1,652 research outputs found

    Precipitation detector Patent

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    Precipitation detector and mechanism for stopping and restarting machinery at initiation and cessation of rai


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    Optical parameters of leaves of seven weed species

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    The absorption coefficient (k), infinite reflectance (R), and scattering coefficient (s) were tabulated for five wavelengths and analyzed for statistical differences for seven weed species. The wavelengths were: 0.55-micrometer, 0.65-micrometers, 0.85-micrometer, 1.65-micrometers, and 2.20-micrometer. The R of common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album L.), Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), and annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus L.) leaves at the 0.85-micrometer wavelength were significantly (p=0.05) higher than for sunflower (Heliantus annus L.), ragweed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.), or London rocket (Sisymbrium irio L.). Annual sowthistle had the largest k value, and Plamer amaranth (Amaranthus palmer S. Wats.) had the smallest k value at the 0.65 approximately chlorophyll absorption wavelength. In general, john-songress, ragweed parthenium, or London rocket had the largest s values among the five wavelengths, wereas annual sowthistle and plamar amaranth were usually lowest

    Organizational affective tone: a meso perspective on the origins and effects of consistent affect in organizations

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    Grounded in an open systems perspective, we build and test new theory about how the kinds of industries in which an organization participates influences organizational affective tone and connects to workforce strain. We propose that the more an organization's activities lie in consumer-centric industries (e.g., service, retail), the more positive and less negative the organization's affective tone. We connect consumer-centric industry participation and affective tone by explaining how personnel policies and organizational structure generate and sustain consistent positive and negative affect throughout an organization. Additionally, we examine the effects of organizational affective tone on workforce strain. The results of a survey-based study of 24,015 human resource managers, top management team members, and employees of 161 firms largely support our predictions. We discuss the implications of considering macro contextual factors for understanding affect in organizations

    Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz – Karrierewege fĂŒr die gefĂ€ĂŸchirurgische Weiterbildung im deutschsprachigen Raum

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    Die Aus- und Weiterbildung in der GefĂ€ĂŸchirurgie ist in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz Ă€hnlich, weshalb ein Wechsel auch wĂ€hrend der Ausbildungszeit möglich ist.In allen 3 LĂ€ndern ist eine 2‑jĂ€hrige Basisausbildung mit individuellen Unterschieden notwendig. In der Schweiz ist zusĂ€tzlich eine ZwischenprĂŒfung (Basisexamen) zu absolvieren. Die Zeit bis zum Facharzt dauert in allen 3 LĂ€ndern mindestens 6 Jahre. Die Wochenarbeitszeit ist vergleichbar. Ein Unterschied zeigt sich im Bruttolohn, dieser liegt in der Schweiz ĂŒber dem der NachbarlĂ€nder bei allerdings etwas höheren Lebenshaltungskosten. In Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gibt es eine gefĂ€ĂŸchirurgische Fachgesellschaft, in der die Interessen der AssistenzĂ€rzt*innen vertreten werden.Zusammenfassend ist eine gute Aus- und Weiterbildung in allen 3 LĂ€ndern möglich. Die QualitĂ€t der Ausbildung hĂ€ngt allerdings lĂ€nderunabhĂ€ngig auch von der WeiterbildungsstĂ€tte ab. // The continuing education and training in vascular surgery are similar in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Therefore, moving between the countries during the training period is possible. All 3 countries require a 2-year basic training with individual differences. In Switzerland, an intermediate (basic) examination must also be passed. The time to become a specialist is at least 6 years in all three countries. The weekly working hours are comparable. A difference can be seen in the gross salary, which is higher in Switzerland than in neighboring countries; however, the cost of living is somewhat higher as well. Vascular surgeons are organized in a specialist society in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where the interests of residents are also represented. In summary, a high level of education and training is possible in all three countries but the quality of education also depends on the individual training institution, independent of the country

    Alpha-synuclein prevents the formation of spherical mitochondria and apoptosis under oxidative stress

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    Oxidative stress (OS), mitochondrial dysfunction, and dysregulation of alpha-synuclein (aSyn) homeostasis are key pathogenic factors in Parkinson’s disease. Nevertheless, the role of aSyn in mitochondrial physiology remains elusive. Thus, we addressed the impact of aSyn specifically on mitochondrial response to OS in neural cells. We characterize a distinct type of mitochondrial fragmentation, following H(2)O(2) or 6-OHDA-induced OS, defined by spherically-shaped and hyperpolarized mitochondria, termed “mitospheres”. Mitosphere formation mechanistically depended on the fission factor Drp1, and was paralleled by reduced mitochondrial fusion. Furthermore, mitospheres were linked to a decrease in mitochondrial activity, and preceded Caspase3 activation. Even though fragmentation of dysfunctional mitochondria is considered to be a prerequisite for mitochondrial degradation, mitospheres were not degraded via Parkin-mediated mitophagy. Importantly, we provide compelling evidence that aSyn prevents mitosphere formation and reduces apoptosis under OS. In contrast, aSyn did not protect against Rotenone, which led to a different, previously described donut-shaped mitochondrial morphology. Our findings reveal a dichotomic role of aSyn in mitochondrial biology, which is linked to distinct types of stress-induced mitochondrial fragmentation. Specifically, aSyn may be part of a cellular defense mechanism preserving neural mitochondrial homeostasis in the presence of increased OS levels, while not protecting against stressors directly affecting mitochondrial function

    Why growth equals power - and why it shouldn't : constructing visions of China

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    When discussing the success of China's transition from socialism, there is a tendency to focus on growth figures as an indication of performance. Whilst these figures are indeed impressive, we should not confuse growth with development and assume that the former necessarily automatically generates the latter. Much has been done to reduce poverty in China, but the task is not as complete as some observers would suggest; particularly in terms of access to health, education and welfare, and also in dealing with relative (rather than absolute) depravation and poverty. Visions of China have been constructed that exaggerate Chinese development and power in the global system partly to serve political interests, but partly due to the failure to consider the relationship between growth and development, partly due to the failure to disaggregate who gets what in China, and partly due to the persistence of inter-national conceptions of globalised production, trade, and financial flows

    digital design and wooden architecture for arte sella land art park

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    Digital design is increasingly sinking the construction sector, shaping and validating architecture according to various criteria and introducing the wood industry to the 4.0 approach. Within the study entitled "Architecture at Arte Sella", parametric design, structural validations and CNC procedures are exploited to help define, control and assess several architectural woodworks, created with famous designers. This contribution describes the design and construction experiences of Atsushi Kitagawara (2017) and Kengo Kuma (2018–2019), the two masterpieces installed in the land art park of Arte Sella (Trento, Italy) and developed, thanks to the Politecnico di Milano team, from design to mock-ups, testing and construction
