1,529 research outputs found

    Scattering by flexural phonons in suspended graphene under back gate induced strain

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    We have studied electron scattering by out-of-plane (flexural) phonon modes in doped suspended graphene and its effect on charge transport. In the free-standing case (absence of strain) the flexural branch shows a quadratic dispersion relation, which becomes linear at long wavelength when the sample is under tension due to the rotation symmetry breaking. In the non-strained case, scattering by flexural phonons is the main limitation to electron mobility. This picture changes drastically when strains above uˉ=10−4n(1012 cm−2)\bar{u}=10^{-4} n(10^{12}\,\text{cm}^{-2}) are considered. Here we study in particular the case of back gate induced strain, and apply our theoretical findings to recent experiments in suspended graphene.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Measurement of Scattering Rate and Minimum Conductivity in Graphene

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    The conductivity of graphene samples with various levels of disorder is investigated for a set of specimens with mobility in the range of 1−20×1031-20\times10^3 cm2^2/V sec. Comparing the experimental data with the theoretical transport calculations based on charged impurity scattering, we estimate that the impurity concentration in the samples varies from 2−15×10112-15\times 10^{11} cm−2^{-2}. In the low carrier density limit, the conductivity exhibits values in the range of 2−12e2/h2-12e^2/h, which can be related to the residual density induced by the inhomogeneous charge distribution in the samples. The shape of the conductivity curves indicates that high mobility samples contain some short range disorder whereas low mobility samples are dominated by long range scatterers.Comment: 4 pages 4 figure

    Symbolic dynamics for the NN-centre problem at negative energies

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    We consider the planar NN-centre problem, with homogeneous potentials of degree -\a<0, \a \in [1,2). We prove the existence of infinitely many collisions-free periodic solutions with negative and small energy, for any distribution of the centres inside a compact set. The proof is based upon topological, variational and geometric arguments. The existence result allows to characterize the associated dynamical system with a symbolic dynamics, where the symbols are the partitions of the NN centres in two non-empty sets

    The Non-Trapping Degree of Scattering

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    We consider classical potential scattering. If no orbit is trapped at energy E, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree. This can be calculated explicitly and be used for symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. If the potential is bounded, then in the non-trapping case the boundary of Hill's Region is empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. We consider classical potential scattering. If at energy E no orbit is trapped, the Hamiltonian dynamics defines an integer-valued topological degree deg(E) < 2. This is calculated explicitly for all potentials, and exactly the integers < 2 are shown to occur for suitable potentials. The non-trapping condition is restrictive in the sense that for a bounded potential it is shown to imply that the boundary of Hill's Region in configuration space is either empty or homeomorphic to a sphere. However, in many situations one can decompose a potential into a sum of non-trapping potentials with non-trivial degree and embed symbolic dynamics of multi-obstacle scattering. This comprises a large number of earlier results, obtained by different authors on multi-obstacle scattering.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure Revised and enlarged version, containing more detailed proofs and remark

    Bailout Embeddings, Targeting of KAM Orbits, and the Control of Hamiltonian Chaos

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    We present a novel technique, which we term bailout embedding, that can be used to target orbits having particular properties out of all orbits in a flow or map. We explicitly construct a bailout embedding for Hamiltonian systems so as to target KAM orbits. We show how the bailout dynamics is able to lock onto extremely small KAM islands in an ergodic sea.Comment: 3 figures, 9 subpanel

    Temperature dependent transport in suspended graphene

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    The resistivity of ultra-clean suspended graphene is strongly temperature dependent for 5K<T<240K. At T~5K transport is near-ballistic in a device of ~2um dimension and a mobility ~170,000 cm^2/Vs. At large carrier density, n>0.5*10^11 cm^-2, the resistivity increases with increasing T and is linear above 50K, suggesting carrier scattering from acoustic phonons. At T=240K the mobility is ~120,000 cm^2/Vs, higher than in any known semiconductor. At the charge neutral point we observe a non-universal conductivity that decreases with decreasing T, consistent with a density inhomogeneity <10^8 cm^-2

    Canonical Melnikov theory for diffeomorphisms

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    We study perturbations of diffeomorphisms that have a saddle connection between a pair of normally hyperbolic invariant manifolds. We develop a first-order deformation calculus for invariant manifolds and show that a generalized Melnikov function or Melnikov displacement can be written in a canonical way. This function is defined to be a section of the normal bundle of the saddle connection. We show how our definition reproduces the classical methods of Poincar\'{e} and Melnikov and specializes to methods previously used for exact symplectic and volume-preserving maps. We use the method to detect the transverse intersection of stable and unstable manifolds and relate this intersection to the set of zeros of the Melnikov displacement.Comment: laTeX, 31 pages, 3 figure

    Minimum Conductivity and Evidence for Phase Transitions in Ultra-clean Bilayer Graphene

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    Bilayer graphene (BLG) at the charge neutrality point (CNP) is strongly susceptible to electronic interactions, and expected to undergo a phase transition into a state with spontaneous broken symmetries. By systematically investigating a large number of singly- and doubly-gated bilayer graphene (BLG) devices, we show that an insulating state appears only in devices with high mobility and low extrinsic doping. This insulating state has an associated transition temperature Tc~5K and an energy gap of ~3 meV, thus strongly suggesting a gapped broken symmetry state that is destroyed by very weak disorder. The transition to the intrinsic broken symmetry state can be tuned by disorder, out-of-plane electric field, or carrier density
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