93,981 research outputs found

    Performance Evaluation of Distributed-Antenna Communications Systems Using Beam-Hopping

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    Digital beamforming (DBF) techniques are capable of improving the performance of communications systems significantly. However, if the transmitted signals are conflicted with strong interference, especially, in the direction of the transmitted beams , these directional jamming signals will severely degrade the system performance. In order to efficiently mitigate the interference of the directional jammers, in this contribution a beam-hopping (BH) communications scheme is proposed. In the proposed BH communications scheme, only one pair of the beams is used for transmission and it hops from one to the next according to an assigned BH pattern. In this contribution a range of expressions in terms of the average SINR performance have been derived, when both the uplink and downlink are considered. The average SINR performance of the proposed BH scheme and that of the conventional single-beam (SB) as well as multiple-beam (MB) assisted beam-processing schemes have been investigated. Our analysis and results show that the proposed BH scheme is capable of efficiently combating the directional jamming, with the aid of utilizing the directional gain of the beams generated by both the transmitter and the receiver. Furthermore, the BH scheme is capable of reducing the intercept probability of the communications. Therefore, the proposed BH scheme is suitable for communications, when several distributed antenna arrays are available around a mobile

    Stress-energy Tensor Correlators in N-dim Hot Flat Spaces via the Generalized Zeta-Function Method

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    We calculate the expectation values of the stress-energy bitensor defined at two different spacetime points x,xx, x' of a massless, minimally coupled scalar field with respect to a quantum state at finite temperature TT in a flat NN-dimensional spacetime by means of the generalized zeta-function method. These correlators, also known as the noise kernels, give the fluctuations of energy and momentum density of a quantum field which are essential for the investigation of the physical effects of negative energy density in certain spacetimes or quantum states. They also act as the sources of the Einstein-Langevin equations in stochastic gravity which one can solve for the dynamics of metric fluctuations as in spacetime foams. In terms of constitutions these correlators are one rung above (in the sense of the correlation -- BBGKY or Schwinger-Dyson -- hierarchies) the mean (vacuum and thermal expectation) values of the stress-energy tensor which drive the semiclassical Einstein equation in semiclassical gravity. The low and the high temperature expansions of these correlators are also given here: At low temperatures, the leading order temperature dependence goes like TNT^{N} while at high temperatures they have a T2T^{2} dependence with the subleading terms exponentially suppressed by eTe^{-T}. We also discuss the singular behaviors of the correlators in the xxx'\rightarrow x coincident limit as was done before for massless conformal quantum fields.Comment: 23 pages, no figures. Invited contribution to a Special Issue of Journal of Physics A in honor of Prof. J. S. Dowke

    Quantum mechanical photon-count formula derived by entangled state representation

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    By introducing the thermo entangled state representation, we derived four new photocount distribution formulas for a given density operator of light field. It is shown that these new formulas, which is convenient to calculate the photocount, can be expressed as such integrations over Laguree-Gaussian function with characteristic function, Wigner function, Q-function, and P-function, respectively.Comment: 5 pages, no figur

    Quantum Field Effects on Cosmological Phase Transition in Anisotropic Spacetimes

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    The one-loop renormalized effective potentials for the massive ϕ4\phi^4 theory on the spatially homogeneous models of Bianchi type I and Kantowski-Sachs type are evaluated. It is used to see how the quantum field affects the cosmological phase transition in the anisotropic spacetimes. For reasons of the mathematical technique it is assumed that the spacetimes are slowly varying or have specially metric forms. We obtain the analytic results and present detailed discussions about the quantum field corrections to the symmetry breaking or symmetry restoration in the model spacetimes.Comment: Latex 17 page

    Quantum Brownian motion of multipartite systems and their entanglement dynamics

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    We solve the model of N quantum Brownian oscillators linearly coupled to an environment of quantum oscillators at finite temperature, with no extra assumptions about the structure of the system-environment coupling. Using a compact phase-space formalism, we give a rather quick and direct derivation of the master equation and its solutions for general spectral functions and arbitrary temperatures. Since our framework is intrinsically nonperturbative, we are able to analyze the entanglement dynamics of two oscillators coupled to a common scalar field in previously unexplored regimes, such as off resonance and strong coupling.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Fluctuations of the vacuum energy density of quantum fields in curved spacetime via generalized zeta functions

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    For quantum fields on a curved spacetime with an Euclidean section, we derive a general expression for the stress energy tensor two-point function in terms of the effective action. The renormalized two-point function is given in terms of the second variation of the Mellin transform of the trace of the heat kernel for the quantum fields. For systems for which a spectral decomposition of the wave opearator is possible, we give an exact expression for this two-point function. Explicit examples of the variance to the mean ratio Δ=(2)/(2)\Delta' = (-^2)/(^2) of the vacuum energy density ρ\rho of a massless scalar field are computed for the spatial topologies of Rd×S1R^d\times S^1 and S3S^3, with results of Δ(Rd×S1)=(d+1)(d+2)/2\Delta'(R^d\times S^1) =(d+1)(d+2)/2, and Δ(S3)=111\Delta'(S^3) = 111 respectively. The large variance signifies the importance of quantum fluctuations and has important implications for the validity of semiclassical gravity theories at sub-Planckian scales. The method presented here can facilitate the calculation of stress-energy fluctuations for quantum fields useful for the analysis of fluctuation effects and critical phenomena in problems ranging from atom optics and mesoscopic physics to early universe and black hole physics.Comment: Uses revte

    Wigner functions of thermo number state, photon subtracted and added thermo vacuum state at finite temperature

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    Based on Takahashi-Umezawa thermo field dynamics and the order-invariance of Weyl ordered operators under similar transformations, we present a new approach to deriving the exact Wigner functions of thermo number state, photon subtracted and added thermo vacuum state. We find that these Wigner functions are related to the Gaussian-Laguerre type functions of temperature, whose statistical properties are then analysed.Comment: 10 pages and 2 figure