309 research outputs found

    Effect of Phosphate on Nodule Primordia of Soybean (Glycine Max Merrill) in Acid Soils in Rhizotron Experiments

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    To clarify whether P had a direct or indirect effect on the nodulation process of soybean grown in acid soils from Sitiung, West Sumatra, Indonesia, a series of rhizotron experiments, with special attention given to formation of nodule primordia, was conducted at Laboratory of Microbiology, Wageningen University in 1998-2000. It was shown that Ca and P were essential nutrients for root growth, nodule formation, and growth of soybean in the acid soils (Oxisols). Ca increased root growth, number of nodule primordia, nodules, and growth of the soybean plant. This positive effect of Ca was increased considerably by the application of P. Ca and P have a synergistic effect on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) of soybean in acid soils. Ca is important for the establishment of nodules, whilst P is essential for the development and function of the formed nodules. P increased number of nodule primordia, thus it also has an important role in the initiation of nodule formation. From this study, it can be concluded that Ca and P are the most limiting nutrients for BNF of soybean in the acid soils of Sitiung, West Sumatra, Indonesia

    Characterisation of Soybean Rhizobial Strains From Java and Sumatra

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    To get insight in the structure of soybean rhizobial population native to Indonesian soils, a thorough survey of the occurrence of the soybean rhizobia were conducted in several locations in Java and Sumatra. A total of 51 different isolates of rhizobial strains were characterised phenotypically based on their symbiotic properties, and genetically using amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA). Based on their nodulation capacity on both soybean and the native legume mungbean, these rhizobial strains could be divided into a group of 16 strains specific for soybean only and another group of 35 promiscuous strains that nodulated both leguminous plants. Based on ARDRA of PCRamplified 16S rDNA and 16S-23S rDNA spacer fragments, the rhizobial strains isolated from Java differed with those from Sumatra. Six Java isolates and only one Sumatra isolate were classified as Bradyrhizobium japonicum and these similar to that of B. japonicum strain USDA 110. All these B. japonicum strains were highly specific for soybean. One isolate from Java showed a rather unique position. The remaining strains from Java (20), which were symbiotically promiscuous strains, were clustered in another group. This group and another group containing most Sumatra isolates were distinct from B. japonicum USDA 110 and therefore it is tempting to speculate that these represent indigenous soybean rhizobial bacteria. Application of agricultural practices, such as enhancement of rhizobial population, to increase soybean production is still essential and noteworthy in Sumatra

    Writing a Research Paper for Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council

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    Agricultural research findings are required to reach soon to the farmers, extensionists, media, researchers, policy makers, businessperson, students, teachers and so many other stakeholders. Among different types of publications, research paper is generally published in journal considered as standard type of publication in term of quality and recognition. Most of the journals follow similar pattern and framework; however, the style, format and process may be different with each other. A research (scientific) paper is a written describing original research result using standard methods and materials. The major sections in a journal paper are abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and references. Accordingly Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council has its own style and format. Author needs to follow guidelines strictly on the use of punctuation marks such as comma (,), period (.), space, justification etc; otherwise submitted manuscripts could be immediately return to author without considering in review process. In general, we received manuscripts with many errors on citation and references, poor elaboration of results of experiments, weak discussion, missing to acknowledge funding agencies, submitting non-editable figures, very few numbers of citations of Nepalese researchers, statements not in logical order, etc. In general, the scientific papers should be written in simple way with new but sufficient justification backed up by data in the form of tables, graphs, flow diagrams etc so that readers can understand easily with high readability. The submitted manuscript in the journal office are sent to two to three reviewers for specific recommendation on the originality of the work, appropriateness of the approach and experimental design, adequacy of experimental techniques, soundness of conclusions and interpretations, relevance of discussion and importance of the research. The language clarity and organization of the article are also asked with the reviewers. In response to reviewer's comments all authors are expected to reply each and every comments and suggestions of reviewers, if such comments and suggestion are not acceptable, the author/s can argue for their points, if genuine. Here in this paper we described detail contents of each section along with style and format for a research paper writing targeted to Journal of Nepal Agricultural Research Council

    Agrobiodiversity and Its Conservation in Nepal

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    Nepal is a part of the world\u27s biodiversity hotspot and ranks the 49th in the world for biodiversity. Agrobiodiversity and its conservation status were studied through literature review, field survey, key informant survey and focus group discussion. Results of field implementation of some good practices and action research were also documented. Among 24,300 total species in the country, 28% are agricultural genetic resources (AGRs), termed as agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity has six components (crops, forages, livestock, aquatic, insects and microorganisms) and four sub-components (domesticated, semi-domesticated, wild relatives and wild edible) in Nepal. Agrobiodiversity on each component exists at agroecosystem, species, variety/breed/biotype/race/strain, genotype and allele levels, within an altitude range from 60 to 5,000 masl. There are 12 agroecosystems supporting 1026 species under crop component, 510 under forage, 35 under livestock, 250 under the aquatic animal, 17 under aquatic plant, 3,500 under insect and 800 under microorganism. An estimated loss of agrobiodiversity is 40%, however, farmers have reported up to 100% loss of AGRs in some areas for a particular species. Conservation of agrobiodiversity has been initiated since 1986. Four strategies namely ex-situ, on-farm, in-situ and breeding have been adopted for conservation and sustainable utilization of AGRs. Eighty good practices including process, methods and actions for managing agrobiodiversity have been in practice and these practices come under five conservation components (sensitization, method and approach, accelerator, value and enabling environment). Within the country, 18,765 accessions of AGRs have been conserved in different kinds of banks. A total of 24,683 accessions of Nepalese crops, forages and microbes have been conserved in different International and foreign genebanks. Some collections are conserved as safety duplication and safety backup in different CGIARs\u27 banks and World Seed Vault, Korea. Two global databases (GENESYS and EURISCO) have maintained 19,200 Nepalese accessions. Geographical Information System, Climate Analog Tool and biotechnological tools have been applied for better managing AGRs. Many stakeholders need to further concentrate on the conservation and utilization of AGRs. Global marketing of some native AGRs is necessary for sustaining agriculture and attracting young generations as well as conserving them through use

    Interpenetrating Waves and Multiple Generation Shocks via the CEDT

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    This volume contains papers presented at the Third International Workshop on Visual Form. It covers the most important topics of current interest in the field, presenting an updated collection of results achieved by leading academic and industrial research groups from several countries. The book contains invited lectures and research papers dealing with theoretical and applicative aspects of shape perception, representation, decomposition, description and recognition, as well as related topics

    Prevalence and correlates of mental health difficulties amongst LGBTQ people in Southeast Asia: A systematic review

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    No study to date has reviewed the evidence base concerning prevalence and correlates of depression, anxiety, non-suicidal self-injury, and suicidality amongst LGBTQ people in Southeast Asia. We carried out a systematic review of quantitative articles (n = 25) identified through electronic databases. Heightened prevalence of mental health difficulties and minority stressors were found amongst Southeast Asian LGBTQ people which included significant effect size differences relative to cisgender and heterosexual people. This review underscores the need for a more nuanced understanding of minority stressors and protective factors to inform mental health prevention efforts

    High optical efficiency of ZnO nanoparticles

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    We develop optically efficient photocatalytic ZnO nanoparticles that we chemically embed and well disperse into host PVAc thin films and experimentally demonstrate the highest optical efficiency of ∼70% in ZnO nanoparticle films, with increasing optical spectral efficiency as the excitation wavelength is swept from 370 nm to 290 nm. ©2007 Optical Society of America

    Photonic devices and systems embedded with nanocyrstals

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    We review our research work on the development of photonic devices and systems embedded with nanocyrstals for new functionality within EU Phoremost Network of Excellence on nanophotonics. Here we report on CdSe/ZnS nanocrystalbased hybrid optoelectronic devices and systems used for scintillation to enhance optical detection and imaging in the ultraviolet range and for optical modulation via electric field dependent optical absorption and photoluminescence in the visible. In our collaboration with DYO, we also present photocatalytic TiO2 nanoparticles incorporated in solgel matrix that are optically activated in the ultraviolet for the purpose of self-cleaning

    Distributed Medical Image Analysis and Diagnosis through Crowd-Sourced Games: A Malaria Case Study

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    In this work we investigate whether the innate visual recognition and learning capabilities of untrained humans can be used in conducting reliable microscopic analysis of biomedical samples toward diagnosis. For this purpose, we designed entertaining digital games that are interfaced with artificial learning and processing back-ends to demonstrate that in the case of binary medical diagnostics decisions (e.g., infected vs. uninfected), with the use of crowd-sourced games it is possible to approach the accuracy of medical experts in making such diagnoses. Specifically, using non-expert gamers we report diagnosis of malaria infected red blood cells with an accuracy that is within 1.25% of the diagnostics decisions made by a trained medical professional

    Size effect in optical activation of TiO2 nanoparticles in photocatalytic process

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