star hotels to test these relationships. The PLS-SEM and K-means Cluster Analysis techniques are applied to analyze data. The findings reveal that green training and organizational culture positively influence OCBE. Also, the effect of green training on OCBE is moderated by green organizational culture. Finally, our study provides limitations of research and further studies, and the implications for management practices concerned with improving employee's voluntary eco-behavior in the hotel industry.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU [IGA/FaME/2018/009

    Holsfjorden som ny drikkevannskilde for Oslo Oppdaterende undersøkelse av bakterier og vannkjemi i Holsfjorden

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    Årsliste 2000I forbindelse med planleggingen av Holsfjorden som ny drikkevannskilde for Oslo ble det i perioden oktober 1999 til januar 2000 gjennomført en undersøkelse av vannkvaliteten ved 5 stasjoner i Holsfjorden for å kartlegge konsentrasjon og utbredelse av sentrale drikkevannsparametre som tarmbakterier og utvalgte kjemiske stoffer. Undersøkelsen skulle bl.a. gi informasjon om optimalt inntaksdyp og inntakssted. Undersøkelsen ble foretatt før, under og etter høstfullsirkulasjonen da det gjerne er i denne perioden at man får mest forurensning inn i dypvannsinntak fra innsjøer. Prøvene ble tatt fra overflaten og ned til 150 m dyp, tilsammen 150 vannprøver som ble analysert på et 20 talls parametre. Vannkvaliteten var god på alle de 3 stasjonene på strekningen Toverud-Sønsterud. Inne ved Sylling i syd, og ut for Nes i nordre enden av Holsfjorden, var vannkvaliteten dårligere. Aller best var vannkvaliteten ved stasjon 3 Vefsrud og best ved 100 m dyp. Kraftig vindvær under sirkulasjonsperioden greide å bringe forurenset overflatevann ned til ca 50-60 m dyp. Ved stasjon 3 ble det ikke påvist termotolerant koliforme bakterier ved 100 m eller dypere i løpet av perioden. Presumptivt fekale streptokokker, og sulfittreduserende clostridier ble påvist av og til i lave konsentrasjoner (1-2 bakterier per 100 ml), hovedsakelig i overflatelagene etter vindvær. De aller fleste funnene av sistnevnte gruppe viste seg å være Clostridium perfringens. 100 m dyp ved de 3 midterste stasjonene tilfredsstilte normene for enkel vannbehandling i gjeldende drikkevannsforskrifter, og for de fleste parameterne også EU's drikkevanndirektiv. Et spørsmålstegn er det ved funnene av Clostridium perfringens. En sjelden gang kunne det påvises en og annen spore av denne også i dypvannet. Disse skal ikke være tilstede i rentvannet ut fra vannverkene etter EUs krav, og det er uklart om disse fjernes effektivt nok ved enkel vannbehandling.Oslo kommune, Vann og avløpsetaten (VAV