196 research outputs found

    A comparison of cultural ecosystem service survey methods within South England

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    AbstractAcross all societies, humans depend on goods received from nature, termed ecosystem services. However, cultural ecosystem services (CES), the non-material benefits people obtain from ecosystems, are often overlooked in land-use decision making due to their intangible nature. This study aimed to evaluate three possible survey methods for site-based CES data collection; language-based supervised surveys (in which interviewers conduct surveys in real-time, recording verbal responses), language-based unsupervised surveys (respondents complete written surveys without an interviewer), and image-based unsupervised surveys (respondents complete surveys via image selection without an interviewer). Language-based supervised surveys were found to be more efficient in collecting CES data than language-/image-based unsupervised surveys, with a mean completion rate over 1.5-fold greater than either unsupervised survey; furthermore, survey completion was over twice as fast, and less than a sixth of the monetary cost per respondent compared to unsupervised surveys. The site-based assessment developed in this study provides robust data, and is shown to provide rapid and useful feedback to land-use decision makers. We recommend that rapid, site-based assessment methods are utilised to collect the information required to support CES-related decision making

    Geometry of Discrete Quantum Computing

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    Conventional quantum computing entails a geometry based on the description of an n-qubit state using 2^{n} infinite precision complex numbers denoting a vector in a Hilbert space. Such numbers are in general uncomputable using any real-world resources, and, if we have the idea of physical law as some kind of computational algorithm of the universe, we would be compelled to alter our descriptions of physics to be consistent with computable numbers. Our purpose here is to examine the geometric implications of using finite fields Fp and finite complexified fields Fp^2 (based on primes p congruent to 3 mod{4}) as the basis for computations in a theory of discrete quantum computing, which would therefore become a computable theory. Because the states of a discrete n-qubit system are in principle enumerable, we are able to determine the proportions of entangled and unentangled states. In particular, we extend the Hopf fibration that defines the irreducible state space of conventional continuous n-qubit theories (which is the complex projective space CP{2^{n}-1}) to an analogous discrete geometry in which the Hopf circle for any n is found to be a discrete set of p+1 points. The tally of unit-length n-qubit states is given, and reduced via the generalized Hopf fibration to DCP{2^{n}-1}, the discrete analog of the complex projective space, which has p^{2^{n}-1} (p-1)\prod_{k=1}^{n-1} (p^{2^{k}}+1) irreducible states. Using a measure of entanglement, the purity, we explore the entanglement features of discrete quantum states and find that the n-qubit states based on the complexified field Fp^2 have p^{n} (p-1)^{n} unentangled states (the product of the tally for a single qubit) with purity 1, and they have p^{n+1}(p-1)(p+1)^{n-1} maximally entangled states with purity zero.Comment: 24 page

    Experimental data in support of characterization of the CePO4 dispersion into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route

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    © 2018 This article is focused on the complementary data referring to the article “Dispersion of upconverting nanostructures of CePO4 using rod and semi-spherical morphologies into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route”. It contains the XPS data of CePO4 photographs and DSC thermograms of transparent PMMA/PU IPNs as well as with CePO4 dispersed in different wt.%, Confocal laser scanning micrographs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), optical images of surface, and visual inspection (photographs) before and after aging of hybrid materials

    Dispersion of upconverting nanostructures of CePO4 using rod and semi-spherical morphologies into transparent PMMA/PU IPNs by the sequential route

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    Upconverting luminescent poly (methylmethacrylate) (PMMA)/poly (urethane) (PU) interpenetrating polymer network (IPN) nanohybrids were prepared using a sequential polymerisation incorporating different wt.% of cerium phosphate (CePO 4 ) nanoparticles. The effect of miscibility/compatibility of the different PMMA/PU ratios, the addition and dispersion of rod and semi-spherical nanostructures in as well as the performance of selected IPNs under accelerated aging were studied using morphological, emission, thermal and mechanical studies. Structural studies revealed that there were physical interactions between C[dbnd]O groups and CePO 4 in PMMA/PU IPNs. The addition of a higher wt.% of nanostructures was found to decrease the transparency of the IPNs. Resulting PMMA/PU/CePO 4 IPN nanohybrids are photoluminescent under UV-light, supporting the prolongate of lifetime while maintaining the mechanical properties after being subjected to accelerated weathering. The addition of semi-spherical particles resulted in a more stable materials after accelerated weathering than nanorods

    Exploiting nucleobase-containing materials : from monomers to complex morphologies using RAFT dispersion polymerization

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    yesThe synthesis of nucleobase-containing polymers was successfully performed by RAFT dispersion polymerization in both chloroform and 1,4-dioxane and self-assembly was induced by the polymerizations. A combination of scattering and microscopy techniques were used to characterize the morphologies. It is found that the morphologies of self-assembled nucleobase-containing polymers are solvent dependent. By varying the DP of the core-forming block, only spherical micelles with internal structures were obtained in chloroform when using only adenine-containing methacrylate or a mixture of adenine-containing methacrylate and thymine-containing methacrylate as monomers. However, higher order structures and morphology transitions were observed in 1,4-dioxane. A sphere-rod-lamella-twisted bilayer transition was observed in this study. Moreover, the kinetics of the dispersion polymerizations were studied in both solvents, suggesting a different formation mechanism in these systems.University of Warwick, Swiss National Science Foundation, EPSRC, Birmingham Science City, Advanatfe West Midlands (AWM), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Science City Research Alliance, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE

    TESSA: A toolkit for rapid assessment of ecosystem services at sites of biodiversity conservation importance

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    Sites that are important for biodiversity conservation can also provide significant benefits (i.e. ecosystem services) to people. Decision-makers need to know how change to a site, whether development or restoration, would affect the delivery of services and the distribution of any benefits among stakeholders. However, there are relatively few empirical studies that present this information. One reason is the lack of appropriate methods and tools for ecosystem service assessment that do not require substantial resources or specialist technical knowledge, or rely heavily upon existing data. Here we address this gap by describing the Toolkit for Ecosystem Service Site-based Assessment (TESSA). It guides local non-specialists through a selection of relatively accessible methods for identifying which ecosystem services may be important at a site, and for evaluating the magnitude of benefits that people obtain from them currently, compared with those expected under alternative land-uses. The toolkit recommends use of existing data where appropriate and places emphasis on enabling users to collect new field data at relatively low cost and effort. By using TESSA, the users could also gain valuable information about the alternative land-uses; and data collected in the field could be incorporated into regular monitoring programmes

    Landscape decisions to meet net zero carbon: Pathways that consider ethics, socio-ecological diversity, and landscape functions

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    This is the final version. Available from the University of Leicester via the DOI in this record. Landscapes are an integral part of the net-zero challenge; not only are they carbon stores but they constitute the environments upon which humans develop their livelihoods, interact and shape their cultures. This report focuses on three key landscape types (agricultural, peatlands and forests), and the associated practices and impacts with particular relevance to the net zero carbon agenda. We have brought together perspectives from natural and social science, humanities, and the arts to understand and evaluate how modern landscapes can absorb the impact of potential zero-carbon policies.Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)UKR

    Falling into Time in Homer's Iliad

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    This paper addresses the question of the relation between mortal and immortal time in the Iliad as it is represented by the physical act of falling. I begin by arguing that falling serves as a point of reference throughout the poem for a concept of time that is specifically human. It is well known that mortals fall at the moment of death in the poem, but it has not been recognized that the movement of the fall is also connected with the time of birth, aging, and generation. In light of the significance of failing for mortals, I then go on to examine the problematic case of two particular immortals who fall in the Iliad. When Hephaestus tumbles down to earth from Olympus. and when Ares is knocked flat on the battlefield, both gods, I argue, also "fall into" human time. This complicates their status as ageless and eternal beings, and draws into question the different temporal registers at work in the narrative (such as repetition, "long time," and time that is steady or continuous [empedos]). The single action of failing brings together several key concepts in the poem which hinge on the issue of the separation between the mortal and immortal spheres in the Iliad

    Inequitable gains and losses from conservation in a global biodiversity hotspot

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    A billion rural people live near tropical forests. Urban populations need them for water, energy and timber. Global society benefits from climate regulation and knowledge embodied in tropical biodiversity. Ecosystem service valuations can incentivise conservation, but determining costs and benefits across multiple stakeholders and interacting services is complex and rarely attempted. We report on a 10-year study, unprecedented in detail and scope, to determine the monetary value implications of conserving forests and woodlands in Tanzania’s Eastern Arc Mountains. Across plausible ranges of carbon price, agricultural yield and discount rate, conservation delivers net global benefits (+US8.2Bpresentvalue,20yearcentralestimate).Crucially,however,netoutcomesdivergewidelyacrossstakeholdergroups.Internationalstakeholdersgainmostfromconservation(+US8.2B present value, 20-year central estimate). Crucially, however, net outcomes diverge widely across stakeholder groups. International stakeholders gain most from conservation (+US10.1B), while local-rural communities bear substantial net costs (-US1.9B),withgreaterinequitiesformorebiologicallyimportantforests.OtherTanzanianstakeholdersexperienceconflictingincentives:tourism,drinkingwaterandclimateregulationencourageconservation(+US1.9B), with greater inequities for more biologically important forests. Other Tanzanian stakeholders experience conflicting incentives: tourism, drinking water and climate regulation encourage conservation (+US72M); logging, fuelwood and management costs encourage depletion (-US$148M). Substantial global investment in disaggregating and mitigating local costs (e.g., through boosting smallholder yields) is essential to equitably balance conservation and development objectives