890 research outputs found

    A Field-Theoretic Approach to Connes' Gauge Theory on M4×Z2M_4\times Z_2

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    Connes' gauge theory on M4×Z2M_4\times Z_2 is reformulated in the Lagrangian level. It is pointed out that the field strength in Connes' gauge theory is not unique. We explicitly construct a field strength different from Connes' one and prove that our definition leads to the generation-number independent Higgs potential. It is also shown that the nonuniqueness is related to the assumption that two different extensions of the differential geometry are possible when the extra one-form basis χ\chi is introduced to define the differential geometry on M4×Z2M_4\times Z_2. Our reformulation is applied to the standard model based on Connes' color-flavor algebra. A connection between the unimodularity condition and the electric charge quantization is then discussed in the presence or absence of νR\nu_R.Comment: LaTeX file, 16 page

    THE IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMUNITY ECONOMIC EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM (A Study in Nefonaek Village, Kota Lama Sub-district, Kupang City)

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    The aim of this study is to describe and analyze (1) the implementation of the Community Economic Empowerment Program (Pemberdayaan Ekonomi Masyarakat or PEM) in Nefonaek Village, Kota Lama Sub-district, Kupang City and (2) the inhibiting factors in the implementation of that program. This study is a case study conducted qualitatively with the post-positivism paradigm as the research approach. It took place in Nefonaek, Kupang City with a consideration that the area is one of the recipients of PEM funds. This study focused on (1) the implementation of PEM funds and (2) the inhibiting factors in the implementation of PEM funds. A purposive sampling technique was used to determine the informants of the study. This study also collected primary data and secondary data as a source of data through observation, interview, and documentation. The data analysis was done based on the theory of Miles and Huberman (2007). Last but not least, the researchers checked the validity of the findings/conclusions by using a triangulation technique. The results showed that the implementation of PEM in Nefonaek has not been going well; there are various gaps and issues in the environment. It is found that the standards and policy targets in the implementation of PEM were well-formulated but the standards in the use of PEM funds were often misused by the beneficiaries of the program. Keywords: Policy, Implementation, Program, Empowerment, Community DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/11-1-06 Publication date: January 31st 202

    Global-in-time solutions for the isothermal Matovich-Pearson equations

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    In this paper we study the Matovich-Pearson equations describing the process of glass fiber drawing. These equations may be viewed as a 1D-reduction of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations including free boundary, valid for the drawing of a long and thin glass fiber. We concentrate on the isothermal case without surface tension. Then the Matovich-Pearson equations represent a nonlinearly coupled system of an elliptic equation for the axial velocity and a hyperbolic transport equation for the fluid cross-sectional area. We first prove existence of a local solution, and, after constructing appropriate barrier functions, we deduce that the fluid radius is always strictly positive and that the local solution remains in the same regularity class. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first global existence and uniqueness result for this important system of equations

    Implementasi Kemampuan Membaca Intensif dengan Menggunakan Strategi Dr-ta

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    Abstrac: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: Bagaimanakah peningkatan kemampuan membaca intensif dengan menggunakan Strategi DR-TA ( Directed Reading-Thinking aktivirty) Murid kelas III SDN 15 Bekuan kabupaten kapuas Hulu?.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan DR-TA dengan rancangan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang dilakukan di SDN 15 Bekuan kabupaten kapuas Hulu.Teknik dan alat pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu teknik observasi dan teknik tes.Metode dan bentuk penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif.Instrumen yang digunakan adalah lembar observasi. Berdasarkan data dan hasil observasi peserta didik yang diperoleh melalui penelitian saat sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan tindakan hingga pada tindakan akhir (siklusII) menunjukan bahwa: Pada siklus 1 masing masing siswa memperoleh nilai rata rata 49,6, sedangkan pada siklus 2 rata rata memperoleh 77,5. Ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan kemampuan membaca pada siklus 2 sebesar 27,9. Dari hasil observasi tentang kemampuan membaca intensif siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar maka siswa dikatakan mengalami peningkatan di siklus 2, hal ini terlihat dari rata-rata penilaian kemampuan membaca siswa yang meningkat 22,5 dari siklus 1. Dalam pelaksanaan proses belajar mengajar guru sudah sangat optimal dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran. Dari kegiatan pendahuluan sampai kegiatan penutup telah dilaksanakan guru dengan baik, terbukti dari rata-rata siklus 1 (73,7) dan meningkat disiklus 2 (81,6). Dengan menggunakan strategi DR-TA pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas 3 SDN 15 Bekuan,kab.kapuas hulu, dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca intensif. Kata Kunci: strategy directed reading thinking activity, pemahaman membaca, kualitatif. Abstrac: The problem in this study is: "How improved reading skills by using a strategy of intensive DR-TA (Directed Reading-Thinking aktivirty) third grade students of SDN 15 Kapuas Hulu district clot?". Study using DR-TA approach with the design of action research classes are conducted in SDN 15 clot Kapuas district Hulu.Teknik and data collection tools used were observation techniques and tes.Metode techniques and forms of research used is descriptive method with the approach used is kualitatif.Instrumen observation sheet. Based on the data and observations obtained through the students before and after the study be taken up at the end of the action (siklusII) showed that: In cycle 1 each - each students gain value - average 49.6, while the average cycle 2 - average obtain 77.5. This suggests that there is an increase in the ability to read in cycle 2 was 27.9. From the observation of intensive reading ability of students in the learning process the student is said to have increased in cycle 2, it is seen from the average reading ability of students whose assessment increased 22.5 of cycle 1. In the implementation of the teaching and learning process teachers are highly optimized in implementing the learning. Of preliminary activities to cover activities have been carried out with good teachers, evident from the average cycle 1 (73.7) and increased disiklus 2 (81.6). By using DR-TA strategy in Indonesian subjects in Grade 3 SDN 15 Clot, kab.kapuas upstream, can improve the ability of intensive reading

    Perevägivald Lääne-Eestis 2004-2005. Politseistatistika analüüs

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    Vägivalla mõju naiste tervisele: meedikute küsitluse tulemused

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