703 research outputs found

    Measurement of Single and Double Spin-Flip Probabilities in Inelastic Deuteron Scattering on 12C at 270 MeV

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    The deuteron single and double spin-flip probabilities, S1 and S2, have been measured for the 12C(pol{d},pol{d}') reaction at Ed = 270 MeV for an excitation energy range between 4 and 24 MeV and a scattering angular range between Theta_lab = 2.5 and 7.5 deg. The extracted S1 exhibits characteristic values depending on the structure of the excited state. The S2 is close to zero over the measured excitation energy range. The SFP angular distribution data for the 2+ (4.44 MeV) and 1+ (12.71 MeV) states are well described by the microscopic DWIA calculations

    Three-body dN interaction in the analysis of the 12C(pol_d,d') reaction at 270 MeV

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    We have measured the cross sections and analyzing powers Ay and Ayy for the elastic and inelastic scattering of deuterons from the 0+(g.s.), 2+(4.44 MeV), 3-(9.64 MeV), 1+(12.71 MeV), and 2-(18.3 MeV) states in 12C at an incident energy of 270 MeV. The data are compared with microscopic distorted-wave impulse approximation calculations where the projectile-nucleon effective interactionis taken from the three-nucleon t-matrix given by rigorous Faddeev calculations presently available at intermediate energies. The agreement between theory and data compares well with that for the (p,p') reactions at comparable incident energies/nucleon.Comment: 17 pages, 3 Postscript figure

    The Progression of β-amyloid Deposition in the Frontal Cortex of the Aged Canine

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    Brains from 41 aged canines (≥10 years of age) were examined immunohistochemically to characterize the laminar distribution and age-related progression of β-amyloid (Aβ) in frontal cortex. We classified the Aβ patterns into four distinct types. Type I was characterized by small, faint deposits of Aβ in deep cortical layers. Type II consisted of diffuse deposits of Aβ mainly in layers V and VI. Type III had both dense plaques in superficial layers, and diffuse deposits in deep layers. Finally, Type IV had solely dense plaques throughout all layers of cortex. We compared the Aβ distribution pattern between the Old canines (10–15 years, n=22) and the Very Old canines (\u3e15 years, n=19). The Old group primarily had negative staining, or Type I and Type II patterns of amyloid deposition (73%). Conversely, the Very Old group had predominantly Types II, III and IV deposits (89.5%), a difference that was significant (Pβ deposition in canine frontal cortex is a progressive age-related process beginning with diffuse deposits in the deep cortical layers followed by the development of deposits in outer layers. In support of this hypothesis, the deeper layer diffuse plaques in the Very Old group of dogs also contain the largest proportion of β-amyloid with an isomerized aspartic acid residue at position 7, indicating that these deposits had been present for some time. We also observed fiber-like Aβ immunoreactivity within regions of diffuse Aβ deposits. These fibers appeared to be degenerating neurites, which were negative for hyperphosphorylated tau. Therefore, these fibers may represent a very early form of neuritic change that precede tau hyperphosphorylation or develop by an alternative pathway

    Instrumental Utilization to Elevate Puncture Result in Percutaneous Renal Biopsy

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    In performing percutaneous renal biopsy, it seems that the lesser the amount of the intercalative tissue existing in the space between the derm to the kidney, the more improved the results of puncture would be, with minimal complications of puncture. As we believe such ideal operation may be secured by methods based on open needle biopsy, we have carried out renal puncture by employing the technic which constitutes of insertion of ascites trocar needle in the direction and to the depth as determined by renal explorative needle, followed by removal of the inner trocar needle and insertion of a Tru-Cut needle into the outer trocar. As a result, in 49 out of 50 cases renal tissue could be obtained, the mean length of preparations for optical microscopy being 13.8±4.3 mm and the mean number of the glomerulus contained being 25.3±15.8 with a range from 7 at the smallest and 66 at the greatest. The value of the utilization of outer trocar of the ascites trocar needle as a guide needle in renal puncture was discussed in detail

    Effect of Helium Implantation on Tensile Properties of V-Ti-Cr-Si Type Alloy

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    開始ページ、終了ページ: 冊子体のページ付

    Improved Enamel Acid Resistance Using Biocompatible Nano-Hydroxyapatite Coating Method

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    In this study, we attempted to develop a dental caries prevention method using a bioapatite (BioHap), an eggshell-derived apatite with nanoparticle size and biocompatibility, with a high-concentration fluoride tooth surface application method. The enamel acid resistance after the application of the proposed method was compared with that of a conventional topical application of fluoride using bovine tooth enamel as an example. The tooth samples were divided into three groups based on the preventive treatment applied, and an acid challenge was performed. The samples were evaluated for acid resistance using qualitative and quantitative analytical methods. The BioHap group demonstrated reduced enamel loss and improved micro-Vickers hardness, along with a thick coating layer, decreased reaction area depth, and decreased mineral loss value and lesion depth. The combination of BioHap with high-concentration fluoride led to the formation of a thick coating layer on the enamel surface and better suppression of demineralization than the conventional method, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The proposed biocompatible nano-hydroxyapatite coating method is expected to become a new standard for providing professional care to prevent dental caries

    Characteristics of long-duration inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in rat neocortical neurons in vitro

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    1. The characteristics of long-duration inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (l-IPSPs) which are evoked in rat frontal neocortical neurons by local electrical stimulation were investigated with intracellular recordings from anin vitro slice preparation. 2. Stimulation with suprathreshold intensities evoked l-IPSPs with typical durations of 600–900 msec at resting membrane potential. Conductance increases of 15–60% were measured at the peak amplitude of l-IPSPs (150–250 msec poststimulus). 3. The duration of the conductance increases during l-IPSPs displayed a significant voltage dependence, decreasing as the membrance potential was depolarized and increasing with hyperpolarization. 4. The reversal potential of l-IPSPs is significantly altered by reductions in the extracellular potassium concentration. Therefore it is concluded that l-IPSPs in rat neocortical neurons are generated by the activation of a potassium conductance. 5. l-IPSPs exhibit stimulation fatigue. Stimulation with a frequency of 1 Hz produces a complete fatigue of the conductance increases during l-IPSPs after approximately 20 consecutive stimuli. Recovery from this fatigue requires minutes. 6. l-IPSPs are not blocked by bicuculline but are blocked by baclofen

    Analyzing powers Ayy, Axx, Axz and Ay in the dd->3Hen reaction at 270 MeV

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    The data on the tensor Ayy, Axx, Axz and vector Ay analyzing powers in the dd->3Hen obtained at Td= 270 MeV in the angular range 0 - 110 degrees in the c.m. are presented. The observed negative sign of the tensor analyzing powers Ayy, Axx and Axz at small angles clearly demonstrate the sensitivity to the ratio of the D and S wave component of the 3He wave function. However, the one-nucleon exchange calculations by using the standard 3He wave functions have failed to reproduce the strong variation of the tensor analyzing powers as a function of the angle in the c.m.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to EPJ