479 research outputs found

    Precision Measurements of d(d,p)t and d(d,n)^3He Total Cross Sections at Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis Energies

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    Recent Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) measurements have determined the baryon density of the Universe Ωb\Omega_b with a precision of about 4%. With Ωb\Omega_b tightly constrained, comparisons of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) abundance predictions to primordial abundance observations can be made and used to test BBN models and/or to further constrain abundances of isotopes with weak observational limits. To push the limits and improve constraints on BBN models, uncertainties in key nuclear reaction rates must be minimized. To this end, we made new precise measurements of the d(d,p)t and d(d,n)^3He total cross sections at lab energies from 110 keV to 650 keV. A complete fit was performed in energy and angle to both angular distribution and normalization data for both reactions simultaneously. By including parameters for experimental variables in the fit, error correlations between detectors, reactions, and reaction energies were accurately tabulated by computational methods. With uncertainties around 2% +/- 1% scale error, these new measurements significantly improve on the existing data set. At relevant temperatures, using the data of the present work, both reaction rates are found to be about 7% higher than those in the widely used Nuclear Astrophysics Compilation of Reaction Rates (NACRE). These data will thus lead not only to reduced uncertainties, but also to modifications in the BBN abundance predictions.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, minor editorial change

    LiBeB: High and low energy cosmic ray production and comparison with neutrino induced nucleosynthesis in SNII

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    We present new calculations of LiBeB production by accelerated particles with various compositions and energy spectra ranging from low energies to relativistic energies, and various ambient medium metallicities (Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot). The observed, essentially constant, Be/Fe ratio as a function of Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot can be best understood if the metallicity of the accelerated particles (high energy or low energy) does not vary much with Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot. This could be achieved if the particles are accelerated directly from the ejecta of Type II supernovae (SNII) and not from the interstellar medium. Using the observed Be/Fe and the fact that most of the Fe at low Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot is from SNII, we derive the energy content in accelerated particles per SNII (a few times 1050^{50} erg). We show that additional 11^{11}B production by neutrinos is consistent with the available data, allowing a neutrino yield from SNII less than or equal to the nominal published yields. We further show that the observed 6^6Li at low Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot suggests that the accelerated particles responsible for the LiBeB at such Z/Z⊙Z/Z_\odot are confined to low energies and have a relatively high He/O abundance.Comment: 9 pages with 4 emdedded figures, uuencoded, compressed, tared, style files included. In press Nuclei In the Cosmos, Nuclear Physics, Conference Proceeding

    The deuterium-to-oxygen ratio in the interstellar medium

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    Because the ionization balances for HI, OI, and DI are locked together by charge exchange, D/O is an important tracer for the value of the D/H ratio and for potential spatial variations in the ratio. As the DI and OI column densities are of similar orders of magnitude for a given sight line, comparisons of the two values will generally be less subject to systematic errors than comparisons of DI and HI, which differ by about five orders of magnitude. Moreover, D/O is additionally sensitive to astration, because as stars destroy deuterium, they should produce oxygen. We report here the results of a survey of D/O in the interstellar medium performed with FUSE. We also compare these results with those for D/N. Together with a few results from previous missions, the sample totals 24 lines of sight. The distances range from a few pc to ~2000 pc and log N(DI) from ~13 to ~16 (cm-2). The D/O ratio is constant in the local interstellar medium out to distances of ~150 pc and N(DI) ~ 1x10^15 cm-2, i.e. within the Local Bubble. In this region of the interstellar space, we find D/O = (3.84+/-0.16)x10^-2 (1 sigma in the mean). The homogeneity of the local D/O measurements shows that the spatial variations in the local D/H and O/H must be extremely small, if any. A comparison of the Local Bubble mean value with the few D/O measurements available for low metallicity quasar sight lines shows that the D/O ratio decreases with cosmic evolution, as expected. Beyond the Local Bubble we detected significant spatial variations in the value of D/O. This likely implies a variation in D/H, as O/H is known to not vary significantly over the distances covered in this study. Our dataset suggests a present-epoch deuterium abundance below 1x10^-5, i.e. lower than the value usually assumed, around 1.5x10^-5.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    On the formation of black holes in non-symmetric gravity

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    It has been recently suggested that the Non-symmetric Gravitational Theory (NGT) is free of black holes. Here, we study the linear version of NGT. We find that even with spherical symmetry the skew part of the metric is generally non-static. In addition, if the skew field is initially regular, it will remain regular everywhere and, in particular, at the horizon. Therefore, in the fully-nonlinear theory, if the initial skew-field is sufficiently small, the formation of a black hole is to be anticipated.Comment: 9 pages, ordinary LaTex

    Examining Factors in the Research Institute on Addictions Self-Inventory (RIASI): Associations with Alcohol Use and Problems at Assessment and Follow-Up

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    Impaired driving is a leading cause of alcohol-related deaths and injuries. Rehabilitation or remedial programs, involving assessment and screening of convicted impaired drivers to determine problem severity and appropriate programs, are an important component of society’s response to this problem. Ontario’s remedial program, Back on Track (BOT), involves an assessment process that includes administration of the Research Institute on Addictions Self-Inventory (RIASI) to determine assignment to an education or treatment program. The purpose of this study is to identify factors within the RIASI and examine how factor scores are associated with alcohol use and problem indicators at assessment and six-month follow-up. The sample included 22,298 individuals who completed BOT from 2000 to 2005. Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation was conducted on RIASI data and an eight factor solution was retained: (1) Negative Affect, (2) Sensation Seeking, (3) Alcohol-Quantity, (4) Social Conformity, (5) High Risk Lifestyle, (6) Alcohol Problems, (7) Interpersonal Competence, and (8) Family History. Regression analyses were conducted to examine associations between factors and alcohol and problem measures obtained at assessment and at follow-up. Most factors, except for Interpersonal Competence, were associated with more alcohol use and problems at assessment. A similar pattern was observed at 6-month follow-up, but interestingly some factors (Negative Affect, Sensation Seeking, Alcohol-Quantity and Family History) predicted fewer days of alcohol use. The Interpersonal Competence factor was associated with significantly lower levels of alcohol use and problems at both assessment and follow-up. This work suggests that the RIASI provides information on several domains that have important relationships with alcohol problem severity and outcomes

    Evolution of Li, Be and B in the Galaxy

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    In this paper we study the production of Li, Be and B nuclei by Galactic cosmic ray spallation processes. We include three kinds of processes: (i) spallation by light cosmic rays impinging on interstellar CNO nuclei (direct processes); (ii) spallation by CNO cosmic ray nuclei impinging on interstellar p and 4He (inverse processes); and (iii) alpha-alpha fusion reactions. The latter dominate the production of 6Li and 7Li. We calculate production rates for a closed-box Galactic model, verifying the quadratic dependence of the Be and B abundances for low values of Z. These are quite general results and are known to disagree with observations. We then show that the multi-zone multi-population model we used previously for other aspects of Galactic evolution produces quite good agreement with the linear trend observed at low metallicities without fine tuning. We argue that reported discrepancies between theory and observations do not represent a nucleosynthetic problem, but instead are the consequences of inaccurate treatments of Galactic evolution.Comment: 26 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX. The Astrophysical Journal, in pres

    Firms' Main Market, Human Capital and Wages

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    Recent international trade literature emphasizes two features in characterizing the current patterns of trade: efficiency heterogeneity at the firm level and quality differentiation. This paper explores human capital and wage differences across firms in that context. We build a partial equilibrium model predicting that firms selling in more-remote markets employ higher human capital and pay higher wages to employees within each education group. The channel linking these variables is firms’ endogenous choice of quality. Predictions are tested using Spanish employer-employee matched data that classify firms according to four main destination markets: local, national, European Union, and rest of the World. Employees’ average education is increasing in the remoteness of firm’s main output market. Market–destination wage premia are large, increasing in the remoteness of the market, and increasing in individual education. These results suggest that increasing globalization may play a significant role in raising wage inequality within and across education groups

    Trade costs, quality and the skill premium

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    We develop a monopolistic competition model with non-homothetic factor input bundles where increasing quality requires increasing use of skilled workers. As a result more skill abundant countries export higher quality, higher priced goods. Using a multi-country dataset, we test and confirm the findings in Schott () of a positive effect of skill abundance on unit values identified with US data. We extend the core model with per unit trade costs leading to the Washington apples effect that goods shipped over larger distance are of higher quality. The combination of high-quality goods being relatively skill intensive with the Washington apples effect implies that countries at a larger distance from their trading partners display a higher skill premium. Simulating our model, we find that a doubling of distance of a country relative to all its trading partners raises the skill premium in a country by about 1.6%
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