7,095 research outputs found

    Intricacies of the Co3+^{3+} spin state in Sr2_2Co0.5_{0.5}Ir0.5_{0.5}O4_4: an x-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism study

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    We report on a combined soft x-ray absorption and magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) study at the Co-L3,2L_{3,2} on the hybrid 3dd/5dd solid state oxide Sr2_2Co0.5_{0.5}Ir0.5_{0.5}O4_4 with the K2_2NiF4_4 structure. Our data indicate unambiguously a pure high spin state (S=2)(S=2) for the Co3+^{3+} (3d6d^6) ions with a significant unquenched orbital moment Lz/2Sz=0.25L_z/2S_z=0.25 despite the sizeable elongation of the CoO6_6 octahedra. Using quantitative model calculations based on parameters consistent with our spectra, we have investigated the stability of this high spin state with respect to the competing low spin and intermediate spin states.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    An unsuspected ameloblastoma in the subpontic region of the mandible with consideration of pathogenesis from the radiographic course

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    The purpose of this report is to document a case of unsuspected ameloblastoma involving the right man dibular subpontic region in a 38-year-old Cambodian female patient. This lesion was purportedly preceded by multiple radiolucencies which were diagnosed as radi cular cysts and treated a few times in the past years by enucleation followed by endodontic therapy of the affected teeth. Bridgework restoration of the partially edentulous area was performed. This case report de monstrates radiographic changes that occurred in the periods before and after the diagnosis of amelo blas to ma. The case may represent an example of radicular cysts and ameloblastoma occurring as a collision phenomenon, or the ameloblastoma may have arisen as a result of neoplastic transformation of the lining epi thelium in an inflammatory odontogenic epithelial cyst

    A vertical diatomic artificial molecule in the intermediate coupling regime in a parallel and perpendicular magnetic field

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    We present experimental results for the ground state electrochemical potentials of a few electron semiconductor artificial molecule made by vertically coupling two quantum dots, in the intermediate coupling regime, in perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields up to 5 T. We perform a quantitative analysis based on local-spin density functional theory. The agreement between theoretical and experimental results is good, and the phase transitions are well reproduced.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 13 pages and 8 Postscript figure

    Electrical conduction of silicon oxide containing silicon quantum dots

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    Current-voltage measurements have been made at room temperature on a Si-rich silicon oxide film deposited via Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (ECR-PECVD) and annealed at 750 - 1000 ^\circC. The thickness of oxide between Si quantum dots embedded in the film increases with the increase of annealing temperature. This leads to the decrease of current density as the annealing temperature is increased. Assuming the Fowler-Nordheim tunneling mechanism in large electric fields, we obtain an effective barrier height ϕeff\phi_{eff} of \sim 0.7 ±\pm 0.1 eV for an electron tunnelling through an oxide layer between Si quantum dots. The Frenkel-Poole effect can also be used to adequately explain the electrical conduction of the film under the influence of large electric fields. We suggest that at room temperature Si quantum dots can be regarded as traps that capture and emit electrons by means of tunneling.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, submitted to J. Phys. Conden. Mat

    Incommensurate spin correlations in highly oxidized cobaltates La2x_{2-x}Srx_{x}CoO4_{4}

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    We observe quasi-static incommensurate magnetic peaks in neutron scattering experiments on layered cobalt oxides La2-xSrxCoO4 with high Co oxidation states that have been reported to be paramagnetic. This enables us to measure the magnetic excitations in this highly hole-doped incommensurate regime and compare our results with those found in the low-doped incommensurate regime that exhibit hourglass magnetic spectra. The hourglass shape of magnetic excitations completely disappears given a high Sr doping. Moreover, broad low-energy excitations are found, which are not centered at the incommensurate magnetic peak positions but around the quarter-integer values that are typically exhibited by excitations in the checkerboard charge ordered phase. Our findings suggest that the strong inter-site exchange interactions in the undoped islands are critical for the emergence of hourglass spectra in the incommensurate magnetic phases of La2-xSrxCoO4.Comment: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep25117

    cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) regulates angiogenesis by modulating tip cell behavior in a Notch-independent manner

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    cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA) is a ubiquitously expressed serine/threonine kinase that regulates a variety of cellular functions. Here, we demonstrate that endothelial PKA activity is essential for vascular development, specifically regulating the transition from sprouting to stabilization of nascent vessels. Inhibition of endothelial PKA by endothelial cell-specific expression of dominant-negative PKA in mice led to perturbed vascular development, hemorrhage and embryonic lethality at mid-gestation. During perinatal retinal angiogenesis, inhibition of PKA resulted in hypersprouting as a result of increased numbers of tip cells. In zebrafish, cell autonomous PKA inhibition also increased and sustained endothelial cell motility, driving cells to become tip cells. Although these effects of PKA inhibition were highly reminiscent of Notch inhibition effects, our data demonstrate that PKA and Notch independently regulate tip and stalk cell formation and behavior

    Generalizations of Yang-Mills Theory with Nonlinear Constitutive Equations

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    We generalize classical Yang-Mills theory by extending nonlinear constitutive equations for Maxwell fields to non-Abelian gauge groups. Such theories may or may not be Lagrangian. We obtain conditions on the constitutive equations specifying the Lagrangian case, of which recently-discussed non-Abelian Born-Infeld theories are particular examples. Some models in our class possess nontrivial Galilean (c goes to infinity) limits; we determine when such limits exist, and obtain them explicitly.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS3) 10-14 September 2003. Preprint 9 pages including reference

    Vector meson masses in hot nuclear matter : the effect of quantum corrections

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    The medium modification of vector meson masses is studied taking into account the quantum correction effects for the hot and dense hadronic matter. In the framework of Quantum Hadrodynamics, the quantum corrections from the baryon and scalar meson sectors were earlier computed using a nonperturbative variational approach through a realignment of the ground state with baryon-antibaryon and sigma meson condensates. The effect of such corrections was seen to lead to a softer equation of state giving rise to a lower value for the compressibility and, an increase in the in-medium baryonic masses than would be reached when such quantum effects are not taken into account. These quantum corrections arising from the scalar meson sector result in an increase in the masses of the vector mesons in the hot and dense matter, as compared to the situation when only the vacuum polarisation effects from the baryonic sector are taken into account.Comment: 13 pages revtex file, 6 figure

    Creation and evolution of magnetic helicity

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    Projecting a non-Abelian SU(2) vacuum gauge field - a pure gauge constructed from the group element U - onto a fixed (electromagnetic) direction in isospace gives rise to a nontrivial magnetic field, with nonvanishing magnetic helicity, which coincides with the winding number of U. Although the helicity is not conserved under Maxwell (vacuum) evolution, it retains one-half its initial value at infinite time.Comment: Clarifying remarks and references added; 12 pages, 1 figure using BoxedEPSF, REVTeX macros; submitted to Phys Rev D; email to [email protected]