676 research outputs found

    Effects of 9-hour time zone changes on fatigue and circadian rhythms of sleep/wake and core temperature

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    Physiological and psychological disruptions caused by transmeridian flights may affect the ability of flight crews to meet operational demands. To study these effects, 9 Royal Norwegian Airforces P3-Orion crewmembers flew from Norway to California (-9 hr), and back (+9 hr). Rectal temperature, heart rate and wrist activity were recorded every 2 min, fatigue and mood were rated every 2 hr during the waking day, and logs were kept of sleep times and ratings. Subjects also completed 4 personality inventories. The time-zone shifts produced negative changes in mood which persisted longer after westward flights. Sleep quality (subjective and objective) and duration were slightly disrupted (more after eastward flights). The circadian rhythms of sleep/wake and temperature both completed the 9-hr delay by day 5 in California, although temperature adjusted more slowly. The size of the delay shift was significantly correlated with scores on extraversion and achievement need personality scales. Response to the 9-hr advance were more variable. One subject exhibited a 15-hr delay in his temperature rhythm, and an atypical sleep/nap pattern. On average, the sleep/wake cycle (but not the temperature rhythm), completed the 9-hr advance by the end of the study. Both rhythms adapted more slowly after the eastward flight

    Two-axis bend measurement with Bragg gratings in multicore optical fiber

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    We describe what is to our knowledge the first use of fiber Bragg gratings written into three separate cores of a multicore fiber for two-axis curvature measurement. The gratings act as independent, but isothermal, fiber strain gauges for which local curvature determines the difference in strain between cores, permitting temperature-independent bend measurement. (C) 2003 Optical Society of America

    Alertness management in two-person long-haul flight operations

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    Long-haul flight operations involve cumulative sleep loss, circadian disruption, and extended and irregular duty schedules. These factors reduce pilot alertness and performance on the flightdeck. Conceptually and operationally, alertness management in flight operations can be divided into preventive strategies and operational countermeasures. Preventive strategies are utilized prior to a duty period to mitigate or reduce the effects of sleep loss, circadian disruption and fatigue during subsequent flight operations. Operational countermeasures are used during operations as acute techniques for maintaining performance and alertness. Results from previous NASA Ames field studies document the sleep loss and circadian disruption in three-person long-haul flying and illustrate the application of preventive strategies and operational countermeasures. One strategy that can be used in both a preventive and operational manner is strategic napping. The application and effectiveness of strategic napping in long-haul operations will be discussed. Finally, long-haul flying in two-person highly automated aircraft capable of extended range operations will create new challenges to maintaining pilot alertness and performance. Alertness management issues in this flight environment will be explored

    Insomnia - treatment pathways, costs and quality of life

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insomnia is perhaps the most common sleep disorder in the general population, and is characterised by a range of complaints around difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep, together with impaired waking function. There is little quantitative information on treatment pathways, costs and outcomes. The aims of this New Zealand study were to determine from which healthcare practitioners patients with insomnia sought treatment, treatment pathways followed, the net costs of treatment and the quality of life improvements obtained.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was retrospective and prevalence based, and was both cost effectiveness (CEA) and a cost utility (CUA) analysis. Micro costing techniques were used and a societal analytic perspective was adopted. A deterministic decision tree model was used to estimate base case values, and a stochastic version, with Monte Carlo simulation, was used to perform sensitivity analysis. A probability and cost were attached to each event which enabled the costs for the treatment pathways and average treatment cost to be calculated. The inputs to the model were prevalence, event probabilities, resource utilisations, and unit costs. Direct costs and QALYs gained were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The total net benefit of treating a person with insomnia was 482(thetotalbasecasecostof482 (the total base case cost of 145 less health costs avoided of 628).WhentheseresultswereappliedtothetotalatriskpopulationinNewZealandadditionaltreatmentcostsincurredwere628). When these results were applied to the total at-risk population in New Zealand additional treatment costs incurred were 6.6 million, costs avoided 28.4millionandnetbenefitswere28.4 million and net benefits were 21.8 million. The incremental net benefit when insomnia was "successfully" treated was $3,072 per QALY gained.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study has brought to light a number of problems relating to the treatment of insomnia in New Zealand. There is both inadequate access to publicly funded treatment and insufficient publicly available information from which a consumer is able to make an informed decision on the treatment and provider options. This study suggests that successful treatment of insomnia leads to direct cost savings and improved quality of life.</p

    Transformação de algodão (Gossypium Hirsutum L.) através do uso de policátion.

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    Oscillatory correlates of auditory working memory examined with human electrocorticography

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    This work examines how sounds are held in auditory working memory (AWM) in humans by examining oscillatory local field potentials (LFPs) in candidate brain regions. Previous fMRI studies by our group demonstrated blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response increases during maintenance in auditory cortex, inferior frontal cortex and the hippocampus using a paradigm with a delay period greater than 10s. The relationship between such BOLD changes and ensemble activity in different frequency bands is complex, and the long delay period raised the possibility that long-term memory mechanisms were engaged. Here we assessed LFPs in different frequency bands in six subjects with recordings from all candidate brain regions using a paradigm with a short delay period of 3 s. Sustained delay activity was demonstrated in all areas, with different patterns in the different areas. Enhancement in low frequency (delta) power and suppression across higher frequencies (beta/ gamma) were demonstrated in primary auditory cortex in medial Heschl’s gyrus (HG) whilst non-primary cortex showed patterns of enhancement and suppression that altered at different levels of the auditory hierarchy from lateral HG to superior- and middle-temporal gyrus. Inferior frontal cortex showed increasing suppression with increasing frequency. The hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus showed low frequency increases and high frequency decreases in oscillatory activity. This work demonstrates sustained activity patterns during AWM maintenance, with prominent low-frequency increases in medial temporal lobe regions

    A sound-sensitive source of alpha oscillations in human non-primary auditory cortex

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    The functional organization of human auditory cortex can be probed by characterizing responses to various classes of sound at different anatomical locations. Along with histological studies this approach has revealed a primary field in posteromedial Heschl's gyrus (HG) with pronounced induced high-frequency (70-150 Hz) activity and short-latency responses that phase-lock to rapid transient sounds. Low-frequency neural oscillations are also relevant to stimulus processing and information flow, however their distribution within auditory cortex has not been established. Alpha activity (7-14 Hz) in particular has been associated with processes that may differentially engage earlier versus later levels of the cortical hierarchy, including functional inhibition and the communication of sensory predictions. These theories derive largely from the study of occipitoparietal sources readily detectable in scalp electroencephalography. To characterize the anatomical basis and functional significance of less accessible temporal-lobe alpha activity we analyzed responses to sentences in seven human adults (four female) with epilepsy who had been implanted with electrodes in superior temporal cortex. In contrast to primary cortex in posteromedial HG, a non-primary field in anterolateral HG was characterized by high spontaneous alpha activity that was strongly suppressed during auditory stimulation. Alpha-power suppression decreased with distance from anterolateral HG throughout superior temporal cortex, and was more pronounced for clear compared to degraded speech. This suppression could not be accounted for solely by a change in the slope of the power spectrum. The differential manifestation and stimulus-sensitivity of alpha oscillations across auditory fields should be accounted for in theories of their generation and function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTTo understand how auditory cortex is organized in support of perception, we recorded from patients implanted with electrodes for clinical reasons. This allowed measurement of activity in brain regions at different levels of sensory processing. Oscillations in the alpha range (7-14 Hz) have been associated with functions including sensory prediction and inhibition of regions handling irrelevant information, but their distribution within auditory cortex is not known. A key finding was that these oscillations dominated in one particular non-primary field, anterolateral Heschl's gyrus, and were suppressed when subjects listened to sentences. These results build on our knowledge of the functional organization of auditory cortex and provide anatomical constraints on theories of the generation and function of alpha oscillations