611 research outputs found

    Highly efficient 5\u27 capping of mitochondrial RNA with NAD+ and NADH by yeast and human mitochondrial RNA polymerase

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    Bacterial and eukaryotic nuclear RNA polymerases (RNAPs) cap RNA with the oxidized and reduced forms of the metabolic effector nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, NAD+ and NADH, using NAD+ and NADH as non-canonical initiating nucleotides for transcription initiation. Here, we show that mitochondrial RNAPs (mtRNAPs) cap RNA with NAD+ and NADH, and do so more efficiently than nuclear RNAPs. Direct quantitation of NAD+- and NADH-capped RNA demonstrates remarkably high levels of capping in vivo: up to ~60% NAD+ and NADH capping of yeast mitochondrial transcripts, and up to ~15% NAD+ capping of human mitochondrial transcripts. The capping efficiency is determined by promoter sequence at, and upstream of, the transcription start site and, in yeast and human cells, by intracellular NAD+ and NADH levels. Our findings indicate mtRNAPs serve as both sensors and actuators in coupling cellular metabolism to mitochondrial transcriptional outputs, sensing NAD+ and NADH levels and adjusting transcriptional outputs accordingly. © 2018, Bird et al

    Preparation, Characterization and In Vitro Drug Release Studies of 6-mercaptopurine Thin Film

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    Oral thin films of 6-mercaptopurine were fabricated from mucoadhesive polymer, chitosan and polyvinylpyrrolidone for the purpose of prolonging drug release and improving its bioavailability. All fabricated film formulations prepared were smooth and translucent, with good flexibility. The weight and thickness of all the formulations were found to be uniform. These films were also evaluated for surface pH, folding endurance, swelling percentage (% S) and in vitro disintegration time. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) were used to evaluate the physico-chemical nature of the films. In-vitro drug release have shown enhanced release profiles for thin films compared to pure drug and the release patterns have been found to be pH dependant. The results of the study reveals that fabrication of 6-MP oral thin film by using solvent cast technology is a simple and an efficient method for drug delivery to achieve desired therapeutic compliance.Keywords: 6-mercaptopurine; In Vitro Drug Release; SEM; FTI

    Discovery of a Gas-Rich Companion to the Extremely Metal-Poor Galaxy DDO 68

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    We present HI spectral-line imaging of the extremely metal-poor galaxy DDO 68. This system has a nebular oxygen abundance of only 3% Z⊙_{\odot}, making it one of the most metal-deficient galaxies known in the local volume. Surprisingly, DDO 68 is a relatively massive and luminous galaxy for its metal content, making it a significant outlier in the mass-metallicity and luminosity-metallicity relationships. The origin of such a low oxygen abundance in DDO 68 presents a challenge for models of the chemical evolution of galaxies. One possible solution to this problem is the infall of pristine neutral gas, potentially initiated during a gravitational interaction. Using archival HI spectral-line imaging obtained with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array, we have discovered a previously unknown companion of DDO 68. This low-mass (MHI_{\rm HI} == 2.8×\times107^{7} M⊙_{\odot}), recently star-forming (SFRFUV_{\rm FUV} == 1.4×\times10−3^{-3} M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}, SFRHα_{\rm H\alpha} << 7×\times10−5^{-5} M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}) companion has the same systemic velocity as DDO 68 (Vsys_{\rm sys} == 506 km s−1^{-1}; D == 12.74±\pm0.27 Mpc) and is located at a projected distance of 42 kpc. New HI maps obtained with the 100m Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope provide evidence that DDO 68 and this companion are gravitationally interacting at the present time. Low surface brightness HI gas forms a bridge between these objects.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Time dependent density functional theory calculation of van der Waals coefficient C6_{6} of alkali-metal atoms Li, Na, K, alkali dimers Li2_{2}, Na2_{2}, K2_{2} and sodium clusters Nan_{n}

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    In this paper we employ all-electron time dependent density functional theory (TDDFT) to calculate the long range dipole-dipole dispersion coefficient (van der Waals coefficient) C6C_{6} of alkali-metal atoms Li, Na, K, alkali-metal atom dimers Li2_{2}, Na2_{2}, K2_{2} and sodium clusters containing even number of atoms ranging from 2 to 20 atoms. The dispersion coefficients are obtained via Casimir-Polder expression which relates it to the frequency dependent linear polarizabilty at imaginary frequencies. The frequency dependent polarizabilities are calculated by employing TDDFT--based complete sum-over-states expressions for the atoms, and direct TDDFT linear response theory for the closed shell dimers and clusters.Comment: 14 pages of text and 4 figure

    Novel transcriptional signatures for sputum-independent diagnostics of tuberculosis in children

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    Pediatric tuberculosis (TB) is challenging to diagnose, confirmed by growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis at best in 40% of cases. The WHO has assigned high priority to the development of non-sputum diagnostic tools. We therefore sought to identify transcriptional signatures in whole blood of Indian children, capable of discriminating intra-thoracic TB disease from other symptomatic illnesses. We investigated the expression of 198 genes in a training set, comprising 47 TB cases (19 definite/28 probable) and 36 asymptomatic household controls, and identified a 7- and a 10-transcript signature, both including NOD2, GBP5, IFITM1/3, KIF1B and TNIP1. The discriminatory abilities of the signatures were evaluated in a test set comprising 24 TB cases (17 definite/7 probable) and 26 symptomatic non-TB cases. In separating TB-cases from symptomatic non-TB cases, both signatures provided an AUC of 0.94 (95%CI, 0.88–1.00), a sensitivity of 91.7% (95%CI, 71.5–98.5) regardless of culture status, and 100% sensitivity for definite TB. The 7-transcript signature provided a specificity of 80.8% (95%CI, 60.0–92.7), and the 10-transcript signature a specificity of 88.5% (95%CI, 68.7–96.9%). Although warranting exploration and validation in other populations, our findings are promising and potentially relevant for future non-sputum based POC diagnostic tools for pediatric TB.publishedVersio

    BLR1 and FCGR1A transcripts in peripheral blood associate with the extent of intrathoracic tuberculosis in children and predict treatment outcome

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    Biomarkers reflecting the extent of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-induced pathology and normalization during anti-tuberculosis treatment (ATT) would considerably facilitate trials of new treatment regimens and the identification of patients with treatment failure. Therefore, in a cohort of 99 Indian children with intrathoracic tuberculosis (TB), we performed blood transcriptome kinetic analysis during ATT to explore 1) the association between transcriptional biomarkers in whole blood (WB) and the extent of TB disease at diagnosis and treatment outcomes at 2 and 6 months, and 2) the potential of the biomarkers to predict treatment response at 2 and 6 months. We present the first data on the association between transcriptional biomarkers and the extent of TB disease as well as outcome of ATT in children: Expression of three genes down-regulated on ATT (FCGR1A, FPR1 and MMP9) exhibited a positive correlation with the extent of TB disease, whereas expression of eight up-regulated genes (BCL, BLR1, CASP8, CD3E, CD4, CD19, IL7R and TGFBR2) exhibited a negative correlation with the extent of disease. Baseline levels of these transcripts displayed an individual capacity >70% to predict the six-month treatment outcome. In particular, BLR1 and FCGR1A seem to have a potential in monitoring and perhaps tailoring future antituberculosis therapy

    Myosin-X facilitates Shigella-induced membrane protrusions and cell-to-cell spread

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    The intracellular pathogen Shigella flexneri forms membrane protrusions to spread from cell to cell. As protrusions form, myosin-X (Myo10) localizes to Shigella. Electron micrographs of immunogold-labelled Shigella-infected HeLa cells reveal that Myo10 concentrates at the bases and along the sides of bacteria within membrane protrusions. Time-lapse video microscopy shows that a full-length Myo10 GFP-construct cycles along the sides of Shigella within the membrane protrusions as these structures progressively lengthen. RNAi knock-down of Myo10 is associated with shorter protrusions with thicker stalks, and causes a >80% decrease in confluent cell plaque formation. Myo10 also concentrates in membrane protrusions formed by another intracellular bacteria, Listeria, and knock-down of Myo10 also impairs Listeria plaque formation. In Cos7 cells (contain low concentrations of Myo10), the expression of full-length Myo10 nearly doubles Shigella-induced protrusion length, and lengthening requires the head domain, as well as the tail-PH domain, but not the FERM domain. The GFP-Myo10-HMM domain localizes to the sides of Shigella within membrane protrusions and the GFP-Myo10-PH domain localizes to host cell membranes. We conclude that Myo10 generates the force to enhance bacterial-induced protrusions by binding its head region to actin filaments and its PH tail domain to the peripheral membrane

    A Comparison of Clustering Techniques for Meteorological Analysis

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    Present work proposes the application of several clustering techniques (k-means, SOM k-means, k-medoids, and agglomerative hierarchical) to analyze the climatological conditions in different places. To do so, real-life data from data acquisition stations in Spain are analyzed, provided by AEMET (Spanish Meteorological Agency). Some of the main meteorological variables daily acquired by these stations are studied in order to analyse the variability of the environmental conditions in the selected places. Additionally, it is intended to characterize the stations according to their location, which could be applied for any other station. A comprehensive analysis of four different clustering techniques is performed, giving interesting results for a meteorological analysis
