19 research outputs found

    Characterization of low-density granulocytes in COVID-19

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    Author summary The emergence of SARS-COV-2 and the ensuing COVID-19 disease has revealed an unprecedented need to understand the pathological mechanisms of acute respiratory infections in more detail. Granulocytes are highly abundant cells of the innate immunity, and thus first responders towards acute infections. However, their excessive activation can cause unwanted tissue damage and detrimental effects in humans. This study identifies a population of low-density granulocytes (LDGs) in COVID-19 patient samples, which has been poorly described in the context of acute infections so far. These cells were subclassified and found to be mainly of immature phenotypes. Further characterization revealed COVID-19 LDGs as a phenotypically diverse population with immunosuppressive characteristics, which seemed to be in line with an elevated recruitment and activation of granulocytes. Altogether, these findings suggest LDG may play a role in COVID-19 disease progression. Severe COVID-19 is characterized by extensive pulmonary complications, to which host immune responses are believed to play a role. As the major arm of innate immunity, neutrophils are one of the first cells recruited to the site of infection where their excessive activation can contribute to lung pathology. Low-density granulocytes (LDGs) are circulating neutrophils, whose numbers increase in some autoimmune diseases and cancer, but are poorly characterized in acute viral infections. Using flow cytometry, we detected a significant increase of LDGs in the blood of acute COVID-19 patients, compared to healthy controls. Based on their surface marker expression, COVID-19-related LDGs exhibit four different populations, which display distinctive stages of granulocytic development and most likely reflect emergency myelopoiesis. Moreover, COVID-19 LDGs show a link with an elevated recruitment and activation of neutrophils. Functional assays demonstrated the immunosuppressive capacities of these cells, which might contribute to impaired lymphocyte responses during acute disease. Taken together, our data confirms a significant granulocyte activation during COVID-19 and suggests that granulocytes of lower density play a role in disease progression.Peer reviewe

    Fluctuating lattice-Boltzmann model for complex fluids

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    We develop and test numerically a lattice-Boltzmann (LB) model for nonideal fluids that incorporates thermal fluctuations. The fluid model is a momentum-conserving thermostat, for which we demonstrate how the temperature can be made equal at all length scales present in the system by having noise both locally in the stress tensor and by shaking the whole system in accord with the local temperature. The validity of the model is extended to a broad range of sound velocities. Our model features a consistent coupling scheme between the fluid and solid molecular dynamics objects, allowing us to use the LB fluid as a heat bath for solutes evolving in time without external Langevin noise added to the solute. This property expands the applicability of LB models to dense, strongly correlated systems with thermal fluctuations and potentially nonideal equations of state. Tests on the fluid itself and on static and dynamic properties of a coarse-grained polymer chain under strong hydrodynamic interactions are used to benchmark the model. The model produces results for single-chain diffusion that are in quantitative agreement with theory.Peer reviewe

    Integrative phylogenetic, phylogeographic and morphological characterisation of the Unio crassus species complex reveals cryptic diversity with important conservation implications

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    The global decline of freshwater mussels and their crucial ecological services highlight the need to understand their phylogeny, phylogeography and patterns of genetic diversity to guide conservation efforts. Such knowledge is urgently needed for Unio crassus, a highly imperilled species originally widespread throughout Europe and southwest Asia. Recent studies have resurrected several species from synonymy based on mitochondrial data, revealing U. crassus to be a complex of cryptic species. To address long-standing taxonomic uncertainties hindering effective conservation, we integrate morphometric, phylogenetic, and phylogeographic analyses to examine species diversity within the U. crassus complex across its entire range. Phylogenetic analyses were performed using cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (815 specimens from 182 populations) and, for selected specimens, whole mitogenome sequences and Anchored Hybrid Enrichment (AHE) data on ∌ 600 nuclear loci. Mito-nuclear discordance was detected, consistent with mitochondrial DNA gene flow between some species during the Pliocene and Pleistocene. Fossil-calibrated phylogenies based on AHE data support a Mediterranean origin for the U. crassus complex in the Early Miocene. The results of our integrative approach support 12 species in the group: the previously recognised Unio bruguierianus, Unio carneus, Unio crassus, Unio damascensis, Unio ionicus, Unio sesirmensis, and Unio tumidiformis, and the reinstatement of five nominal taxa: Unio desectus stat. rev., Unio gontierii stat. rev., Unio mardinensis stat. rev., Unio nanus stat. rev., and Unio vicarius stat. rev. Morphometric analyses of shell contours reveal important morphospace overlaps among these species, highlighting cryptic, but geographically structured, diversity. The distribution, taxonomy, phylogeography, and conservation of each species are succinctly described.We thank Ana-Maria Benedek, Monica SĂźrbu and Jouni Leinikki for their assistance with the fieldwork, and to Jeroen Goud, Sankurie Pye, Fiona Ware, Emily Mitchell, and Aleksandra Skawina for their assistance with the taxonomic investigation. We would also like to thank the editor, Dr. Guillermo OrtĂ­, and two anonymous reviewers for their time and effort in reviewing our manuscript and for their insightful comments and valuable improvements to our work. This publication is based upon work from COST Action CA18239: CONFREMU - Conservation of freshwater mussels: a pan-European approach, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), including STSMs, the interaction of the authors and the writing of the paper. This work was supported by the project ConBiomics: The Missing Approach for the Conservation of Freshwater Bivalves Project No. POCI-01-0145-FEDER-030286, co-financed by FEDER through POCI and by FCT - Fundaç˜ao para a Ciˆencia e a Tecnologia, through national funds. Strategic funding UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020 was provided by FCT. FCT also supported DVG (2020.03848.CEECIND), EF (CEECINST/00027/ 2021/CP2789/CT0003) and MLL (2020.03608.CEECIND). INB, AVK and IVV were supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grants (19-14-00066-P), (21-17-00126) and (21-74-10130) respectively. BVB acknowledges the bioinformatics platform of UMR 8198 for the computing resources to perform time-calibrated phylogenetic analyses; this platform is in part funded by CPER research project CLIMIBIO through the French Minist`ere de l’Enseignement SupÂŽerieur et de la Recherche, the Agence Nationale de la Recherche, the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER) and the region Hauts-de-France (HdF). Support to KD came from the Czech Science Foundation (19–05510S). TT and MT were supported by the National Science Fund of Bulgaria under the project ‘Conservation of freshwater mussels on the Balkan Peninsula’ (KP-06-COST-9/20.07.2022). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the United States Government.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalence of neoplasms among former adolescent psychiatric inpatients

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    Abstract Objective: To examine the association between psychiatric disorders and neoplasms. Methods: A follow-up study of a population-based cohort of patients admitted for psychiatric care between the ages 13–17 years. The cases were patients with a follow-up diagnosis of neoplasm. The K-SADS-PL interview was used to assess DSM-IV based psychiatric diagnoses at adolescence. The treatment episodes due to neoplasms and related psychiatric disorders were extracted from the National Health Care Registers. Results: Of the original cohort, 6.3% of subjects had a neoplasm diagnosis. Male cases were characterized as taking snuff and females as having a fear of becoming obese. 75% of cases had smoked regularly and 47% suffered from substance misuse disorder already in adolescence. At a mean age of 22 years, the diagnoses of skin or soft tissue neoplasms were prevailing, three being malignant neoplasms of the skin, mouth or colon. Non-psychotic disorders were comorbid both two years before (26%) and after (33%) the neoplasm diagnosis. Conclusion: Focus on psychiatric symptoms of patients with neoplasms may enhance their treatment outcome and quality of life

    Implementing flexible demand:real-time price vs. market integration

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    Abstract This paper proposes an agent-based model that combines both spot and balancing electricity markets. From this model, we develop a multi-agent simulation to study the integration of the consumers’ flexibility into the system. Our study identifies the conditions that real-time prices may lead to higher electricity costs, which in turn contradicts the usual claim that such a pricing scheme reduces cost. We show that such undesirable behavior is in fact systemic. Due to the existing structure of the wholesale market, the predicted demand that is used in the formation of the price is never realized since the flexible users will change their demand according to such established price. As the demand is never correctly predicted, the volume traded through the balancing markets increases, leading to higher overall costs. In this case, the system can sustain, and even benefit from, a small number of flexible users, but this solution can never upscale without increasing the total costs. To avoid this problem, we implement the so-called “exclusive groups”. Our results illustrate the importance of rethinking the current practices so that flexibility can be successfully integrated considering scenarios with and without intermittent renewable sources

    Learning analytics for students:synthesis of two user needs studies in Finnish higher education

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    Abstract Recent research has suggested that in learning analytics research and development, students as the users of learning analytics have been left in the periphery. There is a need to engage students as the users of learning analytics. This paper presents common findings from two national level projects in higher education in Finland that focus on developing learning analytics especially for the students. Both have conducted a student-centered needs analysis in order to understand the students’ learning and study experience, and their attitudes, expectations, and concerns of learning analytics, privacy and the use of their data. Data was collected with focus group workshops which combined interviews and co-creation methods. In both of the projects, data from these workshops were analyzed using thematic analysis. The results show that learning analytics development and high-quality pedagogical design should proceed in parallel. Results from these studies will be used to design pedagogically meaningful learning analytics pilots, and recommendations for the use of learning analytics in higher education