152 research outputs found

    Exploring the speed limits of liqui chromatography using shear-driven flows through 45 and 85 nm deep nano-channels

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    We explored the possibility to perform high speed and high efficiency liquid chromatographic separations in channels with a sub-100 nm depth. The mobile phase flow through these nano-channels was generated using the shear-driven flow principle to generate high speed flows which were the equivalent of a 12000 bar pressure-driven flow. It was found that the ultra-fast mass transfer kinetics prevailing in this range of small channel depths allow to drastically reduce the C-term contribution to band broadening, at least up to the upper speed limit of our current set-up (7 mm s−1 mobile phase velocity), leaving the inescapable molecular diffusion (i.e., B-term band broadening) as the sole detectable source of band broadening. Due to the greatly reduced mass transfer limitations, 50000 to 100000 theoretical plates could be generated in the span of 1 to 1.5 seconds. This is nearly two orders of magnitude faster than the best performing commercial pressure-driven UHPLC-systems. With the employed channel depths, we appear to have struck a practical lower limit for the channel miniaturization of shear-driven flows. Despite the use of channel substrates with the highest grades of optical flatness, the overall substrate waviness (on the order of some 5 to 10 nm) can no longer be neglected compared to the etched channel depth, which in turn significantly influenced the local retention factor and band broadening

    Determination of the radial profile of the photoelastic coefficient of plastic optical fibers

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    We developed a measurement method to determine the radial distribution of the photoelastic coefficient C(r) in step-index polymer optical fibers (POFs). The method is based on the measurement of the retardance profile of a transversally illuminated fiber for increasing tensile load. The radial profile C(r) is obtained from the inverse Abel transform of this retardance profile. We measured polymer fibers from different manufacturers. The radial profile of the photoelastic constant can considerable vary depending on the type and treatment of POFs, even when made from similar materials, which leads to the conclusion that the photoelastic constant should be characterized for each different type of POF. The impact of annealing the fiber samples on C(r) is also addressed

    Validity of parent-reported weight and height of preschool children measured at home or estimated without home measurement : a validation study

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    Background: Parental reports are often used in large-scale surveys to assess children's body mass index (BMI). Therefore, it is important to know to what extent these parental reports are valid and whether it makes a difference if the parents measured their children's weight and height at home or whether they simply estimated these values. The aim of this study is to compare the validity of parent-reported height, weight and BMI values of preschool children (3-7 y-old), when measured at home or estimated by parents without actual measurement. Methods: The subjects were 297 Belgian preschool children (52.9% male). Participation rate was 73%. A questionnaire including questions about height and weight of the children was completed by the parents. Nurses measured height and weight following standardised procedures. International age-and sex-specific BMI cut-off values were employed to determine categories of weight status and obesity. Results: On the group level, no important differences in accuracy of reported height, weight and BMI were identified between parent-measured or estimated values. However, for all 3 parameters, the correlations between parental reports and nurse measurements were higher in the group of children whose body dimensions were measured by the parents. Sensitivity for underweight and overweight/obesity were respectively 73% and 47% when parents measured their child's height and weight, and 55% and 47% when parents estimated values without measurement. Specificity for underweight and overweight/obesity were respectively 82% and 97% when parents measured the children, and 75% and 93% with parent estimations. Conclusions: Diagnostic measures were more accurate when parents measured their child's weight and height at home than when those dimensions were based on parental judgements. When parent-reported data on an individual level is used, the accuracy could be improved by encouraging the parents to measure weight and height of their children at home

    Evaluation of 3D printed gelatin-based scaffolds with varying pore size for MSC-based adipose tissue engineering

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    Adipose tissue engineering aims to provide solutions to patients who require tissue reconstruction following mastectomies or other soft tissue trauma. Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) robustly differentiate into the adipogenic lineage and are attractive candidates for adipose tissue engineering. This work investigates whether pore size modulates adipogenic differentiation of MSCs toward identifying optimal scaffold pore size and whether pore size modulates spatial infiltration of adipogenically differentiated cells. To assess this, extrusion-based 3D printing is used to fabricate photo-crosslinkable gelatin-based scaffolds with pore sizes in the range of 200-600 mu m. The adipogenic differentiation of MSCs seeded onto these scaffolds is evaluated and robust lipid droplet formation is observed across all scaffold groups as early as after day 6 of culture. Expression of adipogenic genes on scaffolds increases significantly over time, compared to TCP controls. Furthermore, it is found that the spatial distribution of cells is dependent on the scaffold pore size, with larger pores leading to a more uniform spatial distribution of adipogenically differentiated cells. Overall, these data provide first insights into the role of scaffold pore size on MSC-based adipogenic differentiation and contribute toward the rational design of biomaterials for adipose tissue engineering in 3D volumetric spaces

    Photo-crosslinkable recombinant collagen mimics for tissue engineering applications

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    Gelatin is frequently used in various biomedical applications. However, gelatin is generally extracted from an animal source, which can result in issues with reproducibility as well as pathogen transmittance. Therefore, we have investigated the potential of a recombinant peptide based on collagen I (RCPhC1) for tissue engineering applications and more specifically for adipose tissue regeneration. In the current paper, RCPhC1 was functionalized with photo-crosslinkable methacrylamide moieties to enable subsequent UV-induced crosslinking in the presence of a photo-initiator. The resulting biomaterial (RCPhC1-MA) was characterized by evaluating the crosslinking behaviour, the mechanical properties, the gel fraction, the swelling properties and the biocompatibility. The obtained results were compared with the data obtained for methacrylamide-modified gelatin (Gel-MA). The results indicated that the properties of RCPhC1-MA networks are comparable to those of animal-derived Gel-MA. RCPhC1-MA is thus an attractive synthetic alternative for animal-derived Gel-MA and is envisioned to be applicable for a wide range of tissue engineering purposes
