4,341 research outputs found

    Multiple input radio receiver Patent

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    Radio receiver with array of independently steerable antennas for deep space communicatio

    Apparatus for aiding a pilot in avoiding a midair collision between aircraft

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    An apparatus for aiding a pilot in avoiding a midair collision between aircraft is described. A protected aircraft carries a transmitter, a transponder, a receiver, and a data processor; and an intruding cooperating aircraft carries a transponder. The transmitter of the protected aircraft continuously transmits a signal to the transponders of all intruding aircraft. The transponder of each of the intruding aircraft adds the altitude of the intruding aircraft to the signal and transmits it back to the receiver of the protected aircraft. The receiver selects only the signal from the most hazardous intruding aircraft and applies it to the data processor. From this selected signal the data processor determines the closing velocity between the protected and intruding aircraft, the range between the two aircraft, their altitude difference and the time to a possible collision

    Current Densities in Density Functional Theory

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    It is well known that any given density rho(x)can be realized by a determinantal wave function for N particles. The question addressed here is whether any given density rho(x) and current density j(x) can be simultaneously realized by a (finite kinetic energy) determinantal wave function. In case the velocity field v(x) =j(x)/rho(x) is curl free, we provide a solution for all N, and we provide an explicit upper bound for the energy. If the velocity field is not curl free, there is a finite energy solution for all N\geq 4, but we do not provide an explicit energy bound in this case. For N=2 we provide an example of a non curl free velocity field for which there is a solution, and an example for which there is no solution. The case $N=3 with a non curl free velocity field is left open.Comment: 21 pages, latex, reference adde

    Perturbative test of single parameter scaling for 1D random media

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    Products of random matrices associated to one-dimensional random media satisfy a central limit theorem assuring convergence to a gaussian centered at the Lyapunov exponent. The hypothesis of single parameter scaling states that its variance is equal to the Lyapunov exponent. We settle discussions about its validity for a wide class of models by proving that, away from anomalies, single parameter scaling holds to lowest order perturbation theory in the disorder strength. However, it is generically violated at higher order. This is explicitely exhibited for the Anderson model.Comment: minor corrections to previous version, to appear in Annales H. Poincar

    Development of Collembolans after coversion towards organic farming

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    In Northern Germany, a diverse and complex experimental farm of the Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL) was set-up in 2001 covering all main aspects of organic farming. Previously, the 600 ha farm had been managed conventionally. Adjacent conventional farms were used as reference. The aim of this project was to study collembolans, microbial biomass and soil organic carbon in six organically farmed fields managed as a crop rotation of six different crops compared with an adjacent conventionally managed field. We hypothesised that the specific management in organic farming promotes soil biota. Soil samples were taken during the growing season in 2004. Collembolan abundances and microbial biomass were lower under organic management, but, generally, collembolan diversity was higher in organically farmed fields combined with a shifting in the dominance structure of the species. This result reveals that, even after three years, the soil biota is still changing with management conversion

    Contribution of organic farming to conserving and improving biodiversity in Germany avi-fauna as an example

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    Although it is the aim of organic farming to increase biodiversity, there is little information about the impact of organic farming on birds. From 2001 to 2003, the number of breeding birds was recorded annually on the organic experimental farm of the Institute of Organic Farming (600 ha), and on adjacent conventional and organic farms (60 ha and 40 ha) in Northern Germany. The number of skylark (Alauda arvensis) territories increased considerably after the conversion from conventional to organic farming on the premises of the Institute. Their number remained unvaried on the conventional farm. The highest density of skylark territories was found on the farm which has been under organic management for many years. The number of yellowhammer (Emberiza citronella) territories fluctuated largely in relation to the availability of field margin strips, both on conventional and organic land. During the breeding season aerial hunters (swallows and swifts) and raptors significantly preferred organic fields. Outside the breeding season, densities of raptors (in autumn and in winter), seed-eating birds (in autumn) and insect-eating birds (in autumn) were significantly higher on organic than on conventional fields

    Modelling the EC Agricultural Sector: Problem Assessment, Policy Scenarios and Model Outline

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    This paper is composed of three parts: the first section describes the economic situation and past development within the nine member countries of the European Community (EC). Particular emphasis is given to resource and production structure in agriculture as well as agricultural commodity markets. The second part contains a description of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) which is evaluated w.r.t., it's effects on member and non-member countries. This section contains also a discussion of alternative policy scenarios conceivable for later model applications. The third part of this paper gives a brief overview over the structure of the Agricultural Sector Model. This includes a presentation of the macro model with intersectoral linkages between agriculture and the rest of the economy as well as a mathematical formulation of the farm resource and allocation model

    Nonlinear optical properties of a channel waveguide produced with crosslinkable ferroelectric liquid crystals

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    A binary mixture of ferroelectric liquid crystals (FLCs) was used for the design of a channel waveguide. The FLCs possess two important functionalities: a chromophore with a high hyperpolarizability β\beta and photoreactive groups. The smectic liquid crystal is aligned in layers parallel to the glass plates in a sandwich geometry. This alignment offers several advantages, such as that moderate electric fields are sufficient to achieve a high degree of polar order. The arrangement was then permanently fixed by photopolymerization which yielded a polar network possessing a high thermal and mechanical stability which did not show any sign of degradation within the monitored period of several months. The linear and nonlinear optical properties have been measured and all four independent components of the nonlinear susceptibility tensor dˉ\bar d have been determined. The off-resonant dd-coefficients are remarkably high and comparable to those of the best known inorganic materials. The alignment led to an inherent channel waveguide for p-polarized light without additional preparation steps. The photopolymerization did not induce scattering sites in the waveguide and the normalized losses were less than 2 dB/cm. The material offers a great potential for the design of nonlinear optical devices such as frequency doublers of low power laser diodes.Comment: LaTeX2e article, 15 pages, 10 figures, 11 EPS files, submitted to Physical Review

    Herkunftsvergleiche von Legehennen in Station und Feld unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ökologischer Haltungsverfahren

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    Der Beitrag beschreibt die Bedingungen von Legeleistungsprüfungen in Deutschland mit Bezug auf Genotyp Umwelt-Interaktionen. Außerdem werden die Besonderheiten der Eierproduktion auf ökologischer Basis herausgestellt. Daraus werden Anregungen für ein Konzept einer zukünftigen Feldprüfung von Legehennen erarbeitet. In Deutschland werden keine offiziellen Legeleistungsprüfungen der Länder mehr durchgeführt. Unabhängige Leistungsinformationen aus Herkunftsvergleichen stehen daher nur aus einzelnen Prüfungen (LfL Bayern, 2006) zur Verfügung. Interaktionen zwischen Legehennenherkünften und unterschiedlichen Haltungssystemen sind nach Literaturangaben gut belegt. Für die Ökoproduktion von Eiern ist aufgrund der produktionstechnischen Unterschiede zur konventionellen Produktion ebenfalls mit solchen Wechselwirkungen zu rechnen. Deshalb braucht die ökologische Eierproduktion eine Leistungsprüfung, die auf die speziellen Produktionsbedingungen abgestimmt ist. Die Entwicklung eines Feldtests für Legehennen in ökologischer Haltung kann daher ein Weg sein, das gegenwärtige Informationsdefizit der Landwirte über die Leistung und das Verhalten erhältlicher Zuchtprodukte unter Öko-Bedingungen zu verringern. Das Konzept muss eine praktikable Datenerfassung gewährleisten. Ein geeignetes und kostengünstig durchführbares Versuchsdesign zur Ermittlung der durchschnittlichen Eignung von Legehennenherkünften für die ökologische Haltung muss dazu entwickelt werden