349 research outputs found

    Bordetella Holmesii-Like Organisms Associated with Septicemia, Endocarditis, and Respiratory Failure

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    We recovered an unusual bacterial strain from blood or sputum of three patients with septicemia, endocarditis, and/or respiratory failure. The three isolates were thin, curved, gram-negative, light brown, pigment-producing bacilli with variable catalase activity. They were asaccharolytic, oxidasenegative, nonmotile, and fastidious. Identification was not possible on the basis of these characteristics alone or in combination with cellular fatty acid profiles. Nucleic acid amplification and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that all three isolates were identical and most closely related to the emerging pathogen Bordetella holmesii, diverging from the published sequence at three nucleotide positions (99.8% similarity). Isolation of a B. holmesii-like pathogen from sputum suggests that, in addition to producing septicemia, the organism may inhabit the respiratory tract like other Bordetella species

    Babesia divergens–like Infection, Washington State

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    Most reported U.S. zoonotic cases of babesiosis have occurred in the Northeast and been caused by Babesia microti. In Washington State, three cases of babesiosis have been reported previously, which were caused by WA1 (for “Washington 1”)-type parasites. We investigated a case of babesiosis in Washington in an 82–year-old man whose spleen had been removed and whose parasitemia level was 41.4%. The complete 18S ribosomal RNA gene of the parasite was amplified from specimens of his whole blood by polymerase chain reaction. Phylogenetic analysis showed the parasite is most closely related, but not identical, to B. divergens (similarity score, 99.5%), a bovine parasite in Europe. By indirect fluorescent-antibody testing, his serum reacted to B. divergens but not to B. microti or WA1 antigens. This case demonstrates that babesiosis can be caused by novel parasites detectable by manual examination of blood smears but not by serologic or molecular testing for B. microti or WA1-type parasites

    mRNA Detection in Anal Cytology: A Feasible Approach for Anal Cancer Screening in Men Who Have Sex with Men Living With HIV

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    There is growing interest in anal cancer screening strategies. However, cytological/molecular evaluation of anal samples is challenging. We aimed to determine the feasibility of detecting, in anal liquid-based cytologies, the expression of biomarkers involved in the cell cycle disturbance elicited by human papillomavirus (HPV). The accuracy of this approach in the identification of high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions/anal intraepithelial neoplasia grade2-3 (HSIL/AIN2-3) was also evaluated. 215 anal cytologies from men having sex with men living with human immunodeficiency virus were evaluated. Patients showing concordant cytological and anoscopy-directed biopsy diagnosis were selected: 70 with negative cytology and HPV test, 70 with low-grade SIL (LSIL/AIN1) cytology and biopsy, and 75 with cytology and biopsy of HSIL/AIN2-3. CDKN2A/p16, MKI67 and TOP2A mRNA expression was analyzed. HPV detection was performed with Xpert HPV Assay (Cepheid, Sunnyvale, CA, USA). HSIL/AIN2-3 showed higher expression for the biomarkers than LSIL/AIN1 or negative samples. The specificity for HSIL/AIN2-3 detection for a sensitivity established at 70% was 44.7% (95%confidence interval [CI] 36.5-53.2) for TOP2A and MKI67 and 54.5% (95%CI 46.0-62.8%) for CDKN2A/p16. mRNA detection of cell biomarkers in anal liquid-based cytology is feasible. Further studies are warranted to confirm if strategies based on mRNA detection have any role in anal cancer screening

    Detection of Borrelia-specific 16S rRNA sequence in total RNA extracted from Ixodes ricinus ticks

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    A reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction based assay for Borrelia species detection in ticks was developed. The method was based on amplification of 552 nucleotide bases long sequence of 16S rRNA, targeted by Borrelia specific primers. In the present study, total RNA extracted from Ixodes ricinus ticks was used as template. The results showed higher sensitivity for Borrelia detection as compared to standard dark-field microscopy. Method specificity was confirmed by cloning and sequencing of obtained 552 base pairs long amplicons. Phylogenetic analysis of obtained sequences showed that they belong to B. lusitaniae and B. afzelii genospecies. RT-PCR based method presented in this paper could be very useful as a screening test for detecting pathogen presence, especially when in investigations is required extraction of total RNA from ticks

    Symptomatic asymmetry in the first six months of life: differential diagnosis

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    Asymmetry in infancy is a clinical condition with a wide variation in appearances (shape, posture, and movement), etiology, localization, and severity. The prevalence of an asymmetric positional preference is 12% of all newborns during the first six months of life. The asymmetry is either idiopathic or symptomatic. Pediatricians and physiotherapists have to distinguish symptomatic asymmetry (SA) from idiopathic asymmetry (IA) when examining young infants with a positional preference to determine the prognosis and the intervention strategy. The majority of cases will be idiopathic, but the initial presentation of a positional preference might be a symptom of a more serious underlying disorder. The purpose of this review is to synthesize the current information on the incidence of SA, as well as the possible causes and the accompanying signs that differentiate SA from IA. This review presents an overview of the nine most prevalent disorders in infants in their first six months of life leading to SA. We have discovered that the literature does not provide a comprehensive analysis of the incidence, characteristics, signs, and symptoms of SA. Knowledge of the presented clues is important in the clinical decision making with regard to young infants with asymmetry. We recommend to design a valid and useful screening instrument

    Seroprevalence of T. Cruzi infection in blood donors and chagas cardiomyopathy in patients from the coal mining region of coahuila, Mexico

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    Context and Objective: Chagas disease is considered a worldwide emerging disease; it is endemic in Mexico and the state of Coahuila and is considered of little relevance. The objective of this study was to determine the seroprevalence of T. cruzi infection in blood donors and Chagas cardiomyopathy in patients from the coal mining region of Coahuila, Mexico. Design and Setting: Epidemiological, exploratory and prospective study in a general hospital during the period January to June 2011. Methods: We performed laboratory tests ELISA and indirect hemagglutination in three groups of individuals: 1) asymptomatic voluntary blood donors, 2) patients hospitalized in the cardiology department and 3) patients with dilated cardiomyopathy. Results: There were three levels of seroprevalence: 0.31% in asymptomatic individuals, 1.25% in cardiac patients and in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy in 21.14%. Conclusions: In spite of having detected autochthonous cases of Chagas disease, its importance to local public health remains to be established as well as the details of the dynamics of transmission so that the study is still in progress